Vanguard, Shelley and Manetti were suddenly hurtling through mid air, exposed to the freezing arctic elements at an altitude of five hundred feet, plummeting down to certain death! The Manta Craft had literally disintegrated around them! Coming apart in mid air into its component parts with no visible cause! They could hear nothing now but the rush of the howling wind in their ears!
Shelley went numb. Snowflakes adhered to her face and did not melt. Her adventure, her life, was ending before it ever started. She looked in her brother’s direction as he fell through the icy sky to his death.
Talon was airborne and flew to the closest non-flyer. The steady snow accumulated on his large black wings but his speed and range was formidable as he closed in on Avatar.
“Hold tight!” Talon yelled to no avail! The rushing air stole his words as fast as they came out.
Avatar waved him off pointing to others that needed help!
Talon continued his momentum and banked left, swooping straight down toward the star-spangled Soldier!
Soldier was coolly scanning the terrain below as he fell. He was clearly an experienced paratrooper and was steering his body, flying through the air. Talon saw that Soldier was actually bracing for impact! The patriotic powerhouse clearly expected to survive a fall from 60 stories high!
Talon wasn’t taking any chances however. The avian anti-hero grabbed Soldier from under the shoulders and began a slow descent into the snowstorm, hoping that everyone else had an exit strategy!
Soldier turned his head and saw Talon carrying him; the one who was his polar opposite on the team! Then the pair looked toward Avatar and saw with their enhanced eyesight something they didn’t believe!
Avatar was falling through the icy sky when suddenly a veil opened in the clouds and a dramatic shaft of midnight sunlight stabbed downward, illuminating John. Then, impossibly, a shape descended and rode that sunshaft toward Avatar!
It was the white Pegasus, scion of Poseidon and foaled by the Gorgon Medusa! It that bore Bellerophon into battle against the Chimera; it that could not be tamed my any mortal against its will! Avatar sensed something like energy coming from it!
Talon and Soldier didn’t believe it. Must’ve been the poor visibility fouling their vision.
The impossible equine angel flew with the speed of Hermes and saddled Avatar in mid air, mere dozens of feet before impact! There was no time for it to save another, only the Avatar of Olympus.
Lightning Strike was falling. The sparking scientist sensed that the source of the beam that destroyed the Manta Craft emanated from the mysterious valley of mists. Its exact location within that valley lay beyond the range of his powers!
Strike needed to turn into electricity and enter the (now useless) communicator of another team mate. (No need risking damage to the Harper Harness. Strike often burned out his containers)
But 200 feet of open air was too far to risk travelling in electrical form. He could be attracted by the earth, like all lightning, and ground out!
So the high voltage vigilante waited for a team mate to move closer, his cape flailing up behind him as the ground rushed inevitably, unstoppably closer!
Symbiote reached out with his arm towards Slingshot. "Scott!! Tag me so I can help parachute the others down!" No use. No one heard that. Communicators were out too. The powerless Hal waited for the big, lumbering Slingshot to act. Precious seconds ticked by for Hal. And for Shelley.
Forester watched all this unfolding, delaying his action in case it would be needed in the end. Looked likely. But the aerodynamics were hell. Wasn’t going to be easy. He pensively touched the feather tip of an arrow on his back… and waited… and fell.
Sentinel formed energy shields around himself and VWOOP! was suddenly out of the deadly elements. Silence. An odd calmness. Then the beacon of justice fell like a shooting star, his energy sense guiding him through the snowstorm. Wishing for more speed, he barely caught Manetti before the pilot was killed. Manetti said something to Sentinel that couldn’t be heard, but its meaning was understood.
Sentinel extended his energy shields to envelope Manetti and well and turned toward the center of the group, in a last ditch effort to catch or even deflect another. Kirk knew with increasing certainty that he wasn’t going to make it.
Slingshot grew skydiving flaps to steer with from his elastic ebony epidermis. A parachute would be too slow now. He plummeted down toward Symbiote, stretching his arm out ahead of him!
Symbiote was quickly running out of time. His visibility was shot. From out of the white cocoon of swirling snow came a large black hand. The scientific simulator tagged it and immediately replicated Slingshot’s powers! Scott pushed him hard and Hal turned and let himself free fall toward Shelley!
Slingshot deployed a rubbery parachute; it was all he could do to slow the velocity with which he plummeted. Then Scott saw Lightning Strike was still falling. He quickly stretched an arm close to the electric avenger and…
Lightning Strike transformed into living lightning and entered Scott’s Vanguard communicator, burning it out, seconds before impact! SHA-KOW! The two were safe!
Symbiote dive bombed down toward Shelley.
Forester watched and fell and nocked an arrow. The chances of two shots under these conditions were approaching impossible. But the selfless slinger of arrows might have to try, risking his life!
Symbiote soon heard screaming carried on the wind. The snow made Shelley hard to find. Ground coming up fast. He deployed giant hands like a fisherman’s net into the snowstorm in one last desperate attempt! THWUMP!
Hal caught her. He “deployed” a parachute and still hit the ground with a jolt. But they were both unharmed. Shelley cried her relief and the tears became tiny icicles atop her cheeks. She hugged Hal.
Forester, having made sure everyone was safe, only now deployed his parachute arrow, cutting it dangerously close. But the well placed shot had him wafting gently down. He landed with a whisper, and left no trail in the freshly fallen snow.
Everyone was unharmed, for now. But snow was falling steadily and the midnight sunlight was waning. In minutes it would be dark for four hours during which the temperatures would fall to -40 degrees F!
The wind bit and moaned in this, the most inhospitable climate known to man!
In less than a minute, Vanguard was regrouping at the base of the Transantarctic Mountains.
The contents of the plane were unharmed by whatever destroyed the Manta Craft. So was the gear worn by Vanguard. Anything that survived the fall might be recovered given time and light, if it weren’t for the falling snow that threatened to soon blanket it all from sight. That included the now-imperative extreme weather gear.
Strike told Vanguard he had traced the source of the attack from within the valley of mists.
The powerful magnetic disruption that preceded the attack had passed, but the local magnetic disturbance reported in the CHESS files and attributed to the proximity of the south pole remained, jamming communications.
But the silent signal they detected from CHESS satellite was so powerful, the local magnetic disturbance could not dampen it. It too came from the mysterious valley.
Sentinel wanted to quickly enclose the team in an energy construct to protect them from the elements, but it would limit their actions and movements.
Then Vanguard saw Avatar approaching, riding atop a mighty winged steed! His face seemed different and his eyes glowed white. It was now clear to all that John was no longer anything remotely human.
To be continued!
OOC: Actions?
What now?! Please give me actions / intentions for the next 20 minutes!
Fyi, Prolonged exposure to the intense cold will result in hit point and power point damage.
Without any wolf fur to wear, or any heat arrows at his side, Forester is glad that his uniform still has a hood. He spends the next 20 minutes searching the frozen area for any signs of a hidden/buried shelter areas--or clues of anything that seems out of place on the icy continent.
Forester had long suspected that Kairos/Avatar was a lesser god in some Tibetan traditions (a karmic step up from human)--something he also believes true of Sentinel. The physical transformation and flying horse were unexpected--yet not surprising.
He looks forward to hearing more from Avatar--and seeing if Sentinel will build us a psycho-energy igloo!
OOC: Weirdest thing, Forester's actions email arrived several minutes before the email containing Vanguard Issue 90; I knew he was always a step ahead of everyone else!
Without any wolf fur to wear, or any heat arrows at his side, Forester is glad that his uniform still has a hood. He spends the next 20 minutes searching the frozen area for any signs of a hidden/buried shelter areas--or clues of anything that seems out of place on the icy continent.
Forester had long suspected that Kairos/Avatar was a lesser god in some Tibetan traditions (a karmic step up from human)--something he also believes true of Sentinel. The physical transformation and flying horse were unexpected--yet not surprising.
He looks forward to hearing more from Avatar--and seeing if Sentinel will build us a psycho-energy igloo!
OOC: Weirdest thing, Forester's actions email arrived several minutes before the email containing Vanguard Issue 90; I knew he was always a step ahead of everyone else!
IC:Kirk checks to see that everyone is ok. Once confirming, he immediately tries to start gathering the gear and in particular the extreme weather gear. He uses his energy sense to hone in on anything giving off energy to locate it.
He offers to keep anyone who wants to be protected from the elements with him and particularly suggests it to Manetti and Shelly until we find the protective gear.
Kirk suggests that if they want to scout out the area or gather the equipment we do it in groups within reasonable shouting distance of each other of at least two and actually suggests three together so that no one gets lost or worse. One group should keep in visual range of the next group. We also need to sort who has some sort of light capability once it is dark if that part of our gear isn't found.
Upon seeing John descending Kirk says to him, "Now that's an entrance!" And then cautiously adds, "John, that still all you there?" Having not seen anything like this with Avatar before, but knowing about his new powers, he just wants to be sure all is all right with him and he is in control of things. Kirk also checks to see if his 'energy reading' differs from when he wasn't' manifesting his powers.
This is his initial thoughts and actions which may be altered depending on suggestions of others. Once that is done Kirk would suggest they head toward the Valley of the Mists. All the while Kirk keeps his senses alert to be sure that if whatever caused the magnetic 'attack' comes to find them, they aren't taken unawares.
A good weekend to all.
"It's me, Beacon of Liberty...or I think it still is...."
"It's me, Beacon of Liberty...or I think it still is...."
Forester has been bringing two Flare Arrows with him. Both can be used as light sources in the dark. He's never tested the duration, though. Maybe 10 minutes? Maybe an hour? Maybe they can stay miraculously lit for eight days. We'll see...
If possible, Soldier uses his enhanced senses to try and locate the others. If he can spot one of his teammates, he'll move out in the direction of the first person he spots. He'll move at a decent pace, but not to fast. he'll also be on alert for any other possible attack. He'll wonder to himself, "What the hell just hit us?"
OOC: Also, how is cold affecting Soldier? I'm thinking his nanites would provide some type of defense, but it wouldn't protect him for more than a couple of hours before the temp started to have an affect on him.
Once Soldier gets to a central location he'll ask: "Is everyone OK?" and wait for their replies.
He'll then ask: "Anyone have a clue about what just happened?" and wait for replies.
Is there any debris from the aircraft?
GM Replies 1!
Soldier wrote: Is there any debris from the aircraft?
GM Reply: Almost none. It was disintegrated. That which is found, is no bigger than a breadbox.
Soldier wrote: How is the cold affecting Soldier?
GM Reply: Soldier hasn't had experience in these extreme conditions so doesn't know exactly how he'll resist its effects. He can assume the invulnerability will help, but probably would prefer not to remain exposed indefinitely.
You guys need a plan. Soldier knows the chances of survival in the wild plummet without: protection from the elements, warmth, water and food, and staying together.
OOC: If Invulnerability is a help, can't Slingshot just stretch out over us in a dome and keep the elements from us? Maybe keep his eyes outside to keep watch and his ears (or an ear) and his mouth inside to participate in discussion?Not trying to act for Stephane or anything but just thinking about the resources available to us.
I'm assuming that my invulnerability affords me some form of protection against the element, such as it did when we were underwater after the starship.If that's so, I'm more than happy to become a carrier for everyone. Become a big ball with legs. I can walk fast due to my stretchiness (assuming the elements aren't impairing that) and make natural snowshoes and it won't use up needed energy resources for Sentinel.
GM Replies 2:
A big rubber tent will keep the snow off you, and cut the wind, but won't reduce the interior temperature any more than a real tent will.
Invulnerability helps the person who has it for their skin.
So I guess that Sentinel's bubbles is the only thing that will work. It has atmospheric properties (assuming it works in this case). I'll remain outside and follow along as an external help and not to burden Sentinel more.
GM Replies 3:
Sentinel's energy constructs can work. But he cannot heal (power points or hit points) as long as they are "active" since he's not at rest.
The extreme weather gear (cold weather tents and clothing and heaters) can work to an extent.
Slingy tent can work to an extent, if you use heaters (probably better than a fire).
But time is going to hurt you. The longer you're out here the harder it will get.
OOC: Questions for Jeff: You said there was nothing left of the Manta Craft bigger than a breadbox. Do we have any reason to believe the cold weather gear survived the crash?
Question 2: Was Shelly issued a sidearm (possibly relevant for later)? And even if she wasn't I assume Manetti has one...CHESS sidearms are energy blasters, right? Could be useful for starting a fire if we can find a fuel source.
If the whole plane disintegrated I think our best bet is to locate the source of this energy as divined by Lightning Strike and Sentinel and head that way quickly. Hopefully the source of that energy will also include shelter of some kind.
The other issue regarding time is that if we don't find alternate shelter at some point Kirk would lose consciousness, due to lack of sleep if nothing else, and there goes his construct with him, so this is a short-term fix, days at best I would assume.
However, we've all figured out that there is something to 'be found' out here (or something will find us) by the source, so it would seem a matter of doing our best to prevent exposure damage to everyone until we make our way there.
In character, Kirk's knowledge of heroic lore would give him these feelings also.
OOC: Cut to the beginning of Issue 91. A pan shot of the frozen horizon as Slingshot's invulnerable hand breaches the surface of the snow and ice. Kirk's motionless frozen body buried beneath layers of frost nowhere to be seen ....
OOC: Questions for Jeff: You said there was nothing left of the Manta Craft bigger than a breadbox. Do we have any reason to believe the cold weather gear survived the crash?
Question 2: Was Shelly issued a sidearm (possibly relevant for later)? And even if she wasn't I assume Manetti has one...CHESS sidearms are energy blasters, right? Could be useful for starting a fire if we can find a fuel source.
If the whole plane disintegrated I think our best bet is to locate the source of this energy as divined by Lightning Strike and Sentinel and head that way quickly. Hopefully the source of that energy will also include shelter of some kind.
The other issue regarding time is that if we don't find alternate shelter at some point Kirk would lose consciousness, due to lack of sleep if nothing else, and there goes his construct with him, so this is a short-term fix, days at best I would assume.
However, we've all figured out that there is something to 'be found' out here (or something will find us) by the source, so it would seem a matter of doing our best to prevent exposure damage to everyone until we make our way there.
In character, Kirk's knowledge of heroic lore would give him these feelings also.
OOC: Cut to the beginning of Issue 91. A pan shot of the frozen horizon as Slingshot's invulnerable hand breaches the surface of the snow and ice. Kirk's motionless frozen body buried beneath layers of frost nowhere to be seen ....
GM Replies 4:
Hi guys.
Symbiote wrote: You said there was nothing left of the Manta Craft bigger than a breadbox. Do we have any reason to believe the cold weather gear survived the crash?
GM Reply: I literally meant the aircraft itself. (After all, all of you are bigger than a breadbox) :)Things in the craft did not seem to vaporize. They plummeted along with you, across that crazy arc (due to the centrifugal force from the turn the ship was executing when destroyed).
Symbiote wrote: Was Shelly issued a sidearm (possibly relevant for later)? And even if she wasn't I assume Manetti has one...CHESS sidearms are energy blasters, right? Could be useful for starting a fire if we can find a fuel source.
GM Reply: They both were issued CHESS energy pistols, which were stowed in the weapons locker during the flight. You saw that metal box. It likely survived the fall.
Finally saw that GL fan trailer. Wow. Now I know why Seth was weeping.
I believe Strike and/or Sentinel can to some degree sense the source of the energy wave, correct? Is the source in the same direction as the path of debris?
Assuming it is, here's what I propose: Sentinel creates the energy bubble/floating igloo for all concerned except Slingshot and myself. Slingy and I range somewhat ahead and to either flank, looking for the cold weather gear, the weapons locker or anything else that might be useful. Talon could also do flying sortees--he's not protected from the elements as Slingy and I are but he has a lot of health points and power points and his overhead perspective combined with his enhanced vision could be useful.
All the time we move towards the energy source. I'm hoping the energy source will be in an Ice Station Zebra type facility, if not an outright Underground Lair of whoever our villain will be this story arc. He can be evil incarnate for all I care as long as he's got central heat.
Oh, and with Strike's scientific expertise perhaps he can get the wrist communicators working again as we travel along. I'll loan him my tool belt while I'm out ranging.
Seth: Don't feel bad about crying during the Green Lantern fan trailer. Denny did the exact same thing for the trailer to "The Notebook."
Viva Vanguard,
Soldier's IC Reply: "Gentlemen!, we're wasting time, we need to come up with a plan, and do ti fast. The longer we stand around trying to figure out what to do, the worse things are going to get. I don't want to step on anyone's toes, but we need to gather up as much gear as we can, and move toward shelter ASAP (As soon as possible), or we're going to freeze to death.
I believe Strike and/or Sentinel can to some degree sense the source of the energy wave, correct? Is the source in the same direction as the path of debris?
Assuming it is, here's what I propose: Sentinel creates the energy bubble/floating igloo for all concerned except Slingshot and myself. Slingy and I range somewhat ahead and to either flank, looking for the cold weather gear, the weapons locker or anything else that might be useful. Talon could also do flying sortees--he's not protected from the elements as Slingy and I are but he has a lot of health points and power points and his overhead perspective combined with his enhanced vision could be useful.
All the time we move towards the energy source. I'm hoping the energy source will be in an Ice Station Zebra type facility, if not an outright Underground Lair of whoever our villain will be this story arc. He can be evil incarnate for all I care as long as he's got central heat.
Oh, and with Strike's scientific expertise perhaps he can get the wrist communicators working again as we travel along. I'll loan him my tool belt while I'm out ranging.
Seth: Don't feel bad about crying during the Green Lantern fan trailer. Denny did the exact same thing for the trailer to "The Notebook."
Viva Vanguard,
Soldier's IC Reply: "Gentlemen!, we're wasting time, we need to come up with a plan, and do ti fast. The longer we stand around trying to figure out what to do, the worse things are going to get. I don't want to step on anyone's toes, but we need to gather up as much gear as we can, and move toward shelter ASAP (As soon as possible), or we're going to freeze to death.
"Everyone needs to pair up, and sweep the area. Keep an eye on your partner, and look for signs of cold weather injuries. Keep moving, as it'll help you stay warm, and keep an eye out for what ever hit us. Does anyone one have a problem with that? If not, grab a partner, the man standing to your right, and get moving. Grab as much stuff as you can, and gather back here in 15 minutes."
I'll wait for replies.
Forester goes off on his own, as previously described. Another hero might interfere with his camouflage ability. "This will allow one of us to stay behind with the civilians," he says to Soldier, referring to Shelly and Manetti.
Talon's IC reply to Soldier: "Keep your tights on, Uncle Sam! I've already had to save your butt once on this mission. Why don't you make yourself useful, and stay here to sort through the equipment when I bring it back."
Talon takes to the sky, moving in the direction that he thinks the Manta Craft's inertia would carry the cargo. He keeps his elevation low to try and stay out of the worst of the blowing snow, and to avoid getting disoriented.
If he is able to recover any of the missing equipment, he will return it to the group so they can begin to take inventory of the remaining items.
He will make sweeping 180 degree arcs to make the most of his attempt to cover as much ground as possible without separating from the group.
OOC: All fun aside. I'm afraid that our undisciplined individual actions are going to get us into trouble. It makes sense to elect some sort of group leader to weigh opinions, and then delegate responsibilities to those best suited. Anybody ever suggested this?
Jeff has mentioned this a lot.
Talon's IC reply to Soldier: "Keep your tights on, Uncle Sam! I've already had to save your butt once on this mission. Why don't you make yourself useful, and stay here to sort through the equipment when I bring it back."
Talon takes to the sky, moving in the direction that he thinks the Manta Craft's inertia would carry the cargo. He keeps his elevation low to try and stay out of the worst of the blowing snow, and to avoid getting disoriented.
If he is able to recover any of the missing equipment, he will return it to the group so they can begin to take inventory of the remaining items.
He will make sweeping 180 degree arcs to make the most of his attempt to cover as much ground as possible without separating from the group.
OOC: All fun aside. I'm afraid that our undisciplined individual actions are going to get us into trouble. It makes sense to elect some sort of group leader to weigh opinions, and then delegate responsibilities to those best suited. Anybody ever suggested this?
Jeff has mentioned this a lot.
Lightning Strike:
Yes, but until we can find a leader like the Dynamo of yore (research test for new players), it won't happen. Anyway, here is what Strike thinks about all of this chaos. Once we are safely on the ground, Strike will materialize.
Lightning Strike tells the rest of the group the basic coordinates where the magnetic blast originated from. His suggestion is that the non-flying members of the group gather whatever is necessary from the wreckage and attempt to head in the general direction. Symbiote should carry Strike in his device by the fastest means possible (potentially flight from one of the other heroes) and head to that area. Once within beaming distance (i.e. direct electrical signal), Strike can enter whatever is there and hopefully commandeer a vehicle to use to head back to pick up the rest of Vanguard. Given that time is of the essence the faster heroes should head to the location in order to find a way to bring the rest of the heroes back. This goes against all common sense of staying together in harsh conditions but given what we know and our unique abilities, it might make the most sense.
Strike is open to all suggestions.
Once we have taken a short time to recover necessary equipment to adequately arm and protect ourselves(especially the civilians among us). I would be willing to fly Lightning Strike in the direction of the signal. I could use the help in case we get in trouble.
Jeff did warn that we should be careful of carrying LS in Symbiote's harness to avoid frying it. We should use an ineffective electronic device to transport your character to our destination.
I would be able to do the airborne scouting, with Forester moving ahead of the ground based group so that we would have two sets of eyes looking out for potential threat. It would be nice to find some kind of communication equipment to be able to warn one another of potential enemies, and make a hasty plan to protect ourselves as we near our destination.
I'm not sure about trying to procure a vehicle to carry our group. I hope we have some element of surprise, or that our enemy is unsure of our exact location, and I'm afraid that if we did succeed in gaining transportation, it would allow our enemy to track us right back to the group with an attack force.
All of this is speculation, but I don't want to go in unprepared. Anyone else have an idea?
Lightning Strike:
As proposed earlier, I may be able to reconfigure one of the dead communicators to hold my electrical form for the trip. I will leave that to the GM to decide.
Once we have taken a short time to recover necessary equipment to adequately arm and protect ourselves(especially the civilians among us). I would be willing to fly Lightning Strike in the direction of the signal. I could use the help in case we get in trouble.
Jeff did warn that we should be careful of carrying LS in Symbiote's harness to avoid frying it. We should use an ineffective electronic device to transport your character to our destination.
I would be able to do the airborne scouting, with Forester moving ahead of the ground based group so that we would have two sets of eyes looking out for potential threat. It would be nice to find some kind of communication equipment to be able to warn one another of potential enemies, and make a hasty plan to protect ourselves as we near our destination.
I'm not sure about trying to procure a vehicle to carry our group. I hope we have some element of surprise, or that our enemy is unsure of our exact location, and I'm afraid that if we did succeed in gaining transportation, it would allow our enemy to track us right back to the group with an attack force.
All of this is speculation, but I don't want to go in unprepared. Anyone else have an idea?
Lightning Strike:
As proposed earlier, I may be able to reconfigure one of the dead communicators to hold my electrical form for the trip. I will leave that to the GM to decide.
GM Replies 5:
Forester wrote: LOL. Jeff has mentioned this a lot.
GM: Yeah, and a fat lotta good it did! I don't get no respect! :)
Strike, the defunct Vanguard wrist communicators will make a fine receptacle for the ethereal emir of electrcity.
Favorite line: "I don't care if he's evil incarnate as long as he's got central heat."
OooKaayy...here's my suggested revised plan...
1) Sentinel creates our comfy, climate controlled floating igloo.
2) Talon, Lightning Strike (inside Talon's communicator), and Avatar go flying/scouting. I'm a little concerned that neither Talon nor Avatar have any invulnerability protecting them from the cold but they can fly back fast, and they'll be very useful in the item search--Talon has enhanced vision and Avatar seems to be awfully lucky at this sort of thing.
3) Soldier, Symbiote and Slingshot (the Sibilant Squadron!) will ground scout. We all have invulnerability to some degree and Slingy and I can particularly cover a lot of ground by slingshotting ourselves or with giant stretchy strides.
4) I'd really suggest Forester stay with the igloo. He has neither invulnerability nor a fast travelling power but he does have strong offensive capabilities, which Sentinel, Shelly and Manetti will need for protection if the igloo gets attacked while the rest of us are out playing scavenger hunt. Up to you, of course, James.
5) Shelly is also a residential big brain, I'll loan my tool belt to her and ask to work on getting the wrist communicators working again.
6) If one of us finds the energy source, underground lair or whatever I suggest we hold back until the rest of the team can regroup and it can be approached through Lightning Strike's electrical form, Forester's camoflage or whatever.
Think warm thoughts,
I'm good with Greg's suggested plan. Anyone else has any other ideas or revisions?
If Symbiote and the others would prefer that Forester stay back and watch the civilians, he'll do it. While standing guard, he'll try to engage them in small talk, to keep their minds off the severity of the situation. He would like to learn about each of their backgrounds, their interests, and so on, using his performance skills and modest stage experience to keep things as calm as possible.
Should they come under attack, Forester use whichever arrow is best suited for the situation. When in doubt, the Boomerang Arrow would be his first choice against a single opponent, while Manetti radioed the other Vanguardians, if possible.
Kirk will expand his shield to slowly encompass everyone as they discuss their plan (there is no reason for anyone to be exposed at this point). If for some reason someone doesn't want this Kirk does this at a slower speed than usual so they can move out of the perimeter. He will allow anyone leave as they motion to do so.
I would add that scouting the equipment should only take a few minutes time. In particular, given that we have scientific and mathematical geniuses on the team, between Slingy, Symbiote, Strike, and Shelly they should be able to triangulate the most likely areas that the equipment would have spun off to and Strike and Kirk can use energy sense to locate anything 'live'. Also, we've got Avatar with the luck of the gods on his side for finding the most critical elements.
Once the team is ready to move forward there is no reason to do it by foot. Kirk can fly members of the team that can't move under their own power. Although Talon, Slingy, and Symbiote-Slingy can likely move quicker than Kirk's 50 miles per hour, I would question the need at this time for them to do so. The team can move forward with Kirk carrying the bulk and the others perhaps scouting ahead, but not so far ahead as to lose sight of the rest of the team.
Also, remember that if this was not a natural phenomina out here that blew our ship apart, and most of us likely feel it isn't, than likely whatever caused it will be coming to investigate. We'd also have to assume that whatever caused the damage has a radius of operation for it to work its 'attack' - even with Kirk's slowpoke flight of 50 mph shouldn't we come across it within a reasonable time without spitting our defenses. Again, I'm not suggesting we all stay in Kirk's shields (which makes a too convenient target) with everyone together, in fact I would advise some of the more adaptable members to be separate for just that reason at reasonable turns, but it would seem that totally spitting the team once we decide to 'move out' from this area doesn't gain us much. If we don't encounter something within an hour or two, then perhaps we'd have reason to consider otherwise.
And if Strike feels he finds a method to instantaneously beam himself to the source, well that's different than flying through the terrain (and Strike would take off whether the team wanted him to do it or not anyway).
Kirk will say his piece on this and if the team still wants to split forces beyond visible distance will take whoever is left and follow as best he can.
PS I have some old emails in 'pending' still so if I owe anyone an answer on something hopefully I'll get to sort through them again shortly, but wanted to give 'final' replies to Greg's always appreciated 'here's our plan so far' email... thanks for those.
Soldier agrees that this plan sounds reasonable. He'll use his enhanced senses to scan the area, and ask if there's anything else he can do. He's also thinking to himself, that "If we make it through this, there are a few pieces of gear he'd like to pick up." (More on that later). He'll be on alert for anything, and if he spots it, he'll alert the others.
A couple of quick questions, how far ahead do my senses allow me to scout, and how bad is the weather affecting them? Also, can I get a boost up into the air so that I can use my implants to scan farther out around us? Sort of like an airborne sensor system?
I'll scout as per Greg's suggestion but I'll keep in mind my time limit and not fly too far...maybe 40% of my range so that I can get back to the group with time to spare. I'll inform the group that my abilities have time limits and what they are (if I actually know this information).
OOC: Hello Everyone,
Greg's plan seems good enough, except for the number of heroes scouting the area. It makes sense that half of the group should do the scouting, and the other half should protect the civilians and sort through the equipment so we can move quickly once we regroup. Once we decide what we need, we should probably do away with the things we can do without, and move to another location to find shelter from the elements, and do some scouting of the area detailed on our mission objective.
Best Regards,
GM Replies 8:
Avatar can sense the approx. duration of his powers.
Dom, I see Soldier's senses being "combat senses" or reflexes, hence the detect danger increase. Tough to ambush / surprise him / out manuever him.
So I imagine the sense increase doesn't affect the range, just the quality within human range.
Does that sound close to what you envisioned?
Airborne and leading the pack, alongside your pal Talon, you'd have the team's best "detect dangers" as the scouts / advance team.
Snowstorm is cutting visibility. Four hours of darkness will end it.
Getting a boost, that's up to the players.:)
“…except for the number of heroes scouting the area. It makes sense that half of the group should do the scouting, and the other half should protect the civilians and sort through the equipment so we can move quickly once we regroup.”
Fair enough. Since we'll already have once bouncy/stretchy guy out hunting (Slingshot), Symbiote will stay with Sentinel and the civilians and assist Shelly with the wrist communicator repair job (assuming they're repairable). Truth be told Hal's not wild about letting Shelly out of his site anyway.
Best regards,
OOC: As worried as you are about Shelly and as tied to her as you are, she should be a Weakness for you.
GM Replies 9:
What?! The truth is that Hal is Shelley's Weakness!
It'll become much clearer after she single-handedly saves Vanguard in Act III.
We would have movement to assist to a reasonable degree - until or if what we locate exceeds Kirk's carrying capacity, and even then he could perhaps fashion a sled or something along this lines to 'pull' things along while we move along with our passengers. Kirk's creations can encompass a decent sized area, so we needed be 'just standing around'.
“…except for the number of heroes scouting the area. It makes sense that half of the group should do the scouting, and the other half should protect the civilians and sort through the equipment so we can move quickly once we regroup.”
Fair enough. Since we'll already have once bouncy/stretchy guy out hunting (Slingshot), Symbiote will stay with Sentinel and the civilians and assist Shelly with the wrist communicator repair job (assuming they're repairable). Truth be told Hal's not wild about letting Shelly out of his site anyway.
Best regards,
OOC: As worried as you are about Shelly and as tied to her as you are, she should be a Weakness for you.
GM Replies 9:
What?! The truth is that Hal is Shelley's Weakness!
It'll become much clearer after she single-handedly saves Vanguard in Act III.
We would have movement to assist to a reasonable degree - until or if what we locate exceeds Kirk's carrying capacity, and even then he could perhaps fashion a sled or something along this lines to 'pull' things along while we move along with our passengers. Kirk's creations can encompass a decent sized area, so we needed be 'just standing around'.