Sentinel responded to the vote results for Vanguard’s leader (see Issue 108! –Ye Ed) and concluded with:
"Does this seem agreeable to those preferring a leader? And does it seem reasonable to those hesitant to have someone assume a coordinating role? Certainly it is up to all of you to decide.”
(OOC: Replies?)
“AVATAR!” called a booming voice, deeper than the sea! John peered through crowds of wet cars and umbrellas to see a giant of a man wearing a large dark raincoat. His eyes were obscured by his hat’s brim. His gloved hands carry a package, wrapped in brown paper and shaped like a long, thin cylinder. He shouts, “AVATAR! I can see you!”
Avatar moved toward the man, mindful of civilians and their locations and movements as he considers that combat may ensue. "I can see you, too. What would you have of me?"
“Everything,” was the calm, deep voiced reply. “I have been searching for you… for ages. Long have you been missing from the world of Men, Avatar of the Pantheon. But now you are returned. Where have you been?...”

KRAKA-BOOM! Lightning flashed to reveal the giant’s face. John saw the ugly man had but one large eye! He was a Cyclops!
“…Where have you been to escape detection by Otom the Seer?”
(Reply? Actions?)
Clone’s smooth face expressed lament and sorrow as he bowed his head for a moment and then asked, “ Please . . . can you tell me more of this Clone? I am not knowing of this before . . .”
Drake said softly, “We never got to know him well, I’m afraid. But he was brave enough.”
“…And different than you,” said Grey. “Not as funny.”
Weeks later, Grey, Doc and Drake knock at the door to Clone’s private quarters in the Vanguard Vault. Grey said quietly, “Alexander, we’re ready to get your family out. Are you prepared to do what it takes to make that happen?”
“Da, I will be giving of my life when time is coming. My new comrades are helping to come as well, no?”

“No,” said Grey unhappily. The three entered Clone’s quarters like they were arriving at a wake. “The US government is unwilling to create an international incident.”
“And Vanguard specializes in creating them,” said Agent Drake blackly.
Grey shot Drake a look and continued, “Alex, what you said about giving your life. Were you serious?”
He cleared his throat.
“Through unofficial channels, the Soviets have contacted CHESS. They’ve proposed a trade. The USSR want one of your duplicates… in exchange for your family.”
(Reply? Actions?)
Lightning Strike investigates Caine’s real estate selloff. The data detective discovers the cause. Like the Silas Caine of the alternate reality, this Caine has political aspirations. He seems to be preparing to run for office!
Strike finds that CHESS knows nothing about Chain and Hardcore.

At the meeting with Hank Archer, Strike reviewed the case file of his own murder and learned the police haven’t linked Lightning Strike to the event. The man of lightning said: “I have heard of this case. I can understand your interest in this being that it was family but what made you think that I would be interested? There are many murders in this city. I can't possibly investigate them all, God knows I would like to, but even a man of electricity can't be everywhere."
“Really?” said Lightning Strike’s uncle with the calm patience of a man who interrogated liars for a living. “You got nothing you wanna tell me?”
(Reply? Actions?)
Menagerie had been plagued by the sense that something was wrong. A disturbance in the Natural Order was everywhere… and nowhere. He felt it in the corners of his eyes, until he focused them. It lingered in every shadow, in every reflection… and was just as insubstantial. This went on for months.
Then the avenger of the animal kingdom believed he sensed the source of this ethereal haunting. The shamanic skinwalker went north, tracking that which could not be found or followed.

In the wilds of Canada, in the titanic forests of British Columbia, a forest fire borne of a lightning storm smoldered and flickered as the sun set. Illuminated by the dying flames as it cupped stream water to his lips was a monolithic figure. Menagerie knew him from the news. His name was Pachyderm. Wanted for wholesale destruction of property, the seven foot tall man-mammoth, like his name, evoked elephant, hippo and rhino.
The bestial behemoth had not detected Menagerie yet. But Menagerie knew now that Pachyderm was the source of the mysterious disturbance in the Natural Order!
(Reply? Actions?)
Sentinel spoke to his grandfather, the original Sentinel, about the challenges of leadership. “What if we're in a situation where there is no time to get a consensus from the team ... lives are at stake... what if I make the call ... and what if I make it wrong?"
Lancaster Gerard said solemnly, “Then you live with the consequences. It’s not easy and there’s no glory in it. But you go on.” Lancaster was clearly remembering choices he had made. Choices that still haunted him decades later. Then his pale blue eyes pierced his grandson’s. “When in doubt, Kirk, you do what’s right.” (OOC: Reply, if any?)
Weeks later, Lancaster organized a private black tie fundraiser for REACH at the Odyssey Club, the stately institution housed within a Fifth Avenue brownstone. It was members only, but Kirk was given permission to attend. (OOC: Does he attend as Sentinel, or in his secret identity?)

Sadly Lancaster could not attend as his Saturday evenings were spent with Miles Hudson, visiting his dear friend and helping with his recovery. The event was a swank affair; cocktails, h'or d'ouevres and live violins. In mingling, Kirk noticed at least two male guests wearing signet rings with the symbol of the Sentinel on them! Kirk knew its origin was in US history but it still seemed unusual.
Kirk recognized Senator Doyle and Sean O’Malley in attendance but no one else.
(Replies? Actions?)
Slingshot turned and saw a dark haired woman who looked familiar but unfamiliar. What was clear was that life had not been kind to this wretched creature. She shrieked, pointing at Slingshot, “Dat freak killed my brudda! Don’t remember, huh? You must kill alotta people huh? For you not ta remember my brudda, Spider Girucci !” 

Scott cleared his throat. "I never laid a finger on Spider. I'm sorry that he died at the hands of The Mercenary, a hit-man working for a mob boss. He died before..", he clenches his fists, "I was able to save him. I, myself, was badly done in by the Mercenary in that fight." He pauses, relaxing his features, obviously clearing his thoughts. "Why don't you tell me a story about Spider?" He points to a nearby terrace/café. "If nothing else, we might as well have a drink in his honor. Espresso?"
The wild harpy was ready to come at him with her fingernails. She stopped and said, “Okay.” The unlikely pair went into an Italian pastry place, causing a small sensation. Kids asked Slingshot to autograph their comic books. Even jaded old men playing chess in the back stole sideways glances at the stretchable celebrity. Maria Girucci steamed. Eventually, the place settled down and they could talk.
In time, at their place in the front window, Scott won her over. The big likeable lug got the street-hardened harridan talking about Spider Girucci’s childhood, as difficult as it was for Scott to imagine such a thing. Maria asked Scott about what it was like to be a “big shot.” Small talk flowed easily enough til the check came.
“Well,” said Maria Girucci, “I gotta thank you…. Really. I believe I have enough now.” Her accent evaporated and she smiled as her eyes glowed white, eclipsing her brown pupils entirely.
(Reply? Actions?)
Soldier’s father, the retired Army general, said, “Son, I have a problem that could use your special talents. One of our defense systems has been hijacked. I’d like you to get it back. We’d like to avoid any embarrassing publicity that could harm your mother’s political career, or yours for that matter. So CHESS has agreed to keep this matter confidential, if we can return the system in 72 hours.

To keep it confidential, we can only send you in with one other CHESS agent. But you could have your choice of the field agents you’ve been working with. Have you got anyone in mind?”
Soldier respected his father, but didn’t exactly trust him, or his mother for that matter, but he’s willing to hear him out. “Well, before I can select someone, I’d need to know a few more details of the mission. Specifically what’s been hijacked, and why is so important that we keep this on the down low? “
General Steele said wasn’t used to having his questions answered with more questions. A vein bulged on his forehead but he said nothing.
Dr. Ashe quickly handed Soldier a dossier and said, “This is classified Top Secret. Ten years ago, we began development on the program that would eventually culminate in the cybernetic enhancements that are keeping you alive today, making you the ultimate soldier. The ultimate weapon.
This is why it was already completely developed at the time of your injury. Long before you, there were test subjects.”
Ashe indicated a photograph in the dossier of what looked like the passport photo of a man in his thirties. He had a hard look in his eyes; one that Matt recognized in those who had seen combat.
“He calls himself the Patriot. He’s gone AWOL from CHESS in Venezuela. We have a lead on his location.”
General Steele said, “We’re burning daylight. Ashe can thoroughly brief you on the way down. Will you help me, son?”
(Reply? Actions?)
Symbiote leans against the wall, crosses his arms and glares. "You've started cross-dressing at your age, Shelly? I suspected John was into some freaky-Greeky stuff, but you only dated for a week or two. This is unreal," he says sardonically.
Before she can retort, Hal snaps at her. "Take it off, Shel. It's not yours.”
“Oh, but I’m afraid it is,” came a smiling voice that wasn’t Shelley’s! From the darkened Electronic Lab, where the Harper Harness had been recharging, stepped a woman that wasn’t Shelley Harper at all!
In the darkness, with his mind on finding Shelley, Hal had assumed it was his sister!
It was Gadget Girl! The inventing ingénue, fresh from the CHESS Castle jailbreak! And she was wearing the Harper Harness! Symbiote saw that it had been somehow modified! In the area of the telemetry system!!
Gadget Girl smiled as the Harper Harness hummed to life and her form grew with muscle! “After all, sweetheart, I just stole it fair and square.”
(Reply? Actions?)
Talon walked along the sidewalks of New York, finding it hard to keep from smiling. Not the big, toothy smile of an average person doing something new and exciting in their life, but a smile nonetheless. He struggled to adjust the harness that holds his wings beneath his jacket, finding it hard to be comfortable, but with one glance over at the woman walking beside him, he knows it's worth it for one night.
He rubbed his jaw, thinking about the shot she gave him in Antarctica. He never thought he'd be attracted to a woman that had the potential to beat him in a fight. A woman that's a big part of soviet team Vanguard views as a threat. But he doesn't get the chance to catch a date very often, so he would deal with that later.
"I don't know about you, but I don't get out very often. Wha'dya say we forget about the superhero thing for one night, and just try and have a good time."

“It’s a deal,” smiled Mother Russia warmly. For someone who had just done 20 years at CHESS Castle, she looked like she couldn’t be 30 years old!
The two new friends talked happily on the way to the bar. Then the hair on the back of Talon’s neck went up. The eagle-eyed hero scanned across the reflection on a window wall they were passing and saw they were being followed. One person, male. A block back. Coat and hat made him hard to make out in the night.
If Mother Russia noticed, she didn’t let on.
(Reply? Actions?)
OOC: Have fun.
Viva Vanguard,
Welcome Thomas! Can't wait to see menagerie in action (interesting name!).
Happy Easter!
Questions (answers can wait until you come back..
1- I'm going to assume that she's been absorbing something from me all the while.. Do I feel weak? can I still stretch (like a finger)? Do I have still have my strength?.. you know what I'm getting at.
2- At the same time, do I know of a possible shapechanger that has absorption powers? with white eyes as a gimmick?
First and foremost, welcome aboard Thomas!
Secondly: Crap. My/Hal's greatest concern: That someday somebody else would get a hold of the Harness. I've meant to either use an advancement or a luck point some day to modify it in some way to prevent just this sort of thing (keying it to my genetic code only, a remote switch that turns it off that I would always carry with me...something). Never got around to it. Guess this is what I get for procrastinating.
So, if there were ever a situation that called for the use of a luck point, this is it. I shall once again summon forth the only super power I possess in real life: The ability to recall obscure comic plot points. Remember Miller's first run on "Daredevil?" I loved the issue when Turk stole Stilt Man's armor, trying to become the Kingpin's new enforcer. The Kingpin wisely told him to get lost because he was an idiot, and then he ran into Daredevil. "Shouldn't steal from people, Turk," DD said. "Makes them mad. You stole this suit from Wilbur Day, the original Stilt Man, and it made him so mad that he told his worst enemy--that's me--about the weak spot in his armor." Daredevil then jumped on Turk's back, pulled out a little tool that disabled the autogyroscopes in the suit and Turk went crashing to the ground.
I'd like to try something similar with Gadget Girl: Pick up some tool nearby (we are in a lab, after all) grapple her (even if she is currently powered up with some super abilities) and stick the gadget somewhere in the suit, deactivating it and discharging whatever current genetic template it's holding. As I say, I'll HAPPILY expend a luck point to make this work.
IC (assuming this does work): Hal picks up a tool from a nearby workbench, charging the Inventive Ingenue and grappling her. "Read a little of your criminal file," he says, attempting to keep her from getting a firm grasp on him as he twists around towards her back. "You're a great tinkerer and modifier, I'm impressed with some of the things you've been able to put together. But I think you forgot one principle of engineering...."
Hal raises his arm high overhead, the tool in hand.
"...always know your blueprints from top to bottom. Always!"
And he slams the tool into an almost imperceptable slot in the back of the Harness.
Viva Vanguard,
Welcome aboard Thomas!
Menagerie will to turn in a cougar.
He will then position himself to be down wind and hiding from Pachyderm. Menagerie will slowly stalk Pachyderm attempting to size him up.
He will attempt to communicate with any animals in the area to find out what has been happening. If there are no animals which he can coomunicate with he will use his heightened senses to attempt to unfold the events that has lead him here.
If the Pachyderm continues without causing wonton distruction, Menagerie will continue to slowly stalk to creature. If he kills to eat, then Menagerie will do nothing. It is the Cycle of Life at work. If Pachyderm starts killing in mass for pleasure, fun, or rage then Menagerie will intervene.
Menagerie would turn into the eagle. As the eagle he would attempt to harass/annoy Pachyderm around the terrain to a suitable spot to Pachyderm's disadvantage. Something like the edge of a cliff, edge of a well, or river right before a waterfalls. When Pachyderm is in the correct position, Menagerie would turn into a grizzy bear and land from above on Pachyderm . The goal would be to land on Pachyderm's head and neck (backside first choice) to throw him off balance and into the terrain trap. Menagerie would then turn into the animal which provided the best chance to get away.
I WILL spend a luck point to make the terrain trap a success.
If Pachyderm is peaceful the whole time, then I will need feedback on my communication/heightened senses attempts to determine what to do.
(OOC) I am guessing this character is a least as tough as Bull but since he has the face and build of Behemoth then that power level might not be out of line. I am not going to attempt to go toe to toe with this man-mammoth. Nice test for a first mission. If this is too long a reply, forgive my rookie mistake and let me know a more appropriate response.
Welcome to the good fight Thomas... glad to have you in the game!
I don't know about everyone else, but I'm picturing this issue along the lines of Wednesday Comics ... separate page for everyone by a different artist for each character uniquely suited to their character/storyline (at least that was the feel I got from it).
Anyway ...
Before replying, what can Kirk find about the Odyssey Club and its history/purpose so he understands their interest. If Lancaster organized it but isn't present who is hosting? Or is that Kirk's role? Has Lancaster ever mentioned the club before and his relationship with it and when he came involved, etc? What is the scope of the event and is their any program organized beyond cocktails, violins and h'or d'ouevres? Do Doyle and O'Malley have the signet rings also? As to how he attends (civilian/Sentinel), what is Lancaster's recommendation? From your description it would seem formal would be appropriate and costumed would be garish and perhaps in poor taste for the crowd and event, but some of the other details would help to decide this...
Favorite line from the issue:
“…And different than you,” said Grey. “Not as funny.”
Followed by:
“And Vanguard specializes in creating them,” said Agent Drake blackly.
Coolest subdued reveal:
KRAKA-BOOM! Lightning flashed to reveal the giant’s face. John saw the ugly man had but one large eye! He was a Cyclops!
... that panel was just too cool!
Biggest shocking twist:
It was Gadget Girl!
... Hal wasn't the only one shocked by this reveal
Followed by:
“Well,” said Maria Girucci, “I gotta thank you…. Really. I believe I have enough now.” Her accent evaporated and she smiled as her eyes glowed white, eclipsing her brown pupils entirely.
... and I've got a guess on who this is ...
Thanks for another great issue.
Seth (Sentinel/Kirk)
Menagerie wrote: “If this is too long a reply, forgive my rookie mistake and let me know a more appropriate response.”
Hi Thomas.
If you want examples of replies that are too long, read some of my postings
Great first post.
Menagerie wrote: "Nice test for a first mission."
Yes, Jeff is not apparently being kind to you, right into the (forest) fire you go. Your not knowing just how tough Pachyderm is, is likely among one of your greatest assets right now.
Sentinel wrote: “Great first post.”
Sentinel wrote: “Yes, Jeff is not apparently being kind to you, right into the (forest) fire you go. Your not knowing just how tough Pachyderm is, is likely among one of your greatest assets right now.”
So the parallel comic book scene that immediately came to mind: "a forest fire borne of a lightning storm smoldered and flickered as the sun set. Illuminated by the dying flames as it cupped stream water to his lips was the Incredible Hulk" wasn't that wild of an impression.
I do have to admit, that I was smiling the whole time I was shaking my head. Jeff is a great GM! Now lets see if I can avoid making the shortest appearance in Vanguard history.
Welcome, Thomas! And congratulations on Pachyderm being your first encounter! Not sure why Jeff hates you so much, but good luck!
Fear not, Thomas. I'll get my harness off Gadget Girl, zip right up there and absorb his powers. That always works really well, and the rest of the team LOVES IT!
I'm just going to quickly reply to Stephane's OOC questions now, since he's offline starting April 6th.
Stephane, maybe I can receive your actions before you go on holiday?
1) Slingshot doesn't feel any different than normal. Full strength. Full abilities.
2) Slingy had encountered a shapechanger named Skin Deep at Dr. Swastika's Body Farm. (you can search her name on the Vanguard Vault site. On the right side there's a cosmic awareness device.) She didn't have absorbing powers, or white eyes as a gimmick. Vanguard tracked Skin Deep and Morgue to Big City where Vanguard was drawn into a fatal conflict with the Five Bosses.
Thomas, great first post. Don't let them scare you about Pachyderm. He's a pussycat. ;)
I'll reply to all other OOC questions when I'm back next week.
Before she can retort, Hal snaps at her. "Take it off, Shel. It's not yours.”
“Oh, but I’m afraid it is,” came a smiling voice that wasn’t Shelley’s! From the darkened Electronic Lab, where the Harper Harness had been recharging, stepped a woman that wasn’t Shelley Harper at all!
In the darkness, with his mind on finding Shelley, Hal had assumed it was his sister!

Gadget Girl smiled as the Harper Harness hummed to life and her form grew with muscle! “After all, sweetheart, I just stole it fair and square.”
(Reply? Actions?)
Talon walked along the sidewalks of New York, finding it hard to keep from smiling. Not the big, toothy smile of an average person doing something new and exciting in their life, but a smile nonetheless. He struggled to adjust the harness that holds his wings beneath his jacket, finding it hard to be comfortable, but with one glance over at the woman walking beside him, he knows it's worth it for one night.
He rubbed his jaw, thinking about the shot she gave him in Antarctica. He never thought he'd be attracted to a woman that had the potential to beat him in a fight. A woman that's a big part of soviet team Vanguard views as a threat. But he doesn't get the chance to catch a date very often, so he would deal with that later.
"I don't know about you, but I don't get out very often. Wha'dya say we forget about the superhero thing for one night, and just try and have a good time."

“It’s a deal,” smiled Mother Russia warmly. For someone who had just done 20 years at CHESS Castle, she looked like she couldn’t be 30 years old!
The two new friends talked happily on the way to the bar. Then the hair on the back of Talon’s neck went up. The eagle-eyed hero scanned across the reflection on a window wall they were passing and saw they were being followed. One person, male. A block back. Coat and hat made him hard to make out in the night.
If Mother Russia noticed, she didn’t let on.
(Reply? Actions?)
OOC: Have fun.
Viva Vanguard,
Welcome Thomas! Can't wait to see menagerie in action (interesting name!).
Happy Easter!
Questions (answers can wait until you come back..
1- I'm going to assume that she's been absorbing something from me all the while.. Do I feel weak? can I still stretch (like a finger)? Do I have still have my strength?.. you know what I'm getting at.
2- At the same time, do I know of a possible shapechanger that has absorption powers? with white eyes as a gimmick?
First and foremost, welcome aboard Thomas!
Secondly: Crap. My/Hal's greatest concern: That someday somebody else would get a hold of the Harness. I've meant to either use an advancement or a luck point some day to modify it in some way to prevent just this sort of thing (keying it to my genetic code only, a remote switch that turns it off that I would always carry with me...something). Never got around to it. Guess this is what I get for procrastinating.
So, if there were ever a situation that called for the use of a luck point, this is it. I shall once again summon forth the only super power I possess in real life: The ability to recall obscure comic plot points. Remember Miller's first run on "Daredevil?" I loved the issue when Turk stole Stilt Man's armor, trying to become the Kingpin's new enforcer. The Kingpin wisely told him to get lost because he was an idiot, and then he ran into Daredevil. "Shouldn't steal from people, Turk," DD said. "Makes them mad. You stole this suit from Wilbur Day, the original Stilt Man, and it made him so mad that he told his worst enemy--that's me--about the weak spot in his armor." Daredevil then jumped on Turk's back, pulled out a little tool that disabled the autogyroscopes in the suit and Turk went crashing to the ground.
I'd like to try something similar with Gadget Girl: Pick up some tool nearby (we are in a lab, after all) grapple her (even if she is currently powered up with some super abilities) and stick the gadget somewhere in the suit, deactivating it and discharging whatever current genetic template it's holding. As I say, I'll HAPPILY expend a luck point to make this work.
IC (assuming this does work): Hal picks up a tool from a nearby workbench, charging the Inventive Ingenue and grappling her. "Read a little of your criminal file," he says, attempting to keep her from getting a firm grasp on him as he twists around towards her back. "You're a great tinkerer and modifier, I'm impressed with some of the things you've been able to put together. But I think you forgot one principle of engineering...."
Hal raises his arm high overhead, the tool in hand.
"...always know your blueprints from top to bottom. Always!"
And he slams the tool into an almost imperceptable slot in the back of the Harness.
Viva Vanguard,
Welcome aboard Thomas!
Menagerie will to turn in a cougar.
He will then position himself to be down wind and hiding from Pachyderm. Menagerie will slowly stalk Pachyderm attempting to size him up.
He will attempt to communicate with any animals in the area to find out what has been happening. If there are no animals which he can coomunicate with he will use his heightened senses to attempt to unfold the events that has lead him here.
If the Pachyderm continues without causing wonton distruction, Menagerie will continue to slowly stalk to creature. If he kills to eat, then Menagerie will do nothing. It is the Cycle of Life at work. If Pachyderm starts killing in mass for pleasure, fun, or rage then Menagerie will intervene.
Menagerie would turn into the eagle. As the eagle he would attempt to harass/annoy Pachyderm around the terrain to a suitable spot to Pachyderm's disadvantage. Something like the edge of a cliff, edge of a well, or river right before a waterfalls. When Pachyderm is in the correct position, Menagerie would turn into a grizzy bear and land from above on Pachyderm . The goal would be to land on Pachyderm's head and neck (backside first choice) to throw him off balance and into the terrain trap. Menagerie would then turn into the animal which provided the best chance to get away.
I WILL spend a luck point to make the terrain trap a success.
If Pachyderm is peaceful the whole time, then I will need feedback on my communication/heightened senses attempts to determine what to do.
(OOC) I am guessing this character is a least as tough as Bull but since he has the face and build of Behemoth then that power level might not be out of line. I am not going to attempt to go toe to toe with this man-mammoth. Nice test for a first mission. If this is too long a reply, forgive my rookie mistake and let me know a more appropriate response.
Welcome to the good fight Thomas... glad to have you in the game!
I don't know about everyone else, but I'm picturing this issue along the lines of Wednesday Comics ... separate page for everyone by a different artist for each character uniquely suited to their character/storyline (at least that was the feel I got from it).
Anyway ...
Before replying, what can Kirk find about the Odyssey Club and its history/purpose so he understands their interest. If Lancaster organized it but isn't present who is hosting? Or is that Kirk's role? Has Lancaster ever mentioned the club before and his relationship with it and when he came involved, etc? What is the scope of the event and is their any program organized beyond cocktails, violins and h'or d'ouevres? Do Doyle and O'Malley have the signet rings also? As to how he attends (civilian/Sentinel), what is Lancaster's recommendation? From your description it would seem formal would be appropriate and costumed would be garish and perhaps in poor taste for the crowd and event, but some of the other details would help to decide this...
Favorite line from the issue:
“…And different than you,” said Grey. “Not as funny.”
Followed by:
“And Vanguard specializes in creating them,” said Agent Drake blackly.
Coolest subdued reveal:
KRAKA-BOOM! Lightning flashed to reveal the giant’s face. John saw the ugly man had but one large eye! He was a Cyclops!
... that panel was just too cool!
Biggest shocking twist:
It was Gadget Girl!
... Hal wasn't the only one shocked by this reveal
Followed by:
“Well,” said Maria Girucci, “I gotta thank you…. Really. I believe I have enough now.” Her accent evaporated and she smiled as her eyes glowed white, eclipsing her brown pupils entirely.
... and I've got a guess on who this is ...
Thanks for another great issue.
Seth (Sentinel/Kirk)
Menagerie wrote: “If this is too long a reply, forgive my rookie mistake and let me know a more appropriate response.”
Hi Thomas.
If you want examples of replies that are too long, read some of my postings
Great first post.
Menagerie wrote: "Nice test for a first mission."
Yes, Jeff is not apparently being kind to you, right into the (forest) fire you go. Your not knowing just how tough Pachyderm is, is likely among one of your greatest assets right now.
Sentinel wrote: “Great first post.”
Sentinel wrote: “Yes, Jeff is not apparently being kind to you, right into the (forest) fire you go. Your not knowing just how tough Pachyderm is, is likely among one of your greatest assets right now.”
So the parallel comic book scene that immediately came to mind: "a forest fire borne of a lightning storm smoldered and flickered as the sun set. Illuminated by the dying flames as it cupped stream water to his lips was the Incredible Hulk" wasn't that wild of an impression.
I do have to admit, that I was smiling the whole time I was shaking my head. Jeff is a great GM! Now lets see if I can avoid making the shortest appearance in Vanguard history.
Welcome, Thomas! And congratulations on Pachyderm being your first encounter! Not sure why Jeff hates you so much, but good luck!
Fear not, Thomas. I'll get my harness off Gadget Girl, zip right up there and absorb his powers. That always works really well, and the rest of the team LOVES IT!
I'm just going to quickly reply to Stephane's OOC questions now, since he's offline starting April 6th.
Stephane, maybe I can receive your actions before you go on holiday?
1) Slingshot doesn't feel any different than normal. Full strength. Full abilities.
2) Slingy had encountered a shapechanger named Skin Deep at Dr. Swastika's Body Farm. (you can search her name on the Vanguard Vault site. On the right side there's a cosmic awareness device.) She didn't have absorbing powers, or white eyes as a gimmick. Vanguard tracked Skin Deep and Morgue to Big City where Vanguard was drawn into a fatal conflict with the Five Bosses.
Thomas, great first post. Don't let them scare you about Pachyderm. He's a pussycat. ;)
I'll reply to all other OOC questions when I'm back next week.
“Well,” said Maria Girucci, “I gotta thank you…. Really. I believe I have enough now.” Her accent evaporated and she smiled as her eyes glowed white, eclipsing her brown pupils entirely.
Scott steeled himself. While, he understood why Maria might have been after him.. Go through this whole charade to spend an hour in front of a coffee? - He says sighing, something between exasperation and sadness. "Thank you for the reveal. I'm assuming you're not actually Maria. I certainly don't appreciate the subterfuge. If you wanted to talk to me, you could have simply come up and asked, just as "Maria" just did..and what do you mean, I have enough?"
[OOC: He's going to assume that it is Skin Deep, unless they actually reveal themselves further. Scott will continue talking and asking questions. Trying to pin point who and what this person is and what they are looking for. Until now, there's been no aggression, so Slingshot will not get physical, unless provoked. Furthermore, they are in a shop and he will not start a fight there.. outside, that's another question. He will not start it, but he'll finish it.]
You don't want to see Greg in his "harness". I've been told that it's something that will forever be etched in your brain to your eternal chagrin.
Regarding Pachy, enjoy! he's really a softy.
KRAKA-BOOM! Lightning flashed to reveal the giant’s face. John saw the ugly man had but one large eye! He was a Cyclops!
“…Where have you been to escape detection by Otom the Seer?”
John chuckles. Here we go, he thinks...
"Searching for me for ages...? This is a mystery to me but there have been lots of strange things going on so, instead of dismissing this out of hand, I guess I need to ask one question of you before we move forward. Otom, Seer...are you my friend or are you my foe?"
Sentinel wrote: Before replying, what can Kirk find about the Odyssey Club and its history/purpose so he understands their interest.
GM Reply: Kirk has been inside the club (way back in Vanguard Issue 0! ) as a guest of Lancaster.
Founded in 1893, the Odyssey Club is a non-profit organization dedicated to exploration, to the advancement of knowledge and to philanthropy. Lancaster was a member since the War. Kirk could become a member, sponsored by Lancaster, but the average age of members is 50-something so young Kirk might not be enthused hanging around with the senior set.
Sentinel wrote: If Lancaster organized it but isn't present who is hosting? Or is that Kirk's role?
GM Reply: That’s up to Kirk. He, Doyle or O’Malley may host, or else a representative of the Club may on REACH’s behalf.
Sentinel wrote: What is the scope of the event and is there any program organized beyond cocktails, violins and h'or d'ouevres?
GM Reply: Again up to you. Could be a brief presentation from a REACH representative or it could simply be brochures or other materials left out.
Sentinel wrote: Do Doyle and O'Malley have the signet rings also?
GM Reply: I’ll assume that you can close enough to them whether or not you’re in uniform.
No. Neither does.
Sentinel wrote: As to how he attends (civilian/Sentinel), what is Lancaster's recommendation? From your description it would seem formal would be appropriate and costumed would be garish and perhaps in poor taste for the crowd and event, but some of the other details would help to decide this...
GM Reply: Because REACH has prominent ties to the extranormal community, it wouldn’t be improper to attend in uniform, but you’ll be the center of attention for good and ill.
OOC: Jeff,
Would an old-style costumed ball be too outlandish for the Odyssey Club as opposed to the straight black tie?
I think the colorfulness of the event would serve nicely to emphasize part of what makes REACH unique. We'd add a dance floor for elegant old school ballroom type dancing.
Kirk comes dressed as the Scarlet Pimpernel as he plays host.
Kirk would play host meeting and greeting and at one point in the evening just say a brief speech thanking everyone for coming, for their charitable support over the years and hopefully for their support of REACH. He'd briefly but passionately speak about his goals and hopes for REACH and how it would benefit all of humanity.
To start the speech he gets everyone's attention and refers to the costumes and says something along the lines, "An evening of pretense such as this can be fun and entertaining but as we look around surely many of our colorful costumed choices represent parts of our personality that perhaps we sometimes don't get to share. We all wear masks at time.
But sometimes they reveal a part of us that we need to let out and share, and sometimes the outlandish reveals what is truly at heart within us." At that point Kirk removes the Scarlet Pimpernel mask to reveal the mask of the Sentinel and the costumed cape is spun around to reveal the Sentinel insignia.
"Each of us has a gift or talent that makes us special ... something unique that we can share with others. As members of the Odyssey Club you are all well aware of that having set yourselves apart as accomplished members of society and then using your gifts in the pursuit of exploration, knowledge, and philanthropy.
In recent decades the world has seen the birth of some with extraordinary gifts beyond those seen by man before. (as he says this he uses his powers to have a huge crest or symbol of the Odyssey Club (surely they have one) rise from his open outstretched hands). (OOC Surely a little pomp is in order here)
REACH will help those with such gifts to join with you and others with similar goals to the benefit of society as a whole. We appeal to you for your support in our endeavor and we are open to your suggestions. We are going to make the world a better place ... we going to make a difference! And we hope you'll all be a part of it.
Thanks for your attention and enjoy the rest of the evening."
This might not be on the lines of your thoughts for the Odyssey Club and certainly Kirk wouldn't do anything that would cause offense, but I was getting a bit of an old world feel to the thing and something 'old world society' might have a certain charm for these sort of people...
Let me know if this sounds good or not and I'll try to work on some of the other items you left open for reply too this weekend.
Lancaster Gerard said solemnly, “Then you live with the consequences. It’s not easy and there’s no glory in it. But you go on.” Lancaster was clearly remembering choices he had made. Choices that still haunted him decades later. Then his pale blue eyes pierced his grandson’s. “When in doubt, Kirk, you do what’s right.” (OOC: Reply, if any?)
It was at that moment that Kirk was hit by a sense of deja vu. He had seen that look before, the pained expression, but not in the eyes of Lancaster, rather in the eyes of Doc Rocket. The conversation however had been similar, about living with the consequences of ones actions; it was after the death of the Atomic Brain from Kirk's actions in battle with Homicide for Hire. That memory pained Kirk.
But Kirk didn't need telepathic abilities to see a distinction in the disturbing remembrances of these two men that meant to much to him. Both had ghosts from the past clawing at them, but it was clear that Doc's were more damaging. And then the reason why hit him; Kirk focused on their verbal expressions.
Doc had told him, 'you did what was necessary.' Gramps had just said, 'you do what's right.' Kirk sensed an important moral distinction here. One that would define the hero, and even moreso the man he would become. And whether he would be able to look himself in the mirror. He hoped that when his time came he would choose wisely.
Kirk did have more questions about this. Many. But he sensed that his true answers would only be found in his personal journey when he got to that path in the road. And he didn't want to be the cause of further disquieting thoughts on the part of Lancaster, so he changed his demeanor and tone and said with a smile and laugh, "So, just 'man up', eh?"
(OOC I couldn't find the actual dialogue by Doc but it seemed absolutely vivid in my memory so I hope the above is all right - I even thought he said something similar in the alternate future as we were going after Primate before we lost contact with Chess.)
Sadly Lancaster could not attend as his Saturday evenings were spent with Miles Hudson, visiting his dear friend and helping with his recovery
After the event Kirk would inquire as to how things went and Miles' continued recovery and if there was anything he could do to assist.
Kirk noticed at least two male guests wearing signet rings with the symbol of the Sentinel on them!
Kirk makes sure as he's playing host to greet them and to try to find out who the men are and if he notices any other such rings. In their casual conversation he'll notice the ring and comment on the symbol saying something along the lines of, "I couldn't help but notice the symbol on your ring, its one that has always been close to my heart. Does it have any special meaning to you? ... Where did you get acquire the ring? ... I've seen some other members with the same ring, does it have any significance to the Odyssey Club?"
He'll work those questions into conversation with the two men and go from question to question as part of the conversation depending on how they react. He does this with each of the men separately and out of ear shot of each other and tries to notice if after having the conversation with one of them, he makes his way to the other to discuss it, etc. He also tries to notice if there are any more of them. If he gets their names he will make a note to do some research on them afterward to look for connections in their history or family reference to the symbol. If they don't give their names, he will inquire of Doyle and O'Malley if they know them and their story.
Also, remind me if he has seen Lancaster with one of the rings too - did you tell me he had one? And please remind me if I remember right but didn't you have a passing comment about someone leaving their home having visited Lancaster when Kirk returned on one occasion and they were wearing a signet ring like this one? Again, I remember at least once you mentioning a visitor leaving as Kirk arrived and you may have said something about a ring, but I'm not sure. If so, does Kirk remember if it was either of the men he saw with the ring this evening?
When he next sees Lancaster (not sure of your plans for when that will be if we are looking at the start of another adventure from these events or if they are going to be more of a brief interlude) he'll just ask him outright about the rings, the men, and their significance as far as he knows.
You already have some of Kirk's actions for the event and he'll do his best to be a gracious host. Kirk actually has a genuine love for people and this will be evident in his interactions with everyone - they will be able to see that his interest isn't the normal facade used by those looking to get support for something.
As he plays host he does keep an eye open and coordinate with Odyssey security to make sure that the evenings events don't turn less festive by having things go sour by the intervention of someone with less than honorable motives ... part of Kirk's concerns about REACH is that it becomes a target for those against its message or outright villains and he would try to be alert that the event doesn't fall prey to that.
(OOC Yes, I figured the whole costumed ball aspect would further play into your ability to turn the event sour but couldn't resist the whole high society feel of things -it was too visually cool to pass up. But I am just waiting for the ball to go all Phantom of the Opera on Kirk.)
Kirk could become a member, sponsored by Lancaster, but the average age of members is 50-something so young Kirk might not be enthused hanging around with the senior set.
Kirk would be unfazed by the age difference having been raised by Lancaster and seen him as nothing but vital. Kirk has the personality and love of life and all sorts of people to adapt to whomever he is with seemingly without effort. Likely what would limit Kirk's exposure is simply the time factor and with Vanguard and now REACH he wouldn't have that much time to spend unless their activities intersected. If it ends up that the Odyssey Club or some of its members become strong REACH sponsors or advocates time spent would be greater and might peak his interest in becoming a member. However, for better or worse, it would be clear that he would not become involved in any sort of high society 'social' games regarding how things looked, climbing the social ladder, etc. Kirk is who he is and isn't looking to impress anyone and if that's part of things he would likely be spending his time elsewhere.
Hope everyone enjoys the day.
Before I get into any IC or OOC reactions, let me first express my happiness over the team getting a new member – WHOO-HOO! Welcome aboard Thomas! I’m not the ‘new guy’ anymore thanks to you!
lol Just kidd’n around – welcome aboard Thomas. Great first response – looks like Jeff is hitting you with the old ‘baptism by fire’ treatment – I’ve always loved that method ( in real life and in gaming ) when welcoming someone new to a group – always seems to bring out the best in a person.
By the way; do you prefer Thomas, Tommy or Tom?
( OOC Response ) Nice job Jeff! You completely threw me for a loop with this last issue. I so didn’t see that coming. I thought for sure it was going to be a surgical extraction type deal – nice curve ball! When I read this:
“…And different than you,” said Grey. “Not as funny.”
I was so tempted to brake out into the Goodfella’s bit ( http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s4jz00Eelbk&feature=related ), but then I thought about it some more and realized that’s not how Clone would react. Given his background, powers and weaknesses he would see this from a completely different view point ( see IC response below ).
Clone’s smooth face expressed lament and sorrow as he bowed his head for a moment and then asked, “ Please . . . can you tell me more of this Clone? I am not knowing of this before . . .”
Drake said softly, “We never got to know him well, I’m afraid. But he was brave enough.”
“…And different than you,” said Grey. “Not as funny.”
( OOC Response ) Factoring in Clone’s background, the current situation, his powers, his weaknesses, and his lack of 100% fluency in the English language ( that I’ve worked in ); I think I’ve come up with the best possible IC Response that I could muster for him . . .
( Clone’s IC Response ) Clone stares at Grey for a moment before he speaks, but in that one moment a flood of memories began to fill his mind. He ponders all the culture shock he’s been suffering through since he’s arrived in New York, and no matter how hard he tries to fit in, he just seems to come off like a simple country rube. He remembers the first time The Soviets placed a mask over his face, he knew it wasn’t to conceal his identity – it was to hide his strange appearance. He then recalls when he was a boy, how the children in his village back home would laugh and point at him; calling him names, telling him how stupid he was and how funny he looked. He thinks back to the first time he saw a stranger visit his village and how they gasped in shock when they saw his face.
As these painful thoughts began to get the best of him, he suddenly remembered the warm caress of his mothers hand on his face the first time she saw him crying over how different he looked compared to all the other children in their village. He could still see the soft golden hues of the warm summer sun dancing whimsically in her hair, and the gentle smile that rested on her face as she looked upon her young son. His tear laden eyes quickly looking away in embarrassment; he wondered how anyone could be so happy to see such a stupid and ugly child. His mother slowly knelt down in front of him and said, “We all have to do the best with what God has given us son … and I love you. You know what love is Alexander?” He just stood there staring at ground, with tears rolling down his face and said nothing. Lifting up his face, she gently wiped the tears from his cheeks and continued, “Love is the most powerful thing in the world. Love is patient and kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, and it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil, but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, and always perseveres.” As young Alexander hugged his mother he could feel hope return to his soul and love refilling his heart.
“Momma always had a way of explaining things so that I could understand them,” he thought to himself.
Before he says a word to Grey he reminds himself that these are the people that will help him give his family the life they deserve. They will help him bring his family to a place where they can be free from oppression and suffering; a place where they can find happiness and peace. It is for these things that he will hold his tongue and sacrifice his dignity.
Clone stares at Grey for a moment before he speaks, “Da comrade Grey. . .” An insincere smile slips across his face before he continues,” . . . I am very much funny.”
Weeks later, Grey, Doc and Drake knock at the door to Clone’s private quarters in the Vanguard Vault. Grey said quietly, “Alexander, we’re ready to get your family out. Are you prepared to do what it takes to make that happen?”
“Da, I will be giving of my life when time is coming. My new comrades are helping to come as well, no?”
“No,” said Grey unhappily. The three entered Clone’s quarters like they were arriving at a wake. “The US government is unwilling to create an international incident.”
“And Vanguard specializes in creating them,” said Agent Drake blackly.
Grey shot Drake a look and continued, “Alex, what you said about giving your life. Were you serious?”
He cleared his throat.
“Through unofficial channels, the Soviets have contacted CHESS. They’ve proposed a trade. The USSR wants one of your duplicates … in exchange for your family.”
( Clone’s IC Response ) Putting his hand to chin, he turns and slowly walks away from the three agents. With his back turned towards them he stops only a few feet away, scratching his chin as he ponders what they have just said to him.
For years he had done everything he could to escape from behind ‘The Iron Curtain’, and now that he has - it seems that he might have to go back.
His entire life was been spent beneath the heel of a repressive and controlling government. Everything he thought he knew about the world was nothing more then some Machiavellian fable manufactured by paranoid and fractured minds and then distributed by an unjust and corrupt communist regime. So how could he possibly accept what these three men said now as the complete truth? How could he be expected to simply agree to these terms without even questioning them? The American government had never given him a reason to question their motives or honesty, but something inside of him stirred and demanded more. Was it his newly found sense of freedom pulling aside the curtain of oppression that too long covered his spirit and free will, or was it the recently discovered knowledge that he had been lied to his entire life by his last government that made him hesitate in responding to these three men . . . or was it something else? Whatever it was that he was feeling he knew it couldn’t be denied. He had to know more – for once in his life he had to make a stand and question the path that lied before him. For once in his life he had to know what it felt like to be free; to speak his mind regardless of the consequences.
His pulse quickened and a sickening feeling began to swirl around inside of his stomach – he was afraid. For the first time in his life he truly had no idea what to do. He knew he would do whatever it took to safe his family, but something about all of this just didn’t feel right. He closed his eyes for a brief moment as the memory of his father began to fill his thoughts. He remembered the day he and his father were out plowing the fields and his father stop beside him and looked up from his plow and said, “Always remember Alexander . . . respect and responsibility . . . respect is not something the world will just give to you, it must be earned through hard work and maintained on a constant basis or else you will lose it. Responsibility is the thing people dread most of all, yet it is the one thing in the world that develops us and builds our character.”
His eyes opened slowly as he turned to the three agents and asked, “They are having my family? Of this you are certain?
Regardless of their response he will then ask them.
“Is the Kremlin telling you of what they are wanting with my Clone?”
Regardless of their response he will then ask them.
“Are you trusting them comrades?”
Talk to you all soon,
I mostly go by Tom.
Thanks for the welcome everyone.
OOC: Kev.
What a great post.
You took the line from Jeff that had me rolling during the issue and turned it around so that it became a wrenching moment ... that's good writing.
And the great backstory including showing where the character's strong religious backaround originated from (mom's quote) ... and also the buildup in questioning Grey, great thought-provoking stuff.
Another storyline I'm anxiously awaiting to see Jeff's follow-up.
I'll reserve IC type stuff since this is Clone's storyline to figure but I couldn't help but imagine how angry Kirk would be about this sort of treatment thus far if he knew about it.
Hello All,
Welcome to the game, Tom. I hope you enjoy playing with the group.
Adam will use the reflective surfaces of the surounding structures to try and get a glimpse of the person that is following them. He will look for a small bar that doesn't look too crowded and suggest having a drink.
He'll try to keep up the small talk without getting upset at the interuption to his night out. He wants to have a good time, and he hopes that this person will leave them be if they sit for awhile, so he will just keep his eyes open for signs of a threat(Shatter).
If he thinks this is all a trap he will do his best to get outside and remove his harness. He will be upset at the disturbance of his date. All the bad memories of his past will come flooding back, and the effort he's made to control his anger be damned.
Someone better be ready to fight.....
Soldier listened intently to Dr. Ashe, as he scanned through the folder he'd been handed, and thought to himself "The Patriot?" "He understood that certain things were need to know basis, but why had he never of this program before?" That's something he'd have to find out later though. If the situation was as urgent as they'd described, he'd have to get moving, and soon. He still needed time to put an initial plan together, pack equipment, and work out a search plan, but before he could do that, he'd need to know the Patriot's last know location, and when he'd last been seen.
Speaking to his father, and Dr. Ashe
"I got a few questions I need answered, so that I can come up with a workable plan, and I'll need some equipment. When and where was the Patriot last seen? How am I infiltrating my objective, and what my cover story? What type of support am I looking at, and will CHESS back up be available if I need it?"
While he knew his questions would irritate his father, he also knew that these were questions that needed to be asked, and answered in a timely manner. He'd seen to many operations go bad, due to poor planning. Guys going off half cocked hoping for the best, or just assuming that everything would be in place, only to have it come back and bite them.
Speaking to his father, and Dr. Ashe.
"Also, I'd like to request that Agent Manetti be the CHESS Agent to accompany me on this mission. Will that be a problem?"
Speaking directly to his father
"With your permission sir, I'd like to take care of a few personal issues, before I leave, do I have time?
OOC - I'll wait for their replies, before I post anything else. So, is this like a Soldier one shot special issue? Say something like Codename: Soldier? As I could see him supoorting his own solo book. ;)
If she goes outside, I'll follow if I'm not getting the answers I want. An acceptable option is a way to possibly hook up with "her" (whoever/whatever she is) later if I'm not getting the answers I'm seeking.
As shown by his original interactions with Spider, Scott is not opposed dealing with the bad guys if necessary.
Thanks Seth! I've actually been trying to find a way to work in the 'human side' of Clone ( for lack of a better term ) into the story line for a while now. I found I was having way to much fun playing him as a culture shocked comic relief type character and figured I needed to change things up a bit by showing the pain behind the smiles. While I was writing it I started thinking to myself "Oh God - I hope I'm not jamm'n Jeff up by putting this kind of spin on things." Even though Clone only actually muttered a few lines of dialogue; I was afraid that all the character introspective stuff might paint him into some kind'a literary corner or something. So much like you I'm anxiously awaiting Jeff's GM reply to all of this ( lol sorry again Jeff ).
As for Kirk showing up during all of this - I think that would really be cool from a story telling stand point, but I have a feeling Jeff is gonna keep us solo for a bit. If Kirk showing up during this meeting was even a possibility though - I would definitely spend a Luck Point or something to see it happen. God knows Clone could use the support - he's starting to get that scared and confused feeling pretty strongly at the moment. It might even provide Sentinel with a chance to explore his newly acquired leadership role a bit. Either way though it should prove to be a really interesting storyline with lots of morale and spiritual obstacles for Clone to over come - I'm really looking forward to it.
Nice catch by the way with the whole Corinthians verse Seth - I was wondering if anyone was going to pick up on that. :-)
My thanks again Seth for the kind words of support - coming from someone who writes as well as you do it means a lot.
Talk to you soon,
Clone's Mom quoting Corinthians to heal his pain brought tears to my eyes. Wonderful characterization and writing.
This is shaping up to be a really awesome issue of Vanguard. I can't wait to see how Jeff puts this all together.
Lightning Strike:
Realizing that there was no real point in lying to Hank Archer, Strike laid his cards on the table.
"Obviously you know more than you are telling me Detective Archer but it is safe to say that I have a very personal interest in this case. I have been conducting my own investigation but have turned up no concrete evidence although I have lots of suspicions. Some very powerful people wanted to see these people killed. I want to see them brought to justice, any way necessary."
Lightning Strike carefully looks through the file to see if it gives any information that he did not know. He speaks again.
"If there are any leads that you are not able follow up in an official capacity, I would be willing to track them down for you. I am certain I can get information that you can't or won't track down due to departmental policy."
Strike leaves the ball in Archer's court to see what he wants to tell him.
Thanks all for your patience,
“Well,” said Maria Girucci, “I gotta thank you…. Really. I believe I have enough now.” Her accent evaporated and she smiled as her eyes glowed white, eclipsing her brown pupils entirely.
Scott steeled himself. While, he understood why Maria might have been after him.. Go through this whole charade to spend an hour in front of a coffee? - He says sighing, something between exasperation and sadness. "Thank you for the reveal. I'm assuming you're not actually Maria. I certainly don't appreciate the subterfuge. If you wanted to talk to me, you could have simply come up and asked, just as "Maria" just did..and what do you mean, I have enough?"
[OOC: He's going to assume that it is Skin Deep, unless they actually reveal themselves further. Scott will continue talking and asking questions. Trying to pin point who and what this person is and what they are looking for. Until now, there's been no aggression, so Slingshot will not get physical, unless provoked. Furthermore, they are in a shop and he will not start a fight there.. outside, that's another question. He will not start it, but he'll finish it.]
You don't want to see Greg in his "harness". I've been told that it's something that will forever be etched in your brain to your eternal chagrin.
Regarding Pachy, enjoy! he's really a softy.
KRAKA-BOOM! Lightning flashed to reveal the giant’s face. John saw the ugly man had but one large eye! He was a Cyclops!
“…Where have you been to escape detection by Otom the Seer?”
John chuckles. Here we go, he thinks...
"Searching for me for ages...? This is a mystery to me but there have been lots of strange things going on so, instead of dismissing this out of hand, I guess I need to ask one question of you before we move forward. Otom, Seer...are you my friend or are you my foe?"
Sentinel wrote: Before replying, what can Kirk find about the Odyssey Club and its history/purpose so he understands their interest.
GM Reply: Kirk has been inside the club (way back in Vanguard Issue 0! ) as a guest of Lancaster.
Founded in 1893, the Odyssey Club is a non-profit organization dedicated to exploration, to the advancement of knowledge and to philanthropy. Lancaster was a member since the War. Kirk could become a member, sponsored by Lancaster, but the average age of members is 50-something so young Kirk might not be enthused hanging around with the senior set.
Sentinel wrote: If Lancaster organized it but isn't present who is hosting? Or is that Kirk's role?
GM Reply: That’s up to Kirk. He, Doyle or O’Malley may host, or else a representative of the Club may on REACH’s behalf.
Sentinel wrote: What is the scope of the event and is there any program organized beyond cocktails, violins and h'or d'ouevres?
GM Reply: Again up to you. Could be a brief presentation from a REACH representative or it could simply be brochures or other materials left out.
Sentinel wrote: Do Doyle and O'Malley have the signet rings also?
GM Reply: I’ll assume that you can close enough to them whether or not you’re in uniform.
No. Neither does.
Sentinel wrote: As to how he attends (civilian/Sentinel), what is Lancaster's recommendation? From your description it would seem formal would be appropriate and costumed would be garish and perhaps in poor taste for the crowd and event, but some of the other details would help to decide this...
GM Reply: Because REACH has prominent ties to the extranormal community, it wouldn’t be improper to attend in uniform, but you’ll be the center of attention for good and ill.
OOC: Jeff,
Would an old-style costumed ball be too outlandish for the Odyssey Club as opposed to the straight black tie?
I think the colorfulness of the event would serve nicely to emphasize part of what makes REACH unique. We'd add a dance floor for elegant old school ballroom type dancing.
Kirk comes dressed as the Scarlet Pimpernel as he plays host.
Kirk would play host meeting and greeting and at one point in the evening just say a brief speech thanking everyone for coming, for their charitable support over the years and hopefully for their support of REACH. He'd briefly but passionately speak about his goals and hopes for REACH and how it would benefit all of humanity.
To start the speech he gets everyone's attention and refers to the costumes and says something along the lines, "An evening of pretense such as this can be fun and entertaining but as we look around surely many of our colorful costumed choices represent parts of our personality that perhaps we sometimes don't get to share. We all wear masks at time.
But sometimes they reveal a part of us that we need to let out and share, and sometimes the outlandish reveals what is truly at heart within us." At that point Kirk removes the Scarlet Pimpernel mask to reveal the mask of the Sentinel and the costumed cape is spun around to reveal the Sentinel insignia.
"Each of us has a gift or talent that makes us special ... something unique that we can share with others. As members of the Odyssey Club you are all well aware of that having set yourselves apart as accomplished members of society and then using your gifts in the pursuit of exploration, knowledge, and philanthropy.
In recent decades the world has seen the birth of some with extraordinary gifts beyond those seen by man before. (as he says this he uses his powers to have a huge crest or symbol of the Odyssey Club (surely they have one) rise from his open outstretched hands). (OOC Surely a little pomp is in order here)
REACH will help those with such gifts to join with you and others with similar goals to the benefit of society as a whole. We appeal to you for your support in our endeavor and we are open to your suggestions. We are going to make the world a better place ... we going to make a difference! And we hope you'll all be a part of it.
Thanks for your attention and enjoy the rest of the evening."
This might not be on the lines of your thoughts for the Odyssey Club and certainly Kirk wouldn't do anything that would cause offense, but I was getting a bit of an old world feel to the thing and something 'old world society' might have a certain charm for these sort of people...
Let me know if this sounds good or not and I'll try to work on some of the other items you left open for reply too this weekend.
Lancaster Gerard said solemnly, “Then you live with the consequences. It’s not easy and there’s no glory in it. But you go on.” Lancaster was clearly remembering choices he had made. Choices that still haunted him decades later. Then his pale blue eyes pierced his grandson’s. “When in doubt, Kirk, you do what’s right.” (OOC: Reply, if any?)
It was at that moment that Kirk was hit by a sense of deja vu. He had seen that look before, the pained expression, but not in the eyes of Lancaster, rather in the eyes of Doc Rocket. The conversation however had been similar, about living with the consequences of ones actions; it was after the death of the Atomic Brain from Kirk's actions in battle with Homicide for Hire. That memory pained Kirk.
But Kirk didn't need telepathic abilities to see a distinction in the disturbing remembrances of these two men that meant to much to him. Both had ghosts from the past clawing at them, but it was clear that Doc's were more damaging. And then the reason why hit him; Kirk focused on their verbal expressions.
Doc had told him, 'you did what was necessary.' Gramps had just said, 'you do what's right.' Kirk sensed an important moral distinction here. One that would define the hero, and even moreso the man he would become. And whether he would be able to look himself in the mirror. He hoped that when his time came he would choose wisely.
Kirk did have more questions about this. Many. But he sensed that his true answers would only be found in his personal journey when he got to that path in the road. And he didn't want to be the cause of further disquieting thoughts on the part of Lancaster, so he changed his demeanor and tone and said with a smile and laugh, "So, just 'man up', eh?"
(OOC I couldn't find the actual dialogue by Doc but it seemed absolutely vivid in my memory so I hope the above is all right - I even thought he said something similar in the alternate future as we were going after Primate before we lost contact with Chess.)
Sadly Lancaster could not attend as his Saturday evenings were spent with Miles Hudson, visiting his dear friend and helping with his recovery
After the event Kirk would inquire as to how things went and Miles' continued recovery and if there was anything he could do to assist.
Kirk noticed at least two male guests wearing signet rings with the symbol of the Sentinel on them!
Kirk makes sure as he's playing host to greet them and to try to find out who the men are and if he notices any other such rings. In their casual conversation he'll notice the ring and comment on the symbol saying something along the lines of, "I couldn't help but notice the symbol on your ring, its one that has always been close to my heart. Does it have any special meaning to you? ... Where did you get acquire the ring? ... I've seen some other members with the same ring, does it have any significance to the Odyssey Club?"
He'll work those questions into conversation with the two men and go from question to question as part of the conversation depending on how they react. He does this with each of the men separately and out of ear shot of each other and tries to notice if after having the conversation with one of them, he makes his way to the other to discuss it, etc. He also tries to notice if there are any more of them. If he gets their names he will make a note to do some research on them afterward to look for connections in their history or family reference to the symbol. If they don't give their names, he will inquire of Doyle and O'Malley if they know them and their story.
Also, remind me if he has seen Lancaster with one of the rings too - did you tell me he had one? And please remind me if I remember right but didn't you have a passing comment about someone leaving their home having visited Lancaster when Kirk returned on one occasion and they were wearing a signet ring like this one? Again, I remember at least once you mentioning a visitor leaving as Kirk arrived and you may have said something about a ring, but I'm not sure. If so, does Kirk remember if it was either of the men he saw with the ring this evening?
When he next sees Lancaster (not sure of your plans for when that will be if we are looking at the start of another adventure from these events or if they are going to be more of a brief interlude) he'll just ask him outright about the rings, the men, and their significance as far as he knows.
You already have some of Kirk's actions for the event and he'll do his best to be a gracious host. Kirk actually has a genuine love for people and this will be evident in his interactions with everyone - they will be able to see that his interest isn't the normal facade used by those looking to get support for something.
As he plays host he does keep an eye open and coordinate with Odyssey security to make sure that the evenings events don't turn less festive by having things go sour by the intervention of someone with less than honorable motives ... part of Kirk's concerns about REACH is that it becomes a target for those against its message or outright villains and he would try to be alert that the event doesn't fall prey to that.
(OOC Yes, I figured the whole costumed ball aspect would further play into your ability to turn the event sour but couldn't resist the whole high society feel of things -it was too visually cool to pass up. But I am just waiting for the ball to go all Phantom of the Opera on Kirk.)
Kirk could become a member, sponsored by Lancaster, but the average age of members is 50-something so young Kirk might not be enthused hanging around with the senior set.
Kirk would be unfazed by the age difference having been raised by Lancaster and seen him as nothing but vital. Kirk has the personality and love of life and all sorts of people to adapt to whomever he is with seemingly without effort. Likely what would limit Kirk's exposure is simply the time factor and with Vanguard and now REACH he wouldn't have that much time to spend unless their activities intersected. If it ends up that the Odyssey Club or some of its members become strong REACH sponsors or advocates time spent would be greater and might peak his interest in becoming a member. However, for better or worse, it would be clear that he would not become involved in any sort of high society 'social' games regarding how things looked, climbing the social ladder, etc. Kirk is who he is and isn't looking to impress anyone and if that's part of things he would likely be spending his time elsewhere.
Hope everyone enjoys the day.
Before I get into any IC or OOC reactions, let me first express my happiness over the team getting a new member – WHOO-HOO! Welcome aboard Thomas! I’m not the ‘new guy’ anymore thanks to you!
lol Just kidd’n around – welcome aboard Thomas. Great first response – looks like Jeff is hitting you with the old ‘baptism by fire’ treatment – I’ve always loved that method ( in real life and in gaming ) when welcoming someone new to a group – always seems to bring out the best in a person.
By the way; do you prefer Thomas, Tommy or Tom?
( OOC Response ) Nice job Jeff! You completely threw me for a loop with this last issue. I so didn’t see that coming. I thought for sure it was going to be a surgical extraction type deal – nice curve ball! When I read this:
“…And different than you,” said Grey. “Not as funny.”
I was so tempted to brake out into the Goodfella’s bit ( http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s4jz00Eelbk&feature=related ), but then I thought about it some more and realized that’s not how Clone would react. Given his background, powers and weaknesses he would see this from a completely different view point ( see IC response below ).
Clone’s smooth face expressed lament and sorrow as he bowed his head for a moment and then asked, “ Please . . . can you tell me more of this Clone? I am not knowing of this before . . .”
Drake said softly, “We never got to know him well, I’m afraid. But he was brave enough.”
“…And different than you,” said Grey. “Not as funny.”
( OOC Response ) Factoring in Clone’s background, the current situation, his powers, his weaknesses, and his lack of 100% fluency in the English language ( that I’ve worked in ); I think I’ve come up with the best possible IC Response that I could muster for him . . .
( Clone’s IC Response ) Clone stares at Grey for a moment before he speaks, but in that one moment a flood of memories began to fill his mind. He ponders all the culture shock he’s been suffering through since he’s arrived in New York, and no matter how hard he tries to fit in, he just seems to come off like a simple country rube. He remembers the first time The Soviets placed a mask over his face, he knew it wasn’t to conceal his identity – it was to hide his strange appearance. He then recalls when he was a boy, how the children in his village back home would laugh and point at him; calling him names, telling him how stupid he was and how funny he looked. He thinks back to the first time he saw a stranger visit his village and how they gasped in shock when they saw his face.
As these painful thoughts began to get the best of him, he suddenly remembered the warm caress of his mothers hand on his face the first time she saw him crying over how different he looked compared to all the other children in their village. He could still see the soft golden hues of the warm summer sun dancing whimsically in her hair, and the gentle smile that rested on her face as she looked upon her young son. His tear laden eyes quickly looking away in embarrassment; he wondered how anyone could be so happy to see such a stupid and ugly child. His mother slowly knelt down in front of him and said, “We all have to do the best with what God has given us son … and I love you. You know what love is Alexander?” He just stood there staring at ground, with tears rolling down his face and said nothing. Lifting up his face, she gently wiped the tears from his cheeks and continued, “Love is the most powerful thing in the world. Love is patient and kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, and it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil, but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, and always perseveres.” As young Alexander hugged his mother he could feel hope return to his soul and love refilling his heart.
“Momma always had a way of explaining things so that I could understand them,” he thought to himself.
Before he says a word to Grey he reminds himself that these are the people that will help him give his family the life they deserve. They will help him bring his family to a place where they can be free from oppression and suffering; a place where they can find happiness and peace. It is for these things that he will hold his tongue and sacrifice his dignity.
Clone stares at Grey for a moment before he speaks, “Da comrade Grey. . .” An insincere smile slips across his face before he continues,” . . . I am very much funny.”
Weeks later, Grey, Doc and Drake knock at the door to Clone’s private quarters in the Vanguard Vault. Grey said quietly, “Alexander, we’re ready to get your family out. Are you prepared to do what it takes to make that happen?”
“Da, I will be giving of my life when time is coming. My new comrades are helping to come as well, no?”
“No,” said Grey unhappily. The three entered Clone’s quarters like they were arriving at a wake. “The US government is unwilling to create an international incident.”
“And Vanguard specializes in creating them,” said Agent Drake blackly.
Grey shot Drake a look and continued, “Alex, what you said about giving your life. Were you serious?”
He cleared his throat.
“Through unofficial channels, the Soviets have contacted CHESS. They’ve proposed a trade. The USSR wants one of your duplicates … in exchange for your family.”
( Clone’s IC Response ) Putting his hand to chin, he turns and slowly walks away from the three agents. With his back turned towards them he stops only a few feet away, scratching his chin as he ponders what they have just said to him.
For years he had done everything he could to escape from behind ‘The Iron Curtain’, and now that he has - it seems that he might have to go back.
His entire life was been spent beneath the heel of a repressive and controlling government. Everything he thought he knew about the world was nothing more then some Machiavellian fable manufactured by paranoid and fractured minds and then distributed by an unjust and corrupt communist regime. So how could he possibly accept what these three men said now as the complete truth? How could he be expected to simply agree to these terms without even questioning them? The American government had never given him a reason to question their motives or honesty, but something inside of him stirred and demanded more. Was it his newly found sense of freedom pulling aside the curtain of oppression that too long covered his spirit and free will, or was it the recently discovered knowledge that he had been lied to his entire life by his last government that made him hesitate in responding to these three men . . . or was it something else? Whatever it was that he was feeling he knew it couldn’t be denied. He had to know more – for once in his life he had to make a stand and question the path that lied before him. For once in his life he had to know what it felt like to be free; to speak his mind regardless of the consequences.
His pulse quickened and a sickening feeling began to swirl around inside of his stomach – he was afraid. For the first time in his life he truly had no idea what to do. He knew he would do whatever it took to safe his family, but something about all of this just didn’t feel right. He closed his eyes for a brief moment as the memory of his father began to fill his thoughts. He remembered the day he and his father were out plowing the fields and his father stop beside him and looked up from his plow and said, “Always remember Alexander . . . respect and responsibility . . . respect is not something the world will just give to you, it must be earned through hard work and maintained on a constant basis or else you will lose it. Responsibility is the thing people dread most of all, yet it is the one thing in the world that develops us and builds our character.”
His eyes opened slowly as he turned to the three agents and asked, “They are having my family? Of this you are certain?
Regardless of their response he will then ask them.
“Is the Kremlin telling you of what they are wanting with my Clone?”
Regardless of their response he will then ask them.
“Are you trusting them comrades?”
Talk to you all soon,
I mostly go by Tom.
Thanks for the welcome everyone.
OOC: Kev.
What a great post.
You took the line from Jeff that had me rolling during the issue and turned it around so that it became a wrenching moment ... that's good writing.
And the great backstory including showing where the character's strong religious backaround originated from (mom's quote) ... and also the buildup in questioning Grey, great thought-provoking stuff.
Another storyline I'm anxiously awaiting to see Jeff's follow-up.
I'll reserve IC type stuff since this is Clone's storyline to figure but I couldn't help but imagine how angry Kirk would be about this sort of treatment thus far if he knew about it.
Hello All,
Welcome to the game, Tom. I hope you enjoy playing with the group.
Adam will use the reflective surfaces of the surounding structures to try and get a glimpse of the person that is following them. He will look for a small bar that doesn't look too crowded and suggest having a drink.
He'll try to keep up the small talk without getting upset at the interuption to his night out. He wants to have a good time, and he hopes that this person will leave them be if they sit for awhile, so he will just keep his eyes open for signs of a threat(Shatter).
If he thinks this is all a trap he will do his best to get outside and remove his harness. He will be upset at the disturbance of his date. All the bad memories of his past will come flooding back, and the effort he's made to control his anger be damned.
Someone better be ready to fight.....
Soldier listened intently to Dr. Ashe, as he scanned through the folder he'd been handed, and thought to himself "The Patriot?" "He understood that certain things were need to know basis, but why had he never of this program before?" That's something he'd have to find out later though. If the situation was as urgent as they'd described, he'd have to get moving, and soon. He still needed time to put an initial plan together, pack equipment, and work out a search plan, but before he could do that, he'd need to know the Patriot's last know location, and when he'd last been seen.
Speaking to his father, and Dr. Ashe
"I got a few questions I need answered, so that I can come up with a workable plan, and I'll need some equipment. When and where was the Patriot last seen? How am I infiltrating my objective, and what my cover story? What type of support am I looking at, and will CHESS back up be available if I need it?"
While he knew his questions would irritate his father, he also knew that these were questions that needed to be asked, and answered in a timely manner. He'd seen to many operations go bad, due to poor planning. Guys going off half cocked hoping for the best, or just assuming that everything would be in place, only to have it come back and bite them.
Speaking to his father, and Dr. Ashe.
"Also, I'd like to request that Agent Manetti be the CHESS Agent to accompany me on this mission. Will that be a problem?"
Speaking directly to his father
"With your permission sir, I'd like to take care of a few personal issues, before I leave, do I have time?
OOC - I'll wait for their replies, before I post anything else. So, is this like a Soldier one shot special issue? Say something like Codename: Soldier? As I could see him supoorting his own solo book. ;)
If she goes outside, I'll follow if I'm not getting the answers I want. An acceptable option is a way to possibly hook up with "her" (whoever/whatever she is) later if I'm not getting the answers I'm seeking.
As shown by his original interactions with Spider, Scott is not opposed dealing with the bad guys if necessary.
Thanks Seth! I've actually been trying to find a way to work in the 'human side' of Clone ( for lack of a better term ) into the story line for a while now. I found I was having way to much fun playing him as a culture shocked comic relief type character and figured I needed to change things up a bit by showing the pain behind the smiles. While I was writing it I started thinking to myself "Oh God - I hope I'm not jamm'n Jeff up by putting this kind of spin on things." Even though Clone only actually muttered a few lines of dialogue; I was afraid that all the character introspective stuff might paint him into some kind'a literary corner or something. So much like you I'm anxiously awaiting Jeff's GM reply to all of this ( lol sorry again Jeff ).
As for Kirk showing up during all of this - I think that would really be cool from a story telling stand point, but I have a feeling Jeff is gonna keep us solo for a bit. If Kirk showing up during this meeting was even a possibility though - I would definitely spend a Luck Point or something to see it happen. God knows Clone could use the support - he's starting to get that scared and confused feeling pretty strongly at the moment. It might even provide Sentinel with a chance to explore his newly acquired leadership role a bit. Either way though it should prove to be a really interesting storyline with lots of morale and spiritual obstacles for Clone to over come - I'm really looking forward to it.
Nice catch by the way with the whole Corinthians verse Seth - I was wondering if anyone was going to pick up on that. :-)
My thanks again Seth for the kind words of support - coming from someone who writes as well as you do it means a lot.
Talk to you soon,
Clone's Mom quoting Corinthians to heal his pain brought tears to my eyes. Wonderful characterization and writing.
This is shaping up to be a really awesome issue of Vanguard. I can't wait to see how Jeff puts this all together.
Lightning Strike:
Realizing that there was no real point in lying to Hank Archer, Strike laid his cards on the table.
"Obviously you know more than you are telling me Detective Archer but it is safe to say that I have a very personal interest in this case. I have been conducting my own investigation but have turned up no concrete evidence although I have lots of suspicions. Some very powerful people wanted to see these people killed. I want to see them brought to justice, any way necessary."
Lightning Strike carefully looks through the file to see if it gives any information that he did not know. He speaks again.
"If there are any leads that you are not able follow up in an official capacity, I would be willing to track them down for you. I am certain I can get information that you can't or won't track down due to departmental policy."
Strike leaves the ball in Archer's court to see what he wants to tell him.
Thanks all for your patience,