At Soldier’s urging, Vanguard voted whether it should have a leader! The votes:
Avatar: No.
Clone: Yes. Should be Sentinel.
Lightning Strike: No.
Sentinel: No.
Slingshot: Yes. Combat Coordinator should be Soldier. Charismatic Leader should be Sentinel.
Soldier: Yes.
Symbiote: Yes. Should be Sentinel.
Talon: No, until a plan is developed and agreed upon.
Results: Four yes. Four no. A tie! Of those that said yes, Sentinel is the clear choice for leader, despite the fact he voted against having one!
(OOC: All: reaction, responses, how do you resolve the tie?!)
Vanguard’s participation in REACH gives it incredibly positive press due to their celebrity power. In a month, public favorability toward extranormals is up 20 points. Known critic of extranormals and the unconstitutional powers they are given, Silas Caine, could not be reached for comment.
CHESS Agent Drake is happy to receive the request for training. Next Advancement, it’ll come into play.
Clone, Soldier and Talon are promoted to full members of Vanguard and are taken through the following:
Security Clearance is given to each member of Vanguard save Clone: a clearance level of confidential. The United States has three levels of classification — confidential, secret, and top secret. Each level of classification indicates an increasing degree of sensitivity.
Vanguard’s CHESS Liaisons are Director Grey himself, Agent Sam Drake, Sgt. Stone and Doc Rocket. The last two will work closely with Vanguard in an unofficial, advisory capacity.
A modest salary, board, excellent health care benefits, 401k and paid vacation days are outlined.
Wrist communicators are given to each member of Vanguard. They transmit scrambled messages on several CHESS frequencies. Tracking transponders can be activated by the wearer.
An Identification Card, connecting the hero to Vanguard and CHESS, is given to them.
In a press release, CHESS announces the new members by name, but no abilities are disclosed.
Months pass, during which…
Avatar manifests Hephaestus and forges a long sword in a fiery makeshift forge in the Projects Room of the Vanguard Vault! The sound of hammer on steel echoes through Vanguard’s halls! KANG! KTANG! KANG! At last it is complete! (spend 1 Luck Point. Sword of Ares: +3 to hit, HTH+1d8 damage)
The agent of antiquity also fashions a bow! (spend 1 Luck Point. Bow of Artemis: = +4 to hit, HTH + 1d3 damage)
Avatar manifests Athena, Greek goddess of wisdom and asks the infinite Cosmos a (yes or no) question. He asks if the ancient gods are the source of his powers. The answer he receives is, Yes!
Avatar seeks out references to other paranormals who might be empowered by divine energies. He finds few with any surety. One likely candidate is Tregharnik, a self proclaimed Lord of Undeath, who was worshipped by Vampyra, the vampire that created Black Bat. John searches for references of extranormals with a Greek theme; Oracle is Greek, and so was Penumbra, John believes.
One rainy afternoon, John is incognito and alone, leaving Central Park after anonymously healing a homeless vet he had encountered. Then at 59th street and Fifth Avenue, he hears a booming voice, deeper than the sea! “AVATAR!” John peers through crowds of wet cars and umbrellas to see a giant of a man wearing a large dark raincoat. His eyes are obscured by his hat’s brim. His gloved hands carry a package, wrapped in brown paper and shaped like a long, thin cylinder. He shouts, “AVATAR! I can see you!”
(Reply? Actions?)
Clone is debriefed by CHESS Director Grey and Agent Drake. He tells them of his family, his suspicions toward the Soviet Super Soldiers and The Program. They tell him that someone calling himself Clone had joined Vanguard briefly and was killed in the line of duty. They show Clone photos of himself! “This was him,” Grey says.
CHESS asks about Clone’s abilities. They want him in Vanguard and will begin the citizenship process. Drake said, “’The Program’ is the USSR extranormal location and indoctrination system, to brainwash people to become patriots of the state. Founded after WW2, to counteract the bomb, and originally focused on psychic abilities, it was directed by someone known only as “Doctor X.”
Grey said, “The other Super Soldiers were likely victimized by The Program as much as you. We’ll monitor them closely, but based on what Vanguard is telling us, we’ll cut them loose. Even Mother Russia. Maybe she’ll lead us to Accelerator.”
Clone was also free to wander Manhattan. He joined an Orthodox church and met other Ukrainians. In all his short life he had never experienced the ability to move at will, without permission or papers. One day he stood stunned, culture shocked, in a supermarket aisle that had 40 different kinds of peanut butter.
Then one day, Grey, Doc and Drake knock at the door to his private quarters in the Vanguard Vault. Grey said quietly, “Alexander, we’re ready to get your family out. Are you prepared to do what it takes to make that happen?”
(Reply? Actions?)
Lightning Strike uses his new ability to “read” wireless transmissions in order to stalk Caine in cyberspace. There, the electrical avenger finds no sign of The Entity, Nemesis or that anything had occurred in cyberspace at all.
Caine continues his antiquated ways. Even after the threat of the Digital Invasion was removed, the self made billionaire still doesn’t own a computer or phone. But Strike can read the ripples Caine makes in the sea of cyberspace. He is selling real estate and other holdings to raise cash. Millions of dollars of cash.
Then Strike detected a wireless transmission directed at him! It was from NYPD Detective Hank Archer, who was also Strike’s uncle (not to mention Symbiote’s dad’s ex-partner)! After Archer helped Vanguard take down the Five Bosses of Big City, Strike gave him a number to call. And now Archer was calling.
Archer and Strike had been swapping information on the Fallout since the Five Bosses fell. The underworld had been in chaos since Vanguard had decapitated it. Its economy was disabled. Men don’t know who to kick up their tribute to. Young turks are jockeying for position in the power vacuum. All the hired guns that came to town for the gang war are restless and looking for work; an explosive situation resulting in many small gunfights. Word from “above” was to lay low, wait for the heat to blow over but no one really knows where the orders are coming from now. Rumors say Whisper (Femme fatale’s former right arm, whose disappearance began the war between the Bosses) is back! Some say Intercrime might be returning to power! There’s also word of other players named Chain and Hardcore. The fallout had taken months and still no clear new hierarchy had formed.
Strike agreed to meet Detective Archer in an alley at 2am. Archer was a big weary man, whose worn face was a cross between a basset hound’s and an old shoe. (imagine Robert Mitchum meets Humphrey Bogart) He pulled his fedora down against the rain.
“Thanks for coming,” said Archer. “There’s something I think maybe you could help me with.” Then he showed Strike the case file on the murder of Steven Archer and his wife.
…Steven Archer, who was Lightning Strike!
(Reply? Actions?)
Sentinel, upon returning from the Digital Zone, secretly attempts to read Silas Caine’s mind! But the beacon of liberty is blocked! Caine must have some sort of mental defense, similar to Sentinel or his grandfather, the original Sentinel! Kirk couldn’t tell if Caine detected the attempt!
Kirk helps Strike and Hal with the exploration of cyberspace and finds no trace of The Entity or Nemesis!
Kirk contacts Senator Doyle and Sean O’Malley, formerly of the Liberty Brigade, to enlist their aid with REACH. They are thrilled and honored to be a part of it.
One cold starless night, Kirk visits his grandfather, the original Sentinel, Dr. Lancaster Gerard, aged but still full of life and strength (Imagine a cross between Doc Savage, Sean Connery, and Max Von Sydow). The two sat together in silence, as was their habit of late, speaking telepathically. Kirk caught Lancaster up on Vanguard’s latest trials and tribulations. Lancaster had no experience with kind the occultic horror Kirk encountered at the bottom of the world. Kirk continued and suddenly Lancaster broke the silence.
“Son,” he said in a soft voice. “I… I’m sorry. Leading the Liberty League was the greatest thing I ever did with my life. The greatest honor. Nothing before or since has provided me the opportunity to make a greater impact upon the world, with the exception of raising you. Leading men for a cause greater than yourself… I thought I had taught you that. Somewhere along the line I must have failed to impart upon you the importance and sacred responsibility… the duty… of leadership. And for that I am truly sorry.”
Slingshot spent time with Doc, Shelley and Nanite. Scott thought Nanite was behind him on the relationship curve, as she had been unconscious for all those months that he had been so focused on her. He was further along this thing than she.
But she clearly knew (somebody must have told her) that she was alive again all due to Slingshot.
Nanite won’t join Vanguard. After Dr. Swastika’s Body Farm and The Entity’s control, she wants to spend some time finding out who she is. Scott helps her with that and can’t help but note how amazingly human her personality is.
Then one day out of nowhere, Nanite says to Slingshot, “Scott, I never told you… All that time that I was unconscious, all that time, I could still see. I was aware. I saw you. Working… All that time.
Scott… Thank you.” (Reply?)
Weeks later, after working with some kids through REACH, Slingshot is crossing Houston Street on a bright sunny afternoon. Unable to pass for human, he was often greeted as a celebrity and a hero on the streets. But not today. A woman’s voice he didn’t recognize yelled, “There he is!... Murderer!”
Slingshot turned and saw a dark haired woman who looked familiar but unfamiliar. What was clear was that life had not been kind to this wretched creature. She shrieked, pointing at Slingshot, “Dat freak killed my brudda! Don’t remember, huh? You must kill alotta people huh? For you not ta remember my brudda, Spider Girucci !”
Soldier performed a full diagnostic of his cybernetic systems and filed a complete report of Vanguard’s latest adventure to a grateful Agent Drake. While incognito, he gets a cold beer, a steak and eventually, back at the base, the attention of a lady, which comes from a redheaded CHESS field agent named Kelli Riker, stationed at the Vanguard Vault.
Weeks later, Matt is summoned to meet his father, a retired Army general, who sits on the board of directors for several major defense contractors, at his offices. General Steele is an old school army man, who made Matt what he is today, in more ways than one. (Imagine George C. Scott meets Kirk Douglas) With him is Dr. Ashe of CHESS who had helped develop the Soldier systems.
Matt’s hale, healthy father said, “Son, I have a problem that could use your special talents. One of our defense systems has been hijacked. I’d like you to get it back. We’d like to avoid any embarrassing publicity that could harm your mother’s political career, or yours for that matter. So CHESS has agreed to keep this matter confidential, if we can return the system in 72 hours. To keep it confidential, we can only send you in with one other CHESS agent. But you could have your choice of the field agents you’ve been working with. Have you got anyone in mind?”
(Reply? Actions?)
Symbiote finally completes his neglected MD studies and examines Doc Rocket and discovers a rare heart condition! It’s treatable and Hal assists in the surgery. Left undiscovered, it could have killed him (and did in the alternate reality of the Primate saga!). Doc recovers and starts listening to Hal more.
Hal and CHESS monitor satellite surveillance of the Lost Lands, but the magnetic interference and the mist that covers the valley makes it very difficult.
Hal meets with Vanguard and Grey to discuss a Soviet mole in CHESS. Grey orders an investigation, but will also consider the possibility that The Entity fed the info to the Soviets as a backup plan should Nemesis not be successfully returned to technology by Vanguard.
Clone has no hard evidence as to the source of the info, and as he learns more about The Program, he is less and less sure what to believe about what the state had told him.
Weeks later, Hal was working late in the Special Projects Lab on a wall-sized “window” into the Digital Zone and the super scientist reached an impasse. He wanted to bounce ideas off the only other person on duty that night, Shelley. He used the intercom. No reply. Cell phone. No reply. Yelled. No reply.
So Hal went looking for her. He finally found her in the darkened Electronics Lab where the Harper Harness was recharging. Shelley had just finished putting on the Harper Harness!
(Reply? Actions?)
Talon goes to find Mother Russia before she leaves the Vault. In a cocky manner he says, "Were you gonna leave without saying goodbye? I really thought we made a connection back there in the jungle. I've gotta admit, I've never met a broad that ruffled my feathers the way you did!" He puts his hand up before she can knock him through the wall behind him and with a smile says, "All joking aside, I felt like our two teams fought pretty well together when we had to. I'd like to buy you a vodka or your drink of choice before you leave." He waits for an answer.
Mother Russia sizes the brawny bird man up with her hands on her hip and a slow smile spreads across her mouth. “All right, comrade. Pounding the stuffing out of Vanguard is thirsty work. Vodka it is.”
The two leave the Vault and go out into New York City dressed as regular people, on a crisp clear night full of possibility.
(Reply? Actions?)
OOC: Have fun everyone.
Viva Vanguard,
Very cool stuff, Jeff!
My actions and answers:
The vote:
Avatar steps forward at some moment when the team is together and this is being addressed.
"I'll change my vote...in a manner of speaking. I'll vote for Sentinel as our de facto leader in most areas. This isn't a whole lot different from what I've already said but I think that we should have a clear majority. With that said, I'm no follower and I'll speak up when I feel the need. As for combat? I'm still not in favor of anything other than a coordinator of some sort to watch over the fray and keep us informed. I think we do ok as it is. I still think that some of us should probably feel the situation out and form natural partnerships in a fight."
(OOC: John will participate as much as possible in practice combats. Most of the time he'll be using nothing but his "base" abilities. As time goes on, he'll introduce more and more of his "special" abilities into the mix, often acting as opposition to others with different combinations of abilities to create varying challenges.)
Forging weapons:
OOC: Very nice! What is a realistic quantity of arrows that you will allow Avatar to carry?
John will continue to research, though not as intensely as before. He will see if CHESS has any idea of the whereabouts of Penumbra.
“AVATAR! I can see you!”:
John moves toward the man, mindful of civilians and their locations and movements as he considers that combat may ensue. While his attention remains focused on the man, he will also attempt to be aware of his surroundings in case the man is not alone. John makes ready to manifest divine power, if necessary.
"I can see you, too. What would you have of me?"
(OOC: I make the assumption that I have no weapons with me. Would this likely be correct? I don't think that John carries the weapons of Kairos any more, abandoning that in favor of the powers of Avatar.)
(Re: Spider Girucci: ) Talk about a flashback! Wow!
Here's my first entry for this issue.
Then one day out of nowhere, Nanite says to Slingshot, “Scott, I never told you… All that time that I was unconscious, all that time, I could still see. I was aware. I saw you. Working… All that time.
Scott… Thank you.”
If Scott had the capacity to blush anymore, he would be bright red. He shrugged. He looked at her, his features softening. "I thought we had a connection and losing you before we could start anything.." He paused, "It really got under my skin. I just knew that you were there somewhere. I just couldn't leave you there, possibly lost in some electronic form." He shook his head trying to clear his head of memories from the months he passed working on her, trying to find her.
He came in close and hugged her. "Thank you for being here. Come, let's go for a walk, and have a talk."
[OOC: Dunno how far you want to go with this. or if you want to leave it at "..."]
IC: Upon finding his sister wearing the Harper Harness, Symbiote leans against the wall, crosses his arms and glares at her. "You've started cross-dressing at your age, Shelly? I suspected John was into some freaky-Greeky stuff, but you only dated for a week or two. This is unreal," he says sardonically.
Before she can retort, Hal snaps at her. "Take it off, Shel. It's not yours. I appreciate your help with it, but the concept, the design and 95% of the work is mine. If it were a project I was making money from I'd give you 5% of the profits. As it is, you'll just have to be happy with 5% of the world being saved periodically. But it's MY Harness. Remember the fight we had over sharing the comic books as kids? I'm even less enthusiastic about sharing the Harness. It's not going to happen for you. Get out of it!" he barks.
The Scientific Superhero's demeanor then softens a bit. "And then meet me in the cafeteria. We're going to talk about what IS going to happen for you."
If Shelly gives Hal any lip: "Look Sis, I assume CHESS would take a pretty dim view of an agent tampering with a Knight's property. Don't make me write you up over this," he says. "Seriously, get dressed and meet me in the cafeteria. I have something I want to show you."
Assuming Shelly complies and meets Hal in the Vault cafeteria, Hal is waiting for her with two coffees and a file folder. He's calmed down and speaks to her in a reasoning tone. "Shelly, I know this is partially my fault. Getting you a job here was like hiring an alcoholic to work in a distillery. You've had the same dreams of being a superhero as I have. You've done the same research, admired the same people. If I were in your shoes I'd probably feel the same way," he says. "I really don't want you putting on a union suit and fighting crime because it would absolutely destroy Dad if something happened to you. On the other hand, there's clearly no stopping you from feeling this way. And--I have to admit--you handled yourself well in the Lost Lands and the Digital Zone. Maybe it's time to stop fighting the inevitable."
His voice hardens slightly: "So--tomorrow I want you to talk to Sarge Stone about some physical training. If you're really going to do this you're going to have every advantage we can get you, including being in the best physical shape possible." Symbiote smiles balefully. "And be careful what you wish for. I've trained with the man. Friendly, gruff, avuncular old Sarge Stone can turn into Genghis Khan with a stopwatch when you actually start exercising for him."
Hal then smiles a little, trying to conceal a gleam in his eyes. He hands Shelley the file folder. "As for what else we're going to be doing with you, to get you ready? These are some preliminary ideas, more in line with your areas of expertise than mine. You'll need to put in most of the work, though of course, I'll help. Take a look..."
OOC: And I'll leave it to Jeff to reveal exactly what the Harper Kids come up with in a future issue....
Avatar said, "I'll change my vote...in a manner of speaking.”
Reply: I didn’t see that coming!
Avatar: He will see if CHESS has any idea of the whereabouts of Penumbra.
Reply: They do not.
Avatar said, What is a realistic quantity of arrows that you will allow Avatar to carry?
Reply: 16 arrows.
Avatar: I make the assumption that I have no weapons with me. Would this likely be correct?
Reply: Seems logical.
Symbiote wrote: OOC: And I'll leave it to Jeff to reveal exactly what the Harper Kids come up with in a future issue....
Reply: Stay tuned!
Slingshot wrote: [OOC: Dunno how far you want to go with this. or if you want to leave it at "..."]
Reply: That’s far enough, I think. Thanks.
OOC: Well...I'm not really changing my vote but saying that I'll go with a "leader" so that we're not deadlocked on something. Half and half is a bad place to be. I still don't expect us to function any differently than we have in the past. Sentinel normally takes the lead in interactions, anyway, with Symbiote not far behind. The rest of us don't generally have as much to say in regard to stepping up and interacting with other groups unless there is something of specific interest.
As Soldier enters the room, he greets them both, “Good morning Dr. Ashe…Sir, (as he’d never address his father as “dad”),
While Soldier respects his father, he doesn’t exactly trust him, or his mother for that matter, but he’s willing to hear him out.
“Well, before I can select someone, I’d need to know a few more details of the mission. Specifically what’s been hijacked, and why is so important that we keep this on the downlow? “
OOC: I just wanted to thank everyone for all the positive reactions to 'Clone’s IC Responses' that you guys have been giving me - I greatly appreciate them. I was actually worried that reading all that stuff in a ‘broken English’ format might get annoying or tiresome for some of you – I’m really glad to see that I was wrong. Coming up with and writing the responses like that does take a little additional work, but seeing how everyone seems to enjoy it so much – its definitely worth the extra effort in my opinion.
As for what Seth said . . . For some reason I'm thinking Sean O'Malley as a name. I like the idea of the successful businessman of the group being of Irish decent (maybe we can have Kev do some dialogue for him too :) ) . . .
I would definitely be down for doing that if Jeff is cool with it. Being of Irish-American decent, growing up with a ton of Irish friends ( ‘off the boat’ and Irish-Americans ), having studied the culture pretty heavily and having actually been to Ireland ( and God willing I’ll retire there ) – I think I could muster up some half way decent responses for Mr. O’Malley. If Jeff gives his blessing for this I would just need to know what kind of personality I was basically dealing with and some rough character background info ( age, Irish or American born?, where he grew up, etc. . . )
Oh and before I forget - I should have my IC responses up soon ( working on them as you read this ) for this latest issue – definitely by the deadline - promise.
OOC: Symbiote wrote: ‘And I'll leave it to Jeff to reveal exactly what the Harper Kids come up with in a future issue....’
And all fans of Vanguard anxiously await too!
IC: Kirk thanks John for his taking him into his confidence and tells him that he will keep his efforts confidential since that is what he wants and that if anything comes up that feeds into any of Kirk's areas of expertise he will help John any way he can.
... and Aphrodite smiled ...
At one point when the team is being briefed and Caine comes up, Kirk adds the following,
"I have would like to confirm Soldier's suspicions about Caine being more than human as being true. In our mission when I tried to read his surface thoughts I was unable. He had a mental defense set up. I don't know if he detected my efforts. Either way, my inability to do that coupled with his physical elusion of Soldier adds up to him being an extranormal. Given his actions in the alternate reality we need to make sure he stays on our radar until his ultimate motives are revealed here." And looking to Grey and Drake he added "and perhaps this might be impetus enough to devote further Chess resources in this matter and to keep us in the loop. It would seem that this goes beyond any personal grievances or suspicions some of us have with Caine."
Results: Four yes. Four no. A tie! Of those that said yes, Sentinel is the clear choice for leader, despite the fact he voted against having one! (OOC: All: reaction, responses, how do you resolve the tie?!)
Kirk was taken aback by the summary. Clearly things had changed in the months since their original discussion about leadership. Vanguard itself had changed. We had been seasoned and grown together. Now there were more personalities involved. And in this discussion, there was no mention of Kirk's age or discussion of his naivety. And it seemed clearer that many involved did feel more comfortable with a formalization of things.
But what came next shock Kirk even more as John spoke.
"I'll change my vote...in a manner of speaking. I'll vote for Sentinel as our de facto leader in most areas…”
Kirk thought about all of this and then spoke.
"My friends, first off I want to thank you for your vote of confidence in me. Knowing how capable each and every one of you is, it is truly an honor that you think so highly of me and my capabilities.
It clearly seems that more of you would be comfortable with a formalized arrangement of things. Truth be told, Grey has been trying to get me to formalize things with Vanguard since we came together.
Whatever you want to call the position, chairman or coordinator, or the less comfortable for some, 'leader', if you have confidence in me to do it, then consider it done. And I guarantee you that I'll always give my all and then some to each of you, to Vanguard, and most importantly, for the greater good of all.
I know that this sort of formalization is uncomfortable for some, which is part of the reason I was against it myself, so perhaps if I stated a 'plan' of action.
First off, the fact that you have confidence in me doesn't change the concerns John and I both outlined. When it comes to combat, we'll continue to handle things just as we have done. I've done my best to unofficially keep the intel flowing between team members and Chess and will continue to do so. We'll brainstorm our ideas as we always have but each of us decides the best way to employ our talents and how to break up in combat depending on the situation. And with bigger decisions we'll break into groups according to goals if possible otherwise we'll continue to go with the majority's choice.
Kirk motioned towards John, "As for speaking up when you feel there is a need, I be disappointed in any of you that didn't. Each of us seeing different aspects of things and bringing it to the mix is what makes us great."
Looking at Strike and Talon Kirk added, "Believe me there isn't a greater advocate for free will then myself. I know that no one wants to yield their freedom of choice or their right to pursue things in a manner they feel best; I would do my best not to infringe on your right to do so."
Then Kirk added, "That being said, certainly we have all yielded a degree of our autonomy to be a member of Vanguard. I hope that when it is clearly necessary for the greater good we can all continue to make such allowances."
"We all seem to agree that further training together would be beneficial, so we'll go with that, and Matt with his formalized training is the one to oversee that program and help us to coordinate further. What I would add to the mix is that once he feels we've made progress as a team, we also need to add training with the Chess Knights so we can act more cohesively in the field where needed. The Knights are just as much heroes as any of us and it would be in the interest of both of Chess and Vanguard to be trained to act more cohesively in the field together."
"Does this seem agreeable to those preferring a leader? And does it seem reasonable to those hesitant to have someone assume a coordinating role?" Certainly it is up to all of you to decide.
“Son,” he said in a soft voice. “I… I’m sorry. Leading the Liberty League was the greatest thing I ever did with my life. The greatest honor. Nothing before or since has provided me the opportunity to make a greater impact upon the world, with the exception of raising you. Leading men for a cause greater than yourself… I thought I had taught you that. Somewhere along the line I must have failed to impart upon you the importance and sacred responsibility… the duty… of leadership. And for that I am truly sorry.”
Kirk felt hurt knowing he had caused the person he loved most in the world pain. "Don't ever think that ... ever. You've never failed me; particularly in helping me to understand the special role we play in affecting the lives of others for the better. It's influenced everything I've done leading to putting on this costume and every decision since donning it.
Any hesitation on my part, well, ... for everything there is a time and a place. For this, I thought the time would be later. I thought it would be when I was more seasoned and had more actual experience under my belt. But I have seen much in the months since Vanguard's formation and have a greater idea of what I need to do and who I need to be.
Even those of Vanguard most hesitant to accept the idea of a leader already accepted and placed me as active in many of the roles required. That's a tribute to what you taught me to be.
And I couldn't think of a greater team of individuals than these people. Most of them already embody many of the qualities I aspire to... they are unbelievably talented and intelligent people. Many of them extremely dedicated to the good fight. A couple of them have taken some hard knocks from this world, but they've chosen the right path ... they just need a little help to see it a bit clearer.
But maybe you can help me about the thing that concerns me most. What if we're in a situation where there is no time to get a consensus from the team ... lives are at stake... what if I make the call ... and what if I make it wrong? "
Symbiote finally completes his neglected MD studies and examines Doc Rocket and discovers a rare heart condition! It’s treatable and Hal assists in the surgery. Left undiscovered, it could have killed him (and did in the alternate reality of the Primate saga!). Doc recovers and starts listening to Hal more.
Kirk is unbelievably impressed with yet another talent on Hal's part and his medical knowledge and ability. He is overjoyed at Doc's recovery. Kirk thanks Hal repeatedly for all his efforts regarding Doc, with the same enthusiasm one would thank a doctor that cured a close loved relative.
A good week to all.
“Dat freak killed my brudda! Don't remember, huh? You must kill alotta people huh? For you not ta remember my brudda, Spider Girucci !”
Scott cleared his throat. He remembered Spider. He went out on a limb trying to be friendly to the crook, in hopes that it might give some inside information. Which it did, but Girucci died at the meet killed by the Mercenary. He looked at the lady gently. "I never laid a finger on Spider. I'm sorry that he died at the hands of The Mercenary, a hit-man working for a mob boss. He died before..", he clenches his fists, "I was able to save him. I, myself, was badly done in by the Mercenary in that fight." He pauses, relaxing his features, obviously clearing his thoughts. "Why don't you tell me a story about Spider?" He points to a nearby terrace/cafe [ooc: no alcool, only a coffee shop, starbucks or something], "If nothing else, we might as well have a drink in his honor. Expresso?"
As Adam walks along the sidewalks of New York, he finds it hard to keep from smiling. Not the big, toothy smile of an average person doing something new and exciting in their life, but a smile nonetheless.
He struggles to adjust the harness that holds his wings beneath his jacket, finding it hard to be comfortable, but with one glance over at the woman walking beside him, he knows it's worth it for one night.
He rubs his jaw, thinking about the shot she gave him in Antartica. He never thought he'd be attracted to a woman that had the potential to beat him in a fight. A woman that's a big part of soviet team The Vanguard views as an threat. But he doesn't get the chance to catch a date very often, so he would deal with that later.
"I don't know about you, but I don't get out very often. Wha'dya say we forget about the superhero thing for one night, and just try and have a good time."
Talon will keep the conversation about The Vanguard to a minimum. If asked any questions about the men of The Vanguard or the organization itself, he will change the subject or suggest moving to another location(restaurant, another bar, etc.).
He will only refer to the men of The Vanguard by their hero names.
He will also avoid asking questions about the Soviet Super-Soldiers. He doesn't want to anger her or make her suspiciuos.
If he sees any sign of a trap-ie, Shatter or another member of her team. He will move to an area that's free of civilians to deal with it.
Clone is debriefed by CHESS Director Grey and Agent Drake. He tells them of his family, his suspicions toward the Soviet Super Soldiers and The Program. They tell him that someone calling himself Clone had joined Vanguard briefly and was killed in the line of duty. They show Clone photos of himself! “This was him,” Grey says.
- ( Clone’s IC Response ) An expression of lament and sorrow will swallow Clone’s face as he bows his head for a moment and then asks, “ Please . . . can you tell me more of this Clone? I am not knowing of this before . . .”
CHESS asks about Clone’s abilities.
- ( Clone’s IC Response ) “I am having ability to make many, many of me . . .” He’ll then shrug his shoulders and with a humble look upon his face explain a bit further, “ . . . a simply ability I am knowing, but it is only ability I am having.” He will of course give more information if they request it and if need be he will allow himself to be medically examined.
They want him in Vanguard and will begin the citizenship process.
- ( Clone’s IC Response ) He’ll reach out to each of them and give them all great big hugs, and with a lone tear trailing down his cheek he will say,” . . . spasibo bolshoi ( translation: thank you very much ) . . . my momma will be hostess of village.”
Drake said, “’The Program’ is the USSR extranormal location and indoctrination system, to brainwash people to become patriots of the state. Founded after WW2, to counteract the bomb, and originally focused on psychic abilities, it was directed by someone known only as “Doctor X.”
Grey said, “The other Super Soldiers were likely victimized by The Program as much as you. We’ll monitor them closely, but based on what Vanguard is telling us, we’ll cut them loose. Even Mother Russia. Maybe she’ll lead us to Accelerator.”
- ( Clone’s IC Response ) He’ll nod his head as if he completely understands everything they’ve just told him and say, “I am knowing of all these words you are speaking to me, although I am not knowing of this ‘Bomb’ . . . is he Soviet agent? Once they explain what ‘the bomb’ is he’ll continue, “ . . . oh . . . of course . . . I am simply misunderstanding these words, but comrade please explain how cutting Mother Russia will bring Accelerator near . . . of this I am confusing.” He’ll stare at them with a blank and bewildered stare as they try to explain what ‘cut them loose’ actually means.
Clone was also free to wander Manhattan. He joined an Orthodox church and met other Ukrainians. In all his short life he had never experienced the ability to move at will, without permission or papers. One day he stood stunned, culture shocked, in a supermarket aisle that had 40 different kinds of peanut butter.
- ( Clone’s IC Response ) “. . . o bozhe moy ( translation: oh my God ) . . . America is truly greatest of place. Only in such place could one find as much butter to cover his peanuts.” He would then just stand there for a few minutes in silent awe with his jaw still open. His mind as busy as a bee hive struggling to understand why people would want butter on their peanuts, and why they would even bother to take the time to actually butter each one individually.
Then one day, Grey, Doc and Drake knock at the door to his private quarters in the Vanguard Vault. Grey said quietly, “Alexander, we’re ready to get your family out. Are you prepared to do what it takes to make that happen?”
- ( Clone’s IC Response ) “Da . . . I will be giving of my life when time is coming. My new comrades are helping to come as well – no?”
Sorry again for being late gang. If I missed addressing any thing just let me know Jeff, but I think that should cover it. As for any Sean O'Malley dialogue we might need - just let me know. If at all possible I would love to get some background on the guy - being new to the campaign I'm not completely sure who he's supposed to be, etc . . .
Talk to you all soon,
Lightning Strike:
Strike is relieved the group split on leadership. He did not want to deliberately ignore an elected leader of the group but did not feel the group was ready for one or that anyone had enough knowledge of all of our abilities. He will make it a point to take an interest in noting all of the teams abilities in combat so that he could consult with whoever eventually becomes the leader.
Strike is curious about the real estate transactions of Caine and will dig deeper to find why he is stockpiling the cash.
He will also take the time to find out anything CHESS knows about Chain and Hardcore. It may be time to do a preemptive strike before they start stiring up trouble.
At the meeting with Hank Archer, Strike is curious to see the file and learn its contents but he betrays no emotion lest he give anything away. "I have heard of this case. I can understand your interest in this being that it was family but what made you think that I would be interested? There are many murders in this city. I can't possibly investigate them all, God knows I would like to, but even a man of electricity can't be everywhere."
Strike takes the follow and looks it over. He notes the police's progress and compares what they know to what he knows. He carefully checks to see what the police think is Strike's involvement. He also notes the names on the case file to see what other investigating officers are on the case and will carefully check the financial records of them as well as computer and phone records to see if anyone has received any payoffs from Caine (or payoffs period).
I think that's all for now.
Take care,