After the Big City mission, a few weeks pass as Vanguard gets some much needed rest.
But do our poor heroes ever get a rest, true believers??!
The media controversy surrounding revisiting existing extranormal laws builds to a fever pitch, increased by Silas Caine’s suit against the federal government and the death of the teen hero, the Ghost. Sentinel’s eulogy gets plenty of air time, as do Caine’s remarks about extranormals being “above the law” in a way that is unconstitutional and that has violated his civil rights.
The senior senator from New York, Senator Doyle, enters the fray on the side of Vanguard.
CHESS and the US Government take Inhuman’s proposal of a countersuit and other delaying tactics against Caine under advisement. They are divided.
CHESS Bishop Sam Drake spoke for the “against” faction. His mood wasn’t light.
“According to their own debriefing, Vanguard had in fact come to Caine with the intent to kill him.
Also, the only information that suggests Caine is a ganglord comes from Lightning Strike who, according to his own testimony, was hypnotized when he offered it. And Slingshot attacked Caine.
No. This can’t ever go to court. We should settle and sweep it all under the rug.”
(OOC: replies, if any?)
CHESS opens their file on Black Bat. (*see below) The new revelations of the past week have yet to be folded in. No major new shocks are discovered, as he has been assumed dead for 20 years.
Research into Stentor finds that 20 years ago, after the “death” of Black Bat, Stentor resigned. It was thought that he was disgusted with how things turned out with Bat, after all his warnings to the FF that Bat was irredeemable. He has not been heard from since.
Grey will have CHESS will investigate Inhuman’s angle of how Nanite printed a photo of Slingshot.
Bat’s silver coffin is recovered. CHESS will take possession. Grey nixes Inhuman’s idea of an auction. “The winner will end up murdered. Auction house employees too possibly. I already got all the blood on my hands that I can handle.”
At the debrief, Hank Archer said he was questioning Silas Caine about the fact the Luddite had never targeted his holdings during his assault on technology. “I knew that was nothing to convict him on, but I wanted to rattle his cage and see what he’d say. He was a pretty cool customer, until the Luddite showed up. Too bad the Luddite bought the farm; he was our only legit connection to Caine. Bad break. Caine told us he’s taking a work sabbatical because of the assassination attempt. We told him not to leave town. We questioned him and he’s taking the fifth because of the pending trial against you lot. It’s also hampering our investigation into the workings of his company, for now at least.”
Sentinel said: ‘It seems strange that Caine had no bodyguards present.”
Archer said, “Huh? According to Strike, Luddite WAS Caine’s bodyguard. What do you think, Strike?”
Detective Archer’s theory on Skin Deep is this: “Morgue is the only link we have to Skin Deep. If I’m her, I’d get away from him as fast as possible. If I’m her, I’m in Mexico drinking margaritas on a beach right now, right Symbiote?”
Doc Rocket, ably assisted by Symbiote (and stood over by Slingshot), has completed work on Nanite. Sentinel’s cyberspace beacon had returned no reply yet.
At Vanguard’s HQ in the Empire State Building, she was laid out on a table in the Projects Room. Doc, an elderly Brit, stood over her and said gently, “Her body is in good working order again. I’m afraid though that her mind is a blank. There is a kind of reboot function, for lack of a better word. I imagine that if engaged, it would start her over at the beginning and she would have no memory of anything, or any of us.”
Doc paused as he leaned on his cane. “I wonder if she had been rebooted before, when she was held captive in Dr. Swastika’s body farm.”
(OOC: Replies to any and all of the above, please? Thanks!)
The night they smashed into Caine’s offices, Hal told Caine that an investigation could cause people to wonder why the Luddite was in his offices.
Caine said: “That thing arrived after you. I thought you brought it here. If I was in league with such a freak of nature, do you really think I would have directed you how to destroy it?
Sadly, it is gone. And we’ll likely never get to the truth behind the matter.
You yourself might worry that an investigation would cause people to wonder why YOU were in my offices. Extranormals have long placed themselves above the law and above humanity. I for one will not stand for it. I am a private citizen and have rights.”
He looked around the wreckage of his building. “You are far too dangerous for the public’s good.”
Hal then “warned” Silas Caine of a dark force that may still be after him.
Caine either didn’t know of Black Bat or was a very good actor.
“All right, all right,” muttered Archer as he pulled Caine out of there and took him downtown.
Caine was going forward with his charges. The case will take months or even years.
Later, in Hal’s personal lab, as they download the telemetry of the sampled extranormals, Hal notices Shelley marveling over the harness even more than usual. “Hey, sis, you okay?” Hal asked.
“Huh? Sure,” she said. “It’s just… amazing. You know?”
Later, Hal visits his father to determine if Hank Archer had anything interesting to tell the old man during their regular visits to the cop bar where they hang out together.
Hal’s dad said, “Funny you should say that. He was just asking about you. He said to say hello.”
Hal trains at the Vanguard gymnasium, with Sgt. Stone who is a hell of a taskmaster. “Hey, perfesser! You sure you didn’t make a wrong turn? The library is down the other hall!”
Stone might be 90 years old, but his altered form didn’t seem to notice.
Hal sees Kairos training in the gym often as well. (OOC: Bonus to Endurance. See Hal’s new sheet.)
(OOC: Replies to any and all of the above, please? Also, see ‘Slingshot.’ Thanks!)
Slingshot sought out Kairos. When he found him, he introduced himself, "I know that you've been with us for a while, but I don't think that I've been able to properly introduce myself. I'm Slingshot, but you can call me Scott. I don't think I can seriously have a secret identity with this body.. and no, wearing glasses doesn't help.." With a big grin, he said,” I already tried." Scott was fairly open about his background and welcomed Kairos into the Vanguard fold.
John trains at the Vanguard gymnasium, with Sgt. Stone who is a hell of a taskmaster. “C’mon, golden boy, get the lead out! You call that fast?! You shoulda seen this creep called Blitzkrieg! He’d run circles around yer fancy pants!” Kairos sees Symbiote training at the gym often as well.
(OOC: Bonus to Agility. See Kairos’ new sheet.)
Later, in the still of the night, John lay awake thinking of Penumbra and some of the things she had said. She had obviously recognized him in some manner but he could not understand exactly why or how she had known him. Interesting woman, of course, but it kinda looked out of the question that he would be quizzing her about it on a peaceful basis. Still, he couldn’t quite shake the fact that she, and even the Bat, knew something about him that he didn’t. He’d always known that he was a little different than others…As John turned these matters over in his head he drifted off to sleep.
But do our poor heroes ever get a rest, true believers??!
The media controversy surrounding revisiting existing extranormal laws builds to a fever pitch, increased by Silas Caine’s suit against the federal government and the death of the teen hero, the Ghost. Sentinel’s eulogy gets plenty of air time, as do Caine’s remarks about extranormals being “above the law” in a way that is unconstitutional and that has violated his civil rights.
The senior senator from New York, Senator Doyle, enters the fray on the side of Vanguard.
CHESS and the US Government take Inhuman’s proposal of a countersuit and other delaying tactics against Caine under advisement. They are divided.
CHESS Bishop Sam Drake spoke for the “against” faction. His mood wasn’t light.
“According to their own debriefing, Vanguard had in fact come to Caine with the intent to kill him.
Also, the only information that suggests Caine is a ganglord comes from Lightning Strike who, according to his own testimony, was hypnotized when he offered it. And Slingshot attacked Caine.
No. This can’t ever go to court. We should settle and sweep it all under the rug.”
(OOC: replies, if any?)
CHESS opens their file on Black Bat. (*see below) The new revelations of the past week have yet to be folded in. No major new shocks are discovered, as he has been assumed dead for 20 years.
Research into Stentor finds that 20 years ago, after the “death” of Black Bat, Stentor resigned. It was thought that he was disgusted with how things turned out with Bat, after all his warnings to the FF that Bat was irredeemable. He has not been heard from since.
Grey will have CHESS will investigate Inhuman’s angle of how Nanite printed a photo of Slingshot.
Bat’s silver coffin is recovered. CHESS will take possession. Grey nixes Inhuman’s idea of an auction. “The winner will end up murdered. Auction house employees too possibly. I already got all the blood on my hands that I can handle.”
At the debrief, Hank Archer said he was questioning Silas Caine about the fact the Luddite had never targeted his holdings during his assault on technology. “I knew that was nothing to convict him on, but I wanted to rattle his cage and see what he’d say. He was a pretty cool customer, until the Luddite showed up. Too bad the Luddite bought the farm; he was our only legit connection to Caine. Bad break. Caine told us he’s taking a work sabbatical because of the assassination attempt. We told him not to leave town. We questioned him and he’s taking the fifth because of the pending trial against you lot. It’s also hampering our investigation into the workings of his company, for now at least.”
Sentinel said: ‘It seems strange that Caine had no bodyguards present.”
Archer said, “Huh? According to Strike, Luddite WAS Caine’s bodyguard. What do you think, Strike?”
Detective Archer’s theory on Skin Deep is this: “Morgue is the only link we have to Skin Deep. If I’m her, I’d get away from him as fast as possible. If I’m her, I’m in Mexico drinking margaritas on a beach right now, right Symbiote?”
Doc Rocket, ably assisted by Symbiote (and stood over by Slingshot), has completed work on Nanite. Sentinel’s cyberspace beacon had returned no reply yet.
At Vanguard’s HQ in the Empire State Building, she was laid out on a table in the Projects Room. Doc, an elderly Brit, stood over her and said gently, “Her body is in good working order again. I’m afraid though that her mind is a blank. There is a kind of reboot function, for lack of a better word. I imagine that if engaged, it would start her over at the beginning and she would have no memory of anything, or any of us.”
Doc paused as he leaned on his cane. “I wonder if she had been rebooted before, when she was held captive in Dr. Swastika’s body farm.”
(OOC: Replies to any and all of the above, please? Thanks!)
The night they smashed into Caine’s offices, Hal told Caine that an investigation could cause people to wonder why the Luddite was in his offices.
Caine said: “That thing arrived after you. I thought you brought it here. If I was in league with such a freak of nature, do you really think I would have directed you how to destroy it?
Sadly, it is gone. And we’ll likely never get to the truth behind the matter.
You yourself might worry that an investigation would cause people to wonder why YOU were in my offices. Extranormals have long placed themselves above the law and above humanity. I for one will not stand for it. I am a private citizen and have rights.”
He looked around the wreckage of his building. “You are far too dangerous for the public’s good.”
Hal then “warned” Silas Caine of a dark force that may still be after him.
Caine either didn’t know of Black Bat or was a very good actor.
“All right, all right,” muttered Archer as he pulled Caine out of there and took him downtown.
Caine was going forward with his charges. The case will take months or even years.
Later, in Hal’s personal lab, as they download the telemetry of the sampled extranormals, Hal notices Shelley marveling over the harness even more than usual. “Hey, sis, you okay?” Hal asked.
“Huh? Sure,” she said. “It’s just… amazing. You know?”
Later, Hal visits his father to determine if Hank Archer had anything interesting to tell the old man during their regular visits to the cop bar where they hang out together.
Hal’s dad said, “Funny you should say that. He was just asking about you. He said to say hello.”
Hal trains at the Vanguard gymnasium, with Sgt. Stone who is a hell of a taskmaster. “Hey, perfesser! You sure you didn’t make a wrong turn? The library is down the other hall!”
Stone might be 90 years old, but his altered form didn’t seem to notice.
Hal sees Kairos training in the gym often as well. (OOC: Bonus to Endurance. See Hal’s new sheet.)
(OOC: Replies to any and all of the above, please? Also, see ‘Slingshot.’ Thanks!)
Slingshot sought out Kairos. When he found him, he introduced himself, "I know that you've been with us for a while, but I don't think that I've been able to properly introduce myself. I'm Slingshot, but you can call me Scott. I don't think I can seriously have a secret identity with this body.. and no, wearing glasses doesn't help.." With a big grin, he said,” I already tried." Scott was fairly open about his background and welcomed Kairos into the Vanguard fold.
John trains at the Vanguard gymnasium, with Sgt. Stone who is a hell of a taskmaster. “C’mon, golden boy, get the lead out! You call that fast?! You shoulda seen this creep called Blitzkrieg! He’d run circles around yer fancy pants!” Kairos sees Symbiote training at the gym often as well.
(OOC: Bonus to Agility. See Kairos’ new sheet.)
Later, in the still of the night, John lay awake thinking of Penumbra and some of the things she had said. She had obviously recognized him in some manner but he could not understand exactly why or how she had known him. Interesting woman, of course, but it kinda looked out of the question that he would be quizzing her about it on a peaceful basis. Still, he couldn’t quite shake the fact that she, and even the Bat, knew something about him that he didn’t. He’d always known that he was a little different than others…As John turned these matters over in his head he drifted off to sleep.
He dreamed.
He found himself lost and walking across a night landscape of broken marble ruins beneath a red sky. He walked among shattered columns and crumbling statues of long dead gods and heroes, their sightless eyes and passive faces gazing out from antiquity into infinity. Beyond the full moon were other worlds, other galaxies.
Kairos was oddly at peace, sleepy and dreamy. “Traveler,” called a woman’s voice. It might have been Penumbra! Kairos turned and beheld a cloaked female figure shrouded in shadow perched atop a gigantic stone head that lay decapitated, broken on the ground. “You are lost. More than you know.”
(OOC: Replies to any and all of the above, please? Thanks!)
Lightning Strike:
Sentinel felt impelled to speak with Lightning Strike and extend an olive branch again.
“Strike, I wanted to let you know that I’m leaving for a few days. And I want you to know that I’m concerned about you. After some closure regarding the Luddite and having your name cleared in the press I was hoping to see some of the edge come off you, but it seems like your as agitated as ever. It isn’t good for you.
I know we come at the world from two opposing viewpoints and that unsettles you about me, but we’ve both been here with Vanguard from day one and I’d like to feel that we’re more than strangers after what we’ve been through together and the work we’ve accomplished.
You’re an incredibly intelligent and talented man! See the potential of what is around you here with Vanguard and overcome your natural inclination to play the loner. There’s strength in numbers. There’s wisdom in a multitude of counselors. If you don’t, then you deprive both yourself and everyone around you.
And then Strike could perceive Kirk’s voice grow a little stronger and he even thought he perceived an unusual tinge of anger, although Kirk tried to cover it, “Think about what you knew about Caine. Had you shared that information with the rest of us, the whole mission might have proceeded differently. At least now he’s on our radar. But it took the Bat’s mind control for you to share the information.” And then Strike saw that slight tinge of anger turn to disappointment and concern, “That just isn’t right. I offered my support to you previously if I could assist, the offer still stands Strike. Please think about what I said.” And as Kirk left the room he added, “A major part of one’s life is defined by those who share it Strike; I get what Caine took from you, don’t let him continue taking it.”
Later, Strike, in his assumed identity of Sparks McGee, enters Big City’s underworld to wage a one-man war on crime! He finds it in utter chaos. Rumors swirl that the Five Bosses are dead, that they were never the real bosses, that they are still alive, and even that they never existed. The underworld economy is disabled. Men don’t know who to kick up their tribute to. Young turks are jockeying for position in the power vacuum. All the hired guns who came to town for the war are restless and looking for work; an explosive situation resulting in many small gunfights these days. Word from “above” is to lay low, wait for the heat to blow over but no one really knows where the orders are coming from now. Rumors say Whisper (Femme fatale’s former right arm) is back! Some say Intercrime might be returning to power! There’s also word of other players named Chain and Hardcore. Bull Marr, who used to earn for the Octopus, is out on bail. The fallout will take months before things settle and a new hierarchy is formed. Maybe longer. Into this wild environment, McGee slides without suspicion.
(OOC: Replies to any and all of the above, please? Thanks!)
Sentinel said: “The power involved to build this undead army, with the speed it was done, was certainly beyond Morgue until his involvement with the Bat, and seems to require more power than even the Bat could possess. If the Bat could resurrect such an army in a day, it would seem he would have little reason to remain in the shadows and he should have amassed a huge army of the undead to take over years ago. Why even follow his original plan with the bosses?”
Doc Rocket said softly: “From what you’ve told us, the Bat did not raise the army in a day. Morgue did. Only Morgue exhibited that power, and in fact controlled the undead; proven by their destruction upon Morgue’s decapitation. You saw the entire process with the Ghost: he was murdered and returned to life,” the gentle genius said respectfully.
“The Black Bat did seem to give Morgue the power to do it on a large scale. What was the Bat’s power source, you ask? Well, you walked right past it as you searched for it: the bodies on the stairs to the coffin appear to be predominantly women and children. To judge from the fresh bodies stacked like cordwood in Morgue’s upper stronghold, I believe the men were to be used for the undead army. The women and children were used as fuel for Black Bat who then passed the energy to Morgue somehow. You heard Morgue calling for that energy when Bat betrayed him.
It was not part of Bat’s original plan because he did not yet have Morgue as a resource. But once Vanguard entered the situation, his plans changed rather quickly. Within 24 hours it would seem.”
Later, from behind a lead shield, Doc Rocket and Sentinel observed the lifeless Odinium body of the Atomic Brain. Kirk looks at the remains of the Brain; he remarks to himself, “He’s been around forever; Gramps fought him, the League fought him, I can’t believe he’s gone.”
“No one lives forever, Kirk.” The old man replied as he walked towards him.
Without looking towards him Kirk asked, “What was the cause of death, Doc?”
“Don’t torture yourself, lad. The radiation had destroyed his mind long ago. Driven him mad.”
“When I made my final attack on him, it was in the heat of battle and in desperation, I had no idea if my maneuver even had a chance of succeeding, but I knew there was a chance if it worked it could mean the end of him … I mean, he was just a floating brain, right???
But he had no regard for life around him, even the rest of Homicide for Hire didn’t want the train to go down when he wiped out the tracks … and his blast was so powerful, I was afraid he’d take out one of my team.” Kirk stopped trying to reason and just turned towards Doc Rocket. “Doc, did I make the right choice?”
Doc Rocket said, “Of course you did, my boy. You did your best to help your team and the innocents around you. You did what needed to be done, and you did it without pleasure or maliciousness. You did your duty.” His eyes were far away now, perhaps in Normandy or Dunkirk. “There will always be trying times, I’m afraid. And while this duty may bring awesome humility, it should never give shame.”
Sentinel’s covert research on Sam Drake turns up nothing to explain his attitude toward extranormals.
Later, Sentinel went to his grandfather, Lancaster, the original Sentinel. Edward Thistlewaite, an old friend of Lancaster’s from the war, was just leaving. When they were alone in his study that smelled of pipe tobacco and books, Kirk asked Lancaster how he chose the symbol they wore on their chest. Lancaster paused and smiled. “It was the war. I wanted something that represented my country, what we were fighting for. Agent America had already taken the flag. American Eagle, our nation’s symbol. The presidential seal had an ever watchful eye over a pyramid. I took it for my own: watchfulness and strength. A Sentinel. I’m sorry that the symbol has fallen out of vogue. At the time it seemed full of promise, it had just recently been printed on government currency.” He smiled with self deprication. “I’ve saddled you with something of a dinosaur. You need not feel obligated to continue with it, son."
Kirk said, “What did Black Bat mean by it?”
Lancaster replied: “I don’t know. It’s often dangerous to listen to such creatures. They weave doubt and uncertainty as a weapon to break one’s resolve.”
(OOC: Replies to any and all of the above, please? Thanks!)
Slingshot apologizes to Detective Archer and Archer accepts. “Not so easy bein’ a cop, is it? You’re a happy-go-lucky guy and that’s fine. But this job ain’t all fun and games. One wrong move and yer busted to a desk job or thrown off the force. Or facing a lawsuit.”
As they got to know each other, Scott learned that Symbiote was an expert in the field of metahuman biology and that it could be within his reach to find cures for it. As Harper kept talking about some fascinating facets of his research, Scott couldn't help but think of the moment when he was cut into by The Mercenary. The black ichor that came from the wound that was presumably his blood. The muscles that were left exposed were as black as the rest of him. It's not entirely illogical that he was elastic through and through, but it was somewhat disturbing. Also the muscles were barely discernible from the rest of the stuff. It seemed more of a suggestion to his untrained eye. He commented on it to Symbiote. He asked the scientist if he would help him solve it.
When Doc, Symbiote and Scott begin their complete workup of Scott, they discover that Slingshot’s “lungs” do not process oxygen. Somehow, his entire body is drawing oxygen! His heart isn’t pumping black blood, but it is beating. X-rays clearly show a brain, but the EKG shows no activity!
Taken aback, Doc Rocket theorizes that Scott’s transformation is more dramatic than originally expected. He is likely closer in biology to a one-celled organism who is clinging to the memory of humanity! Scott’s moldable body is subconsciously replicating human anatomy and functions as best as it’s able, because Scott still thinks he is human. But his facsimile organs do not work!
Doc Rocket breaks the news as compassionately as possible.
(OOC: Replies to any and all of the above, please? Thanks! Also, see new character sheet)
Forester spends time studying the CHESS records for the following opponents: Hyena, Penumbra, the Cat, and the winged, bird-like ally/enemy from Dr. Swastika's body farm.
Penumbra and the Cat come up empty. Hyena was a hit man who was thought to be a mutant until Vanguard’s encounter proved him to be some kind of lycanthrope.
Talon, the black feathered bird of prey was a violent vigilante who had taken on the Chicago Mobs. In doing so, he murdered a police man who he claims was crooked. The courts saw it differently and he’s been hunted by both sides ever since. It seems he was only in Swastika’s captivity for a few months.
Agent Sam Drake made a note on the file, wondering what connections Swastika might have in Chicago that would have his agents crossing paths with Talon. The CHESS office there was notified.
Forester finally decides to share with CHESS Director Grey the secret location of Marksman's dojo, trusting that Grey will treat this as highly privileged information.
Grey nodded and thanked him. Then: “So. You sticking around with Vanguard this time?”
Forester visits Hyena in captivity at CHESS Castle, an extranormal maximum security super prison whose location is secret. After nodding hello, Forester will sit down so he can see into Hyena's cell--and so Hyena will see Forester as well. Then Forester will do a contemplative meditation about Hyena, silently watching the villain, and listening to him for 45 uninterrupted minutes. Afterward, he will nod goodbye and leave. Forester will do this two, maybe three days in a row.
This drives Hyena crazy. The garrulous garou likes talking too much to be ignored.
Day one: trash talk and graphic murder threats. “Harrik is still out there and you kids’ll be dead!”
Day two: one hour cold shoulder then obscenities and abuse in a rising pitch.
Day three: Talking to himself mostly, during which he revealed that he has a lycanthropic sensory ability that is mystical. It enabled him to detect Forester’s mystic totem.
The prison guards tell Forester that Hyena has remained in his animal form whenever awake.
Forester was reminded again of the attack at the Renaissance Faire. Could the creature at the Faire have been a lycanthrope?
One dark night in Big City, Forester was incognito on the street when he heard a voice from the past again, “Student.” Forester turned and saw his old master, the Marksman. Somehow he had come within ten feet of Forester without his knowing it.
The blind Zen master wore a black suit and coat. His eyes were uncovered and his hands were empty. “You have done well,” he said in his detached, distant voice. “With the Enemy exposed and advancing into America, I and my forces shall move on his Asian strongholds. We will not meet again for some time, I suspect. I trust you and your Vanguard to keep the Enemy busy during this move on his flank. You will continue your success. And remember,” he paused. “The Enemy will look to enlist allies. You are still vulnerable. Be on your guard.”
(OOC: Replies to any and all of the above, please? Thanks!)
Symbiote asks Inhuman if he would like him to try to cure or treat his condition. Hal will give this a high priority. At the very least he'd like to find a way for Inhuman to transform back and forth between human and Inhuman form. (Replies, Inhuman?)
Inhuman finds work at a local pool. People are stand-offish at first due to his appearance but over time most will come to accept him.
Doc and Grey don’t detect listening devices or mind control. They want to know why Inhuman suspects such things. Doc Rocket is concerned to hear about the Octopus creatures, their possible relation to the Star Giant, and that Inhuman thinks they are planning an invasion. “Why do you think they altered you?” he asks.
Inhuman volunteers to act as a translator at a local aquarium. The fish ask Inhuman to release them!
Doc Rocket discovers no physical signs of having been in Dr. Swastika’s body farm. Octopus’ autopsy reveals him to be a completely different species! CHESS will begin a full scientific analysis.
Sgt. Stone never met Aquon, and wasn’t sure that Aquon and Black Bat ever met, but said he heard Aquon was a big brawler. “Looks like you got yer work cut out for you, minnow.”
Testing his powers:
· Inhuman discovers he has limited motion control over water vapor and ice. This ability will require training (level advancement) to further develop.
· He can sense the presence of water within the range of his hydrokinetic ability.
· Inhuman can add or remove moisture to/from atmosphere within the range of his power.
· Inhuman can control water that he can detect through solid objects if his range is not reduced below zero by the structural invulnerability of the solid object.
· His water powers help in electrical attacks, like regular water does,
· The bubbles are not strong enough to create parachutes.
· His water blasts can perform the chest-striking part of CPR. The stethoscope is semi-successful.
· Control of water is lost once you leave the range of your ability.
· The effectiveness of splitting masses is determined by the rules’ brawling weapons damage chart.
· Water ladders can’t be climbed. Water cannot be hardened. As discussed earlier, you can move water, not change its basic properties. You can’t make ice or steam.
However, if you wish to use your level advancements, some of these things might be possible.
There wasn’t time for all the other projects yet. Next time, please prioritize your requests. Thanks!
(OOC: Replies to any and all of the above, please? Thanks!)
*CHESS files: Classified Confidential
Code Name: The Black Bat
Aliases: The Black Cat
Affiliations: The Freedom Force
Known Extranormal Abilities:
-Great strength, agility, durability and cunning
-Could transform into mist, bat or wolf
-Extraordinary senses
-Could replenish his energy by drinking blood
-Could float due to glider wings on costume
-Could apparently only be destroyed by a wooden stake through the heart
Known Weaknesses:
-Cast no reflection
-Was pained by exposure to religious items wielded by one who truly believes
-Could not shapeshift in the presence of garlic
-Must sleep upon his native earth
-Lost strength and power upon exposure to sunlight
-Must drink blood every day
Gender: Male Height: 6’ 2” Weight: 240 Age: 50’s Hair: Blond Eyes: Blue
Unusual markings: Pale skin
History :
The Black Cat was an extranormal Freedom Force member who was murdered by Vampyress, a female vampire criminal. Three days later he rose as Black Bat. (Vampyress was since destroyed)
“Black Bat continued as a member of the Freedom Force, despite his vampirism. This was controversial within the team, notably with the alien hero, Stentor, who felt Bat was evil. But Stentor could not persuade the Freedom Force. Eventually, Black Bat turned on the FF and was destroyed by them. Disgusted, Stentor left soon thereafter.
The Freedom Force killed Black Bat over 20 years ago. The team was on a mission in the midwestern heartland of America, battling a team of supervillain environmental terrorists led by a vaporous extranormal called Smog.
It was there that Bat lost the battle with the dark demons he had been wrestling with. He attacked the Freedom Force. The Freedom Force defeated him and drove a wooden stake into his heart, killing him! The Bat's remains were then exposed to sunlight.
The remains were abandoned briefly out of necessity as the Freedom Force were immediately ambushed by the Soviet government's team of superbeings, including Siberian, Hammer and Sickle, and Proletariat (These Russian heroes now serve under Putin). The Soviets had come to kidnap the Soviet defector and Freedom Forcer, Polar Bear. Their cold war scheme failed and the Freedom Force returned to take the Black Bat's remains into safekeeping within the vaults of their wondrous base of operations atop the Twin Towers. The wooden stake was permanently secured in place.
FORESTER TO GREY "Yes, I'm here for the long haul. If it seems like
I've gone back and forth about CHESS," Forester says, "it's not due to low morale. You know that I need to meditate to even half-compete with everyone else. Working with Vanguard is an important responsibility; I needed to make sure I wasn't jumping in head first." Later, Forester tells Grey everything he heard from Hyena and Marksman.
FORESTER TO HYENA At the end of the third day, the archer speaks.
"Thank you for confiding in me," the archer tells his furry friend.
"I was concerned that you might suffer from lycanthropy when we first met. That's why I didn't fight back when you attacked." [It's true: During the battle against Homicide for Hire, when Hyena singled out Forester, the green-clad hero chose to ignore Hyena's attacks and instead fired against other villains.] "I will do what I can to get you the help you need."
Forester consults the CHESS physicians who treated him after he was shot and asks if there is any known cure for lycanthropy. While he's at it, Forester asks about his own medical records. Anything unusual come up? Fred Knobel still check out as fully human?
OOC: Based on his understanding of legends, does Forester have any reason to believe that he might have contracted lycanthropy as well?
Are there any other known cases of a normal human who might have an affinity for attracting--or getting detected by--lycanthropic creatures? In game time, how many days until a full moon?
FORESTER TO MARKSMAN Forester is not startled when Marksman approaches; he is now accustomed to Marksman's ability to suddenly appear without being detected.
"I will continue to work with Vanguard," the younger hero assures his former teacher, "And I will let Brian Grey know of your plans, to make for a coordinated effort in the weeks ahead."
Forester tells Marksman of Hyena's werewolfian origin and totem-sensing ability, and that he was severely injured by the diseased derelict. He also mentions that Black Bat is still alive.
Instead of asking questions, Forester then waits, giving Marksman time and space to comment if he so chooses.
OOC: Jeff, I've always been a big fan of super prisons. I realize that Forester didn't get a guided tour of the facility--and he wasn't there to snoop around--but what are some general facts about the facility? --js
After returning from final visit to CHESS Castle, Forester will use CHESS computers to look up the following information?
1. Where is CHESS Castle located? (In case this wasn't public knowledge and he was taken there blindfolded, etc.)
2. What are the general schematics of the facility? (I don't need a map; but Forester will become acquainted with the general layout in case he should ever need to return there again on business.)
2. How long has the Castle been in use?
3. Approximately how many extranormals are held there? Who are they?
4. In sounds like Hyena's cell was simply reinforced enough to keep him from breaking out (since he could still transform into were-canine form). What about villains with more extraordinary powers? How are they contained? Medications? Force fields? Psionic headbands? Or does it vary on a case by case basis depending on the individual powers and weaknesses of the foe?
5. Are high profile villains without superpowers kept in the Castle as well?
6. How often have there been break-ins OR break-outs at the Castle?
OOC: Several things to reply to, but before I go any further....what do we know about Nanite's history? Who/what created her? Do we know of any other places she may have stored a "backup" of herself?
James: Oohh, all good questions! I like the "super prison" concept in comics too--The Slab and Belle Reve for DC, the Vault for Marvel--yeah. And this is all good info to know, since, because we are superheroes in a RPG after all, there's a fair chance we'll have to deal with a prison break some day...
OOC GM Replies:
Symbiote wrote: …what do we know about Nanite's history? Who/what created her? Do we know of any other places she may have stored a "backup" of herself?
GM Reply: Nanite's past is a mystery. She didn't know she was a robot until her rescue from Dr. Swastika's Body Farm. Since then, she transformed and looked more machine-like. She suffered from amnesia, hence Doc's thought that she may have been rebooted, or else recently created, or else traumatized by her experience with Swastika.
Her creator is unknown.
Kirk thought about all that Symbiote said, and it was clear that all he was concerned about regarding his new depth and understanding of his own energy perception was coming to pass. Much of what he said seemed to correlate with Kirk’s own theories regarding the gifts of people, perhaps extra dimensional energy … or perhaps it was the basic universal energy that Kirk had theorized about, that he felt he was tapping into and perhaps just beginning to understand like an infant who gets his first taste of real food.
It didn’t seem that Symbiote as of yet could determine who possessed it, only copy it once discovered. And Swastika didn’t have unknown captives either, so for now, that secret appeared safe. But it was only a matter of time before others discovered it. And if Swastika would have that knowledge on the side of darkness, then at least we’d have Symbiote to balance him on the side of light.
The more Kirk heard Symbiote speak with his openness and honesty the more Kirk trusted him. But one thing he said stood in his mind as paramount,
“Some metanormals have been documented to have the ability to regenerate almost any injury. Imagine if that gift could be given to a non-meta, even temporarily. It would revolutionize trauma medicine.”
It that were truly possible, then Kirk HAD to do what he could in that cause, it would be unconscionable not to help despite the risks to extranormals.
“If you truly believe we could tap into the gift of healing and harness that for the good of everyone, then everything your doing is worth the risk, both to yourself and to those with gifts. And I’d like to help you in your efforts to the degree that my talents can do so.
But do realize the danger of what you do and what you’ve discovered also. Although your intent is to use what you’ve learned to help, others might harness that same knowledge to harm. Some might use what you have discovered and will eventually uncover to take from us what we have and what we are without any respect for our personally rights. Not much in this world frightens me, but that certainly does.” And he thought about men like Caine.
As they were walking, Kirk stopped for a moment and turned to Symbiote and looked him in the eyes and Symbiote saw both a firmness and a pleading, “Be careful with whom you share the intimate workings of your knowledge, and especially, please, if you discover the ‘off’ switch guard it until you find the ‘on’ switch.”
As they began walking again Kirk continued, “I’d be interested to hear your theories about inheriting our gifts. Yes, in addition to being a ‘legacy’ of the original Sentinel I’m also related by blood, and seem to possess the same sort of abilities …”
As the discussion turned to Lancaster, Kirk’s mind thought about the men and women of the Liberty League and he was beginning to understand further why Lancaster said that ‘together they were more than they could ever by apart’ and why he wanted Kirk to have the opportunity to be work with other heroes like he had done; he looked at Symbiote as they walked and he imagined he saw an image of Doc Rocket appear around him and he thought to himself, ‘heroic legacies don’t just come from blood’.
…. . Kirk will assist Symbiote in his efforts as he allows and try to further understand what he is doing with the Harper Harness. He will continue to get a feel for the man, but is beginning to feel that if necessity arose he would allow him to duplicate his powers despite the knowledge of his energy perception. Kirk feels that in time Symbiote would discover the means to ‘read’ the energy anyway, but he hopes he can get to know the man better before he shares that with him. And he hopes that if Symbiote does experience his energy sense, that the loss of it would not affect him in the profound way it would affect Kirk. It is a sense of despair and loss that he doesn’t want him to have to experience and he is genuinely concerned about the long-term effect of it and his ability to recover from it.
Slingshot sought out Kairos. When he found him, he introduced himself, "I know that you've been with us for a while, but I don't think that I've been able to properly introduce myself. I'm Slingshot, but you can call me Scott. I don't think I can seriously have a secret identity with this body.. and no, wearing glasses doesn't help.." With a big grin, he said,” I already tried." Scott was fairly open about his background and welcomed Kairos into the Vanguard fold.
“Glad to be a part of the team, Scott,” is the reply that Slingshot elicits from Kairos. Kairos is open about his own background, also, but his understanding of his own abilities is that they are mainly from hard training and innate talent. He does admit, however, that he has always seemed to have a lot of luck and that he’s always had the ability to choose to act at just the right moment for success in things, hence the choice of his “superhero name”. “I may have some sort of low-grade luck power or something like that”, Kairos admits, “but I don’t really know. Maybe I’ll have one of the scientist-types examine me some time but I don’t really think that it’s anything overly special if it’s anything at all.”
John trains at the Vanguard gymnasium, with Sgt. Stone who is a hell of a taskmaster. “C’mon, golden boy, get the lead out! You call that fast?! You shoulda seen this creep called Blitzkrieg! He’d run circles around yer fancy pants!” Kairos sees Symbiote training at the gym often as well.
(OOC: Bonus to Agility. See Kairos’ new sheet.)
Kairos discusses the above possibility with Symbiote in casual conversation in the gym as they are working out. Misery loves company, they say, and they enter into conversation about lots of things as the recover from their respective routines. Kairos gives Symbiote some tips, as well, as he is no stranger to kettlebells, clubbells, and other esoteric means of improving oneself. He grills Symbiote for information concerning the scientist’s power(s) so that he can know more about their tactical use. Kairos also tries to find if Symbiote is a reader of things other than scientific journals and, if so, invites him to visit his bookstore for the elements of a classical education.
He dreamed…. “Traveler,” called a woman’s voice. It might have been Penumbra! Kairos turned and beheld a cloaked female figure shrouded in shadow perched atop a gigantic stone head that lay decapitated, broken on the ground. “You are lost. More than you know.”
“And how is it that I have become so lost? And how do YOU know more than I…?” comes John’s guarded reply.
CHESS Bishop Sam Drake spoke for the “against” faction. His mood wasn’t light.
Drake’s stance came as no surprise to Kirk. But certainly he made some valid points as to the appearance of what happened. However, the other heroes of Vanguard certainly made statements of how things could spun against Caine. The debriefing would be classified information and likely not opened to public knowledge or the court case, but it if was, and if the heroes intent in being there is entered and opened to the public, so would the mind control of them being forced there as well as the reason which would make public the knowledge of what Caine truly was.
Although Kirk respected the legal system set up to handle such cases, he knew from history first hand from the 50’s how these things could be manipulated and how Swastika had crippled and controlled things for years … there were too many more important things that he could spend his time with, and unless it seemed like things were swaying against heroes civil rights (as with the situation with Ghost), the intricacies of the legal system wasn’t one of the things he would spend his time with.
Their membership with Vanguard and being government sponsored clearly put them in accord with the law and not above it; surely Chess’s legal team (or whatever government division handled it) could take care of the situation.
CHESS opens their file on Black Bat.(*see below)
Kirk reviewed the file further and noticed the “Classified Confidential”
“I see that this is classified confidential which is our clearance currently and I respect that, but given what we are dealing with here, I have to ask is there information beyond our ‘confidential’ clearance? If so I respectfully ask it be made available to us for our planning and for everyone’s safety.”
“Did Stentor take on any known human aliases? If so, has Ajay’s team done a thorough search on them as well as on physical images through the internet and all known databases. If the Bat continued his control of Stentor and used him in establishing his Asian power base, perhaps we’ll get lucky if he was ‘picked up’ along the way for interrogation and information scanned into the systems in recent years. We should do a thorough search of twenty year old case files scanned into databases in recent years, particularly around the area we know to be the Bat’s base of operations.”
Grey will have CHESS will investigate Inhuman’s angle of how Nanite printed a photo of Slingshot.
Per my previous email, “What?” I missed what this is about. Thanks.
At the debrief, Hank Archer said he was questioning Silas Caine about the fact the Luddite had never targeted his holdings during his assault on technology
Kirk’s respect for Archer continued to rise knowing he’d picked up on this and that he went to confront Caine.
Archer said, “Huh? According to Strike, Luddite WAS Caine’s bodyguard. What do you think, Strike?”
“Even if that was the case, Caine would still have his legit and corporate bodyguards on payroll, a man of his power would need to display such security for public image even if he had super-powered bodyguards secretly.”
Doc paused as he leaned on his cane. “I wonder if she had been rebooted before, when she was held captive in Dr. Swastika’s body farm.”
(OOC: Replies to any and all of the above, please? Thanks!)
Any energy reading regarding the form of Nanite? Unfortunately Kirk hadn’t had the opportunity to “read her” previously to compare.
“Doc, it would seem like we should pursue all our other options before the reboot. She certainly seemed self-aware and sentient when we met on our first mission – does it seem like your study of her physical form would indicate such potential, something beyond a mechanized machine? What do you think about the possibility of her previous consciousness having escaped and preserved itself elsewhere?”
“The Black Bat did seem to give Morgue the power to do it on a large scale. What was the Bat’s power source, you ask? Well, you walked right past it as you searched for it: the bodies on the stairs to the coffin appear to be predominantly women and children. To judge from the fresh bodies stacked like cordwood in Morgue’s upper stronghold, I believe the men were to be used for the undead army. The women and children were used as fuel for Black Bat who then passed the energy to Morgue somehow. You heard Morgue calling for that energy when Bat betrayed him.
“Blood, the essence of life for power, and especially the life-force of innocents,” Kirk shook his head in dismay, “it jives with what I’ve read about the dark arts in heroic lore, and it makes sense in a too horrific way. Still, it was a tremendous undertaking in a short time …”
Doc Rocket said, “Of course you did, my boy. You did your best to help your team and the innocents around you. You did what needed to be done, and you did it without pleasure or maliciousness. You did your duty.” His eyes were far away now, perhaps in Normandy or Dunkirk. “There will always be trying times, I’m afraid. And while this duty may bring awesome humility, it should never give shame.”
“Thanks Doc. Sometimes we need to check ourselves when we’re called on to make the big decisions… to be sure we haven’t come up wanting, and we need to hear the voice of someone we respect. I’m really glad you and Stone chose to stick around to help us newbies.”
Sentinel’s covert research on Sam Drake turns up nothing to explain his attitude toward extranormals.
Drat. Certainly Drake could have covered his past and those close to him with his Chess resources and clearance. Kirk thinks that perhaps he might speak to Grey about this in the future; in the meantime he will pay attention to his interaction with the new heroes. Does he seem to be treating say someone like Symbiote who appears to be normal as opposed to a extranormal different from the other heroes. Kirk will try to determine if it’s ‘super-heroes’ in general or those physically possessing extranormal abilities which Drake has a problem. This would obviously continue to take time and observations in the weeks and months ahead.
Also, we may have done this when Kirk first manifested his new nuance of his energy perception, but among the heroes and supporting characters what are their auras (you may have given me some of this and I’m simply not remembering, sorry). But what about Grey, Drake, and Archer, as well as the new heroes. Is Symbiote registering as extranormal? If not, I assume that when he takes on the abilities of an extranormal he then displays the energy pattern? And what about Doc Rocket? Is he ‘just’ a scientific genius or is he more? Inquiring minds want to know. Also, do let me know if Caine has any public appearance where Kirk can check him and his associates/bodyguards out. (realizing that there is a good chance this opportunity doesn’t come up yet or Kirk is preoccupied with other stuff, but if he is making any press statements and it seems he is, Kirk should be able to come by one in his civilian identity).
Edward Thistlewaite
Does Kirk know Edward – was he also a hero from the past or one of the troops that Lancaster served beside? Either way Kirk would be friendly and wish him well.
Kirk asked Lancaster how he chose the symbol they wore on their chest. Lancaster paused and smiled. “It was the war. I wanted something that represented my country, what we were fighting for. Agent America had already taken the flag. American Eagle, our nation’s symbol. The presidential seal had an ever watchful eye over a pyramid. I took it for my own: watchfulness and strength. A Sentinel. I’m sorry that the symbol has fallen out of vogue. At the time it seemed full of promise, it had just recently been printed on government currency.” He smiled with self deprication. “I’ve saddled you with something of a dinosaur. You need not feel obligated to continue with it, son."
Kirk smiled at Gramps offer. “You have to respect dinosaurs for the power they displayed in their prime. And even now they still have the ability to fascinate and inspire men from a young age onward. The symbol stays as long as I have something to say about it, and maybe, just maybe we we’ll make it in vogue again.”
Lancaster replied: “I don’t know. It’s often dangerous to listen to such creatures. They weave doubt and uncertainty as a weapon to break one’s resolve.”
“That’s certainly true, but usually their deceit works best when cleverly intermixed with words of truth. Perhaps there is more to the symbol and to your choosing it than even you knew about.”
OOC: Jeff, is Kirk’s ‘energy sense’ something he shares with Lancaster or is it something unique to Kirk’s manifestation of the Sentinel power? If it is something they share, Kirk would ask Lancaster if it changed over time for him or not, and if so in what way. If not, Kirk would mention that it seems like his understanding of his energy perceptions seems to expanding or refining just to see if Lancaster has any reaction or insight. He would also discuss what happened with the Atomic Brain and how Doc Rocket gave him some words of encouragement when needed. Also he would mention the work of Symbiote and the good he hopes to accomplish, but also the concerns Kirk has of his work be corrupted by less virtuous men.
OOC GM Reply:
Seth / Sentinel wrote:
"Also, please explain this: ‘Grey will have CHESS will investigate Inhuman’s angle of how Nanite printed a photo of Slingshot’ What photo?”
GM Reply:
It all happened in Issues 28-35!!, included below...
Issue 28: A Hard Rain in Big City.
Investigation Day One…
It was night and Slingshot stood over Nanite’s dead body… if dead was the right word for talking about robots.
Scott had tried to check up on the silver woman and when she didn’t immediately reply to his email, he went around to her place (Nanite had told him where she was staying when they had laid plans for lunch).
It was a dilapidated tenement building in Brooklyn. Scott walked up, tried the door and got no answer. Compressing his form down to one inch thick, Slingshot slid under the door. The room was darker than an honest politician’s prospects. The light switch didn’t work. Scott unlocked the door and let the hallway light weakly illuminate the room and there she was.
Layers of paint peeled off the crumbling walls of the shabby, barren studio apartment. Looks like robots didn’t need chairs or tables or beds or phones. Did they even need apartments? Lightning flashed in the window, revealing rain against the black, night sky.
Scott’s communicator activated. Sentinel was calling all of Vanguard to someplace in the Bronx. Scott’s ability to slingshot himself for miles could get him there quickly.
But Nanite was lifeless on the floor. There were no visible “wounds.” Rain on the window reflected across her metal skin, creating the illusion of steel melting. She looked a little different than at their last meeting, more like a machine now and less like a woman. Her empty, silver eyes also reflected the rain.
Issue 29:
Within the sight of Nanite’s dead eyes, Slingshot quickly searched the darkened slum apartment for clues of her murder. He came up with:
• Nothing electrical in the apartment was working, including Nanite.
• A window onto a fire escape was open.
• There was something near Nanite’s hand! KRAKOW!! Another lightning flash illuminated the dark room and revealed what it was. Like a dying woman writing a message in her own blood, Nanite had spelled something out in a clear puddle of her own leaking coolants. It said “LU-“ The third letter was unfinished and unrecognizable. But it was clear that she intended more than two letters!
Slingshot called it in to Agent Sam Drake at CHESS. “Understood. We’ll send out a team now,” he said.
Then Slingshot hurtled himself up into the rainy night, far from Nanite’s dead silver eyes.
Issue 34: (after the fight at the burning gang house)
Slingshot slung himself through the rainy night back to Brooklyn, to the tenement that held Nanite’s dead body.
Slingshot found black vans parked out front and an active crime scene being run by CHESS.
Yellow tape, chalk outline, forensics men, scanners, cameras, with Nanite in the center of it. Any hero present who had met Nanite before, saw that she seemed more robotic now.
The heroes were prevented from searching the crime scene, for fear of inadvertently damaging evidence... CHESS wants Slingshot’s full story.
Doc Rocket eventually emerged from the room, pulling off ultraviolet goggles and thick gloves to greet the heroes. Inside the gloves was a thin web of diadem circuitry. The old white haired Brit leaned on his cane and said sadly: “She was a marvel of technical engineering. Cause of death appears to be a sudden, complete and unexplained loss of all electrical energy within her system.”
When this info was relayed to the team still in the Bronx, Lightning Strike found those words disturbingly familiar.
Doc Rocket continued: “Nanite apparently had full time wireless internet access within her central processing unit… or brain. I’ve recovered a small fragment of her history files and discovered that she had been tracking someone via traffic and security cameras around New York City. None of the images I’ve recovered reveal more than a silhouette. Male. Tall. His movements indicate he was stalking Nanite, and her interest in him indicates she was aware of it. She lost him from time to time, but had identified an address where she could often pick up his trail again.”
The address is a building is in a section of Hell’s Kitchen licensed for light industry. By now it was 3am. The rain wasn’t stopping.
Issue 35:
While fully following all police instructions, Forester does his best to investigate Nanite's corpse and the surrounding area...
...Forester saw that the tiny, shabby apartment was barren. No table, no chair. On the cracked bathroom mirror, there was finally something that indicated someone lived here. It was a photo of Slingshot. Scott recognized when it was taken. It was from Nanite’s point of view.
She must have had a camera function within her silver eyes and printed it out at some point. Slingshot was frozen in time, smiling his big goofy grin. He didn’t know he looked that happy when he was
talking to Nanite.
Slingshot said to Doc Rocket: "Doctor, if I could make a request, could you please leave her body as intact as possible? And return it, whole, to the Vanguard HQ when you are done with your research?"
Doc raised an eyebrow and murmured softly, “Of course, my boy. But you realize it appears that all systems lost power suddenly. She might have lost… consciousness... before she could do anything.”
Doc and Grey don’t detect listening devices or mind control. They want to know why Inhuman suspects such things. Doc Rocket is concerned to hear about the Octopus creatures *, their possible relation to the Star Giant, and that Inhuman thinks they are planning an invasion. “Why do you think they altered you?” he asks.
(OOC: to Gm Inhuman’s background from my p.o.v. has only dealt with Squid People, not Octopus people unless there is a change to the background or there is something I was not aware of. To a scientist like Inhuman someone who is not a layman and should from my P.O.V. know that there is a difference between the two superorders, then unless D. R. never studied biology, Inhuman would suspect that Doc Rocket has been replaced with Skin Deep. And if he was assuming there is a connection at the Sublclass level then he should have called them Coleodea species. Is this an honest mistake or should I get paranoid? J )
Inhuman volunteers to act as a translator at a local aquarium. The fish ask Inhuman to release them!
Inhuman will spend some time checking this against many of individuals (i.e. is there a 100% consensus? Do they understand that in their situation they have a much longer lifespan. Do they care that they are at least increasing the surface world’s awareness of their habitat needs? Or do they simply desire freedom? Would some be willing to volunteer so that others may go free? And do they think that some in the natural world would be willing to change places with them?)
Doc Rocket discovers no physical signs of having been in Dr. Swastika’s body farm. Octopus’ autopsy reveals him to be a completely different species! CHESS will begin a full scientific analysis.
(Does this: [Doc Rocket discovers no physical signs of having been in Dr. Swastika’s body farm] also apply to Morgue’s Autopsy?)
Symbiote asks Inhuman if he would like him to try to cure or treat his condition. Hal will give this a high priority. At the very least he'd like to find a way for Inhuman to transform back and forth between human and Inhuman form. (Replies, Inhuman?)
Inhuman having just been planning for the opportunity to ask for help on the self same project, Nearly walks into Symbiote just as he is about to make his offer. Inhuman Has the following thoughts on the subject:
“Are you willing to share your unique research with me in order to help on a problem of mine?” Inhuman begins (OOC: Symbiote insert own replies whenever appropo) “I suggest testing as to whether or not these ideas are viable as well as some testing as to whether or not hair froma previous time in my life will degrade as used or if that will even work (see other note). I am willing to allow Symbiote the use of my form whenever you so desires (pointing out the power recovery advantage) in exchange I may want to use the exosuit or build a spare to return myself to normal for short periods of time if testing proves that can be done. In addition the Hyena information (as a shape shifter) may be of particular use in reversing the transformation or allowing it to become a controlled change. And, well, having a “backup copy” of myself if there is a problem with the transformation making things worse for me then having this stage as a place to go back/restore myself to would be useful. “Here Inhuman pauses as his face contorts through several phases of emotions “I may seem overbearing at this point and I fully acknowledge that this is your field of expertise, and your study, your equipment, so I do bow to your decisions in part because I think that you have vision, that most others are blind to. Otherwise, how could you build this, that most others would count a dream?”
OOC: I was reading over a few of the back issues a bit looking for a quote, (i got a reference from Black Bat wrong) when an Idea struck me. I think I know the most logical place for Nanites energy to be. I referenced the following quotes from issues 53-56 …The Luddite concentrated and absorbed Lightning Strike into him! The electric avenger… …Sparks, like stars in spinning galaxies, swam… …hurled the sparking, unstable electrical power source at the... ...Symbiote’s and Lightning Strike’s minds were conscious and floating in a black void. Neither was aware of the other. Neither could not see anything, not even their own body and were in fact not sure they still had one!... …standing where the Luddite had been were Symbiote and Lightning Strike! The Luddite was gone… …“All who oppose me will meet a similar fate. You’ve been warned!”… …Lightning Strike coolly took in the room and noted there were no computers… … Symbiote’s Harper Harness deactivated… Which when put in the proper order points out that IF Nanite was still alive & inside The Luddite when The Luddite was destroyed THEN the most logical place for her to exist post the battle would be inside of the Harper Harness, (i assume that Symbiote during the design process included a lot of extra space for multible numbers of signatures) presumably post battle Symbiote downloaded the information and possibly herself (hiding 'behind', say, files that she altered the size of to conceal her whereabouts) into the lab computer which is presumably a stand alone system (to prevent hackers from getting into the info). She may not know what is going on or how to proceed since she would not be aware of others in the void, and ending up in the suit would be likely confusing. Perhaps the best way to proceed is to have a second sample of Slingshot download it, then see if the Harper suit would fit Slingshot again download it then post messages to both systems then come up with a way to interface the suit and or Computer to Nanite's body. Im not sure about the superhero physics of this but since there were no Computers sensed by Lightning Strike when he entered Caine's Citadel then this would be the most logical place for her to be. Besides it Does make Luddites comment of "All who oppose me shall meet a similar fate" True just not how he mentioned/intended it (absorbed then regurgitated in this case). Of Course she may not be 'stable' mentally speaking right now if this does work.
Undercover Idea: for Sparks McGee:
I have an idea on how to counter this with some help from some others I believe that this particular apple cart can be upset. Now then sooner or later some of the bosses suspected cronies will be released, perhaps we could see if some of them could be released early after I have a little talk with them (even giving them a day or two to spread this information on the inside as well). Yes I know that the law’s representatives worked hard to put them there and keep them there but hear me out. If BB tries to use the criminal organization or even pick up the pieces it will be more difficult for him to do so if he cannot use the bosses as puppets.
To this end I would like to pass on information to the held suspected criminals that “Skin Deep exists and is possibly in Black Bats employ, as such seeing any one of the dead five bosses probably means that you are in the presence of Skin Deep. Now then as far as we understand it Skin Deep can only be one person at a time. So the only way to be certain that your associates are not really a mind sucking body snatcher is to meet with multiple of the bosses. Otherwise, well, it is probably some sort of powered freak trying to kill you for “your Blood” or “brain food.”
This should work as a double spike to the Organized Crime wheels reducing BB’s ability to run the leftovers and making the real survivors of the group work harder. Hopefully that should convince the Legal Eagles that this is a worthy cause for some limited form of get out of jail for less than 50$. I would also like to do so with those currently on parole also, any one of the criminals who objects to the suggestion that they are associating with criminals while they are on the straight and narrow ill simply ‘remind’ them that they may have a friend of a friend who while not directly associated with they could benefit from this and after all they by doing this would be helping to save lives an altogether noble thing that could cause some overlooking of certain indiscretions.
OOC GM Reply:
James/Forester, here’s your info on CHESS castle:
CHESS FILE: Classified Confidential
CHESS Castle (a.k.a. CHESS extra-maximum security prison)
Built in 1986 in response to the sudden wave of superhuman activity,
CHESS Castle is an extranormal maximum security prison located on the former site of Sing Sing Penitentiary, 30 miles north of New York City, in Ossining, New York on the Hudson River. (Sing Sing is responsible for the term "going up the river")
CHESS Castle's mission is to contain, study and rehabilitate the most dangerous supervillains in captivity.
Its location is unknown to the general public who believe Sing Sing is still in operation as a regular correctional facility.
The physical structure is an underground bunker surrounded by a high wall that prevents observation from the outside. The airspace over CHESS Castle is restricted.
Americans have been led to believe that CHESS Castle is either in Joliet, IL or Roswell, NM.
The creation, completion and continued operation of CHESS Castle was and is one of CHESS's primary responsibilities.
CHESS Castle is home to over 900 prisoners. Less than one third are classified as extranormals. The remainder are extranormal criminals who have lost their powers and convicts affiliated with extranormals.
Their average sentence is 32.5 years. (The Taylor Act, passed in
1984, automatically doubles the sentence of any individual using
extranormal powers in a criminal act).
There are many different methods employed to contain extranormals.
These methods are classified Secret. (Forester saw that Hyena was contained in a reinforced, steel cell. He was permitted free movement within the cell.)
Ryker's Island was the first American prison designated for
extranormal convicts in 1980. A rash of escapes forced the creation
of CHESS Castle.
There has been no successful escape attempt from CHESS Castle.
Forester is overwhelmed by the information about CHESS Castle. He had naively assumed there were far fewer extranormal villains (instead of up to 300, as suggested below).
With Skin-Deep, assorted members of Homicide for Hire, and who knows what else still on the loose, Forester asks Brian Grey if CHESS has
identied the top two or three or four public enemies now at large ... or any key locations that need investigating or cleaning up. This would help prioritize, and perhaps split into effective subteams, before the next missions begin.
"It's easy to get tied up in loose ends and minor leads," he explains. "I don't want to miss the forest for the trees."
OOC GM Replies:
Forester wrote:
OOC: Based on his understanding of legends, does Forester have any reason to believe that he might have contracted lycanthropy as well? Are there any other known cases of a normal human who might have an affinity for attracting--or getting detected by--lycanthropic creatures? In game time, how many days until a full moon?
OOC GM Reply:
Normally it is the bite of a werewolf that transmits lycanthropy. Hyena did not bite anyone in the combat. The attack at the Renaissance Faire may have involved a bite. Events were intense and not fully within the scope of your then-untrained senses.
Humans that attract lycanthropes are often would-be victims or other lycanthropes.
5 days until the next full moon.
Sentinel wrote:
OOC: Jeff, is Kirk’s ‘energy sense’ something he shares with Lancaster or is it something unique to Kirk’s manifestation of the Sentinel power?
OOC GM Reply:
It is unique to Kirk’s power somehow. Lancaster does not have this ability!
Sentinel wrote:
Also, do let me know if Caine has any public appearance where Kirk can check him and his associates/bodyguards out.
OOC GM Reply:
He is not. As mentioned earlier, he is takling a leave of absence since the attempt on his life. His appearances on TV have been in private loacations.
Sentinel wrote:
Edward Thistlewaite. Does Kirk know Edward – was he also a hero from the past or one of the troops that Lancaster served beside? Either way Kirk would be friendly and wish him well.
OOC GM Reply:
Thistlewaite isn't a old superhero. He served in US military intelligence back then. He'll stop and speak warmly to Kirk, having known him since he was a baby. "Seems like only yesterday."
Inhuman wrote:
(OOC: to Gm Inhuman’s background from my p.o.v. has only dealt with Squid People, not Octopus people unless there is a change to the background or there is something I was not aware of... Is this an honest mistake or should I get paranoid? J )
GM Reply:
This is an error due to my ignorance. Doc Rocket knows the difference and wouldn't have made that mistake. Sorry. You shouldn't get paranoid.
Inhuman wrote:
Does this: [Doc Rocket discovers no physical signs of having been in Dr. Swastika’s body farm] also apply to Morgue’s Autopsy?
GM Reply:
Yes. No one has yet discovered a mark or sign caused by being in Swastika's Body Farm. Now you can be paranoid. ;)
OOC: Hey Jeff, I just want to make sure I'm reading this correctly. Are you saying that Forester might have been biten by the mysterious creature that was spotted by the Renaissance Faire on the day he met Marksman, many moons ago? Or are you saying that one or more civilians might have been attacked/bitten during those events?
When I posted an origin story flashback (not sure the issue, I think it was around the time Aryan kicked Forester on the Star-ship), I didn't recall that Fred Knobel was actually injured by the animal-monster. If he was wounded at the time (and just doesn't remember all of the facts clearly), that's fine. I just want to make sure I'm understanding things correctly. Either way, the potential lycanthrope connection to Forester's background is a nice touch.
If time allows, Forester would like to spend time researching CHESS records to see if CHESS or members of Freedom Force ever encountered were-animals, and if any lycanthropic heroes ore villains (other than Hyena have been idenified) either at large or in captiviity.
The same holds for vampires. Other than Black Bat, are there any known vampires at large or in CHESS Castle?
Inhuman spotting Kairos in training heads across the gym and waits until the Grecian Guardian pauses in his workout. During the presumably short wait Inhuman seems mentally distracted
“Hmmm… Kairos have you considered the advantages of carrying wooden escrima sticks around in case we wander into an encounter with Black Bat again?” (reply?)
Inhuman searches for the Arcing Assailant, Forester, he seems distracted but carries on when Forester has a moment from whatever he is doing.
“Forester, since we find ourselves up against Black bat, upon reading his file I was wondering if you have considered and have the capacity to make an arrow capable of deploying powders against a target or in a small area either sprinkling a dust like contaminant or producing a minor explosion on impact? This particular idea is to spread garlic dust in order to prevent the Venomous vampire from easily escaping us, but may have other applications” Inhuman smiles here and asks “what do you think?”
Re: nanite: If anyone asks my vote is no reboot until every other option of recovery is exhausted, otherwise ill keep my nose out of this business (well except for any brilliant/insane ideas to aid the search, I’ll leave no stone unturned for Vanguard’s possible victories). Though Scott’s rather interesting and unique physiology may explain the possibility for her attraction to him assuming there was no other rationale.
Later, from behind a lead shield, Inhuman observes the lifeless Odinium body of the Atomic Brain. “Hmmm Odinium, for a body, this may be a place to look for answers to my own problems…. However mind/brain transference is also a step away from where I want to be”
Re: Caine: Some members of Vanguard did come to the “House of Caine” under an external control to interact with Caine, from what I understand of the timeline… in less than 15 seconds of their arrival they were in battle with the Luddite, who apparently had been coming from another direction while CHESS themselves who were nominally aware of the heroes abilities were unable to easily track them. I’m finding it pretty hard to believe based upon the past actions of the Luddite and the members of Vanguard that any one would truly believe that The Luddite was attacking Vanguard to save Silas Caine unless he was motivated somehow. In addition Cain was struck in the half light while Vanguard was battling a being built of shadows less than 30 seconds after they were supposedly no longer under the control of a villain so subtle he faked his own death and convinced everyone he no longer existed for 20 years. Though not a murder case this casts reasonable doubt on the legitimacy of their control of their actions, and I think I can safely assume that everyone here has heard of post hypnotic suggestion. Just one of a few things that can be brought to the courts or bargaining table depending upon how Agent Grey Wishes to handle it. And as far as Caine’s assertation that he would have no reason to destroy the Luddite if the Luddite was working for him, well if I was a criminal mastermind and someone could be captured or turned against me assuring his destruction before that happened would easily be on my ‘to do’ list. Besides I only prefer the courts to an out of court settlement simply because it is my hard earned taxes that pay for any settlement. However on a legal note perhaps we could settle for some things but not others for example if a taxi crashes into a house the owner of the house cannot charge breaking and entering to the passengers of the taxi. Same with the damage to the building, after all according to testimony SILAS CRANE SUGGESTED THE ACTIONS THAT LED TO THE DESTRUCTION OF HIS OFFICES, therefore he in essence gave assent to the damages.
Detective Archer’s theory on Skin Deep is this: “Morgue is the only link we have to Skin Deep. If I’m her, I’d get away from him as fast as possible. If I’m her, I’m in Mexico drinking margaritas on a beach right now, right Symbiote?” Inhuman thinks that if she/it is operating for Black Bat then he may have some plans for her that does not involve a vacation at this juncture.
Bat’s silver coffin is recovered. CHESS will take possession. Grey nixes Inhuman’s idea of an auction. “The winner will end up murdered. Auction house employees too possibly. I already got all the blood on my hands that I can handle.”
“not a problem Sir, some of the Ideas I get are a little crazy, but this might make for a trap for Black Bat when we think we are ready to try to sting him. Say, if we set up a fake internet auction (OOC: assuming such things exist) then have it won by one of our own in disguise. ”
Sentinel’s covert research on Sam Drake turns up nothing to explain his attitude toward extranormals.
Should this be shared Inhuman is of the opinion that CHESS is too complex to prevent or even desire uniformity, much like any college or university a wide variety of views are not only welcome but necessary.
Doc and Grey don’t detect listening devices or mind control. They want to know why Inhuman suspects such things. Doc Rocket is concerned to hear about the creatures, their possible relation to the Star Giant, and that Inhuman thinks they are planning an invasion. “Why do you think they altered you?” he asks.
Inhuman seems shocked for a minute, that anyone would question his fears when he realizes that they are just that, fear driven. “I… guess you could say” Inhuman begins as his concerns show plainly upon his face “that having been a prisoner I don’t really know what was going on, I guess you could say I took the worst case scenario and assumed that this was what could be going on.” Here inhuman still looks troubled “However some random comment in the sewers made me realize that I could have been created as a plant to harm CHESS/Vanguard or whoever I ended up working with against ‘them’. On the other hand my imprisonment could simply be the result of standard security for a research base and not an advanced military force I suppose. I guess I will have to go back and ask them more or less…. However it is a really really big ocean and I have no idea where to start the search. Perhaps the local planetarium would be a good place to start…” is Inhumans final external comment as he goes deep inside into his realm of thought.
Inhuman volunteers to act as a translator at a local aquarium. The fish ask Inhuman to release them!
Inhuman will spend some time checking this against many of individuals (i.e. is there a 100% consensus? Do they understand that in their situation they have a much longer lifespan. Do they care that they are at least increasing the surface world’s awareness of their habitat needs? Or do they simply desire freedom? Would some be willing to volunteer so that others may go free? And do they think that some in the natural world would be willing to change places with them?)
Sgt. Stone never met Aquon, and wasn’t sure that Aquon and Black Bat ever met, but said he heard Aquon was a big brawler. “Looks like you got yer work cut out for you, minnow.”
Inhuman was mortally embarrassed, he started looking up the exact quote so that he could figure out who was who….
…The Luddite concentrated and absorbed Lightning Strike into him! The electric avenger… …Sparks, like stars in spinning galaxies, swam… …hurled the sparking, unstable electrical power source at the Symbiote’s and Lightning Strike’s minds were conscious and floating in a black void. Neither was aware of the other. Neither could not see anything, not even their own body and were in fact not sure they still had one!... …standing where the Luddite had been were Symbiote and Lightning Strike! The Luddite was gone… …“All who oppose me will meet a similar fate. You’ve been warned!”… …Lightning Strike coolly took in the room and noted there were no computers… … Symbiote’s Harper Harness deactivated… “…In you I see Frostfire… the Human Dynamo… Storm Giant… Blazon… Nemesis… Tornado Man, All gone now.” Inhuman will take this list to Sgt. Stone and ask him to match it up with our team members, excluding Forester (OOC: who IIRC was not in BB’s Awareness at that moment, whoever he matches to myself I’ll ask if he knows how that person fights.)
Testing/research Priorities: Here is the list of ideas that just Scream out “Inhuman Seek out me”. Priority should be given to the top of the list over the bottom of the list, However should one be likely involved in an upcoming encounter (say, weather effects when going up against a supervillianess controlling the weather) that should get moved to the top of the list. I don’t really know which ones will be appropo given the “free” time I have however I will
Try to keep the list current adding more as they get conceived and subtracting as the get eliminated/investigated.
I will be researching criminal organizations Black Bat may be putting together, probably by putting together lists of criminals likely to be released soon that would be of interest to the BB. I Will ask around if there is a anti-gang squad in Big City, and if so who should I contact.
In addition I will be working on capturing part of a mostly invisible gas trying to prevent the reformation of Black Bat or possibly preventing his escape by capturing part of his gaseous essence in water bubbles. Not that I know whether or not this will work but it might be an idea of a way to stop or slow him.
I will research the wave breaking construction used in various parts of the world in order to break up waves that may be dangerous or harmful. After I find the information I need I will give a copy of the research to Sentinel and Symbiote with a note that this design may be useful in case of a real tidal wave we can influence. After all if the bomb idea exists then it may get out and we may be unable to do something about it in time, conversely real waves of such destructive power may occur and since we may be able to blunt the force of the attack before it does damage I think that it is better to research that idea before hand. If it is at all practical perhaps heading over to some sort of base Chess has or can borrow in California or Hawaii and spend some small time practicing wave breaking.
In the Silver Coffin Area there were lots of bodies in the area, have we been able to identify the deceased or can we make an attempt to identify the poor souls? In addition I will have an interest in seeing those interred in the least.
I was one of the people noting that the air was going bad, I will test to see if I could have helped preserve the air by breathing water and buying my fellows some additional time?
I will also see if I can control Water in all three of its states (solid, liquid & gas) as well as sense it. In addition I will be working on capturing part of a mostly invisible gas trying to prevent the reformation of Black Bat or possibly preventing his escape by capturing part of his gaseous essence in water bubbles. Not that I know whether or not this will work but it might be an idea of a way to stop or slow him.
I will also send a letter to one of my former acquaintances a former student of mine by the name of Hannah Goshawk that I was romantically involved with who has a lock of my hair from before my accident. I will inquire if she would be willing to allow me access to my DNA in order to have something to base my recovery upon I won’t directly describe the problem but be a bit obscure.
Can I create undirected but separate balls/ spheres to be tossed about (essentially creating spheres of water that are outside of my direct manipulation, but may be manipulated by others).
check with the National Weather Laboratory about the possible effects of the abilities I have to influence water vapor on local or small range weather effects (ie power Weather Control usage for instance and maybe reducing duration or effectiveness, possibly even as an absorption ability for later development).
Research into what would likely be the advantages and disadvantages of having no bones and a musculature system like a cephalopod in a humanoid?
-how little/much friction control can I generate?
- Can I detect the varying densities of gasses with my sonar?
Re: Where nanite is: Kirk is intrigued by this idea and would be a part of the conversation and assist in any way he can if Symbiote’s thinks it’s a possibility. Kirk would point out however that the space needed to store raw data versus the space needed to store an operating AI intelligence with self-awareness is normally two very very different things. But Symbiote would know how much computing space he built into the suit. It would seem unlikely that Nanite could have downloaded into the system and be using that space without it being pretty easily detectable. Another possibility would be that she downloaded and is actually totally ‘inactive’ or ‘nonsentient’ which at least wouldn’t take up computing space (ie exercising thought which would require processing versus just being present like Symbiote’s other raw data, even then it would seem like a lot a space would be required).
Kirk would also note that since Nanite’s examination of her physical form included WIFI capability, there is the possibility that if her consciousness was captured by Luddite and released in the battle she could have just hopped into a connection bouncing around the airwaves.
There is also the unfortunate possibility that Luddites attack on an AI life form (ie mechanical in nature) regarding consciousness might work differently than from an organic life form and Nanite might not have been present.
OOC. Nice catch on this. From the wording it definitely appears that Jeff could have been leaving us clues on this.
Sentinel wrote:OOC: Jeff, is Kirk’s ‘energy sense’ something he shares with Lancaster or is it something unique to Kirk’s manifestation of the Sentinel power? OOC GM Reply:It is unique to Kirk’s power somehow. Lancaster does not have this ability!
That’s great. Thanks. This means its something that Kirk has to come to terms with on his own. It also opens the way for future developments that even though Kirk inherited the gift, his destiny regarding it and understanding of it might be a journey different from Lancaster’s. Very cool and works along with long-term character development for Kirk that I thought as a possibility.
This does bring up an idea for me, what does everyone in Vanguard think about having Symbiote do analysises of the CHESS Castle prisoners?
I would think Kirk would have the strongest opinion on this based on previous character development. Kirk would only be strongly against it if it was done without the consent of the prisoners or against their will. Kirk would suggest that perhaps Chess could arrange for some leniency in the sentences of those that cooperate depending on their behavioral track record or perhaps some other non-threatening privileges being extended. Kirk would again emphasize to Symbiote the need to guard his research and his work and his concerns that what he intends to be used for good, be used for wrong. He would strongly be an advocate of the civil rights of the prisoners (and of everyone) regarding the right of choice. Guarding the civil liberties of those that perhaps don’t deserve them, guards the rights of those that do.
If you want Kirk to discuss any angles of this further, let me know, but I think you know where he stands. If this does move ahead, Kirk would likely try to be at your side both as a matter of interest and to be sure that abuses don’t begin (not from Symbiote, but from others involved with the process and reviewing your work). Although much of this would be beyond Kirk’s level of scientific expertise hopefully his computer acumen would help with some of it and he would want to get an understanding of things as best he can since it seems to tie in with his understanding of some of his own abilities also.
Same with the damage to the building, after all according to testimony SILAS CRANE SUGGESTED THE ACTIONS THAT LED TO THE DESTRUCTION OF HIS OFFICES, therefore he in essence gave assent to the damages
Kirk would smile at the logic of the argument and nod his head in agreement. Very good line of reasoning on this which he couldn’t refute since his attorneys were playing up the idea that it was his plan that allowed for the defeat of the Luddite, so in essence, he was the one that orchestrated the destruction of the property. Nice!
Just more ammo for our side in the argument, that Caine was working with The Luddite and Slingshot was marginally in the right to slug him. J However if we turned over LS’s research to Archer as a part of a Share-share plan he may be able to do a little follow up himself in certain areas, or provide a differing angle/line of thought that may shed more light on the deep dank smelly underbelly of Big City.
I would just point out that although the players know about Strike’s actions, the characters do not. They have no idea of Strike’s research, involvement, or background with Caine other than the few sentences forced out while under the control of the Bat. He has not shared any info in character nor has anyone confronted him about it. Kirk’s last discussion with him before leaving was the closest to it thus far and Tony hasn’t indicated that Strike even voiced a reply. And per Strike’s prior personality traits and actions, I’d be surprised if he does now.
I think you also posted some suggestions about his new Sparks McGee persona. I think this too, is totally unknown to the rest of Vanguard at this point, and goes along with the lone wolf, dark knight type persona Tony has played for Strike. At least that’s the way that I’ve read Strike’s actions. If I’ve misinterpreted it in the game, then please do let me know.
Sentinel’s covert research on Sam Drake turns up nothing to explain his attitude toward extranormals.
Should this be shared Inhuman is of the opinion that CHESS is too complex to prevent or even desire uniformity, much like any college or university a wide variety of views are not only welcome but necessary.
This goes back towards when the heroes met Drake and their interaction with him, so to clarify what is going on here: Kirk picked up that Drake displays a prejudice towards the heroes. It isn’t a difference of opinion on things. He apparently has a problem with people with powers and treats them differently because of it. Kirk has been trying to determine the reason for it and is trying to give Drake reason to overcome that prejudice, in other words, don’t prejudge a being just because he happened to be gifted with powers. Drake is ever the professional in getting the job done and tolerates extranormals, but clearly has a dislike for them.
In fact, Kirk would pay special attention to how he treats Inhuman and the other heroes to see if things are any different with them since Inhuman had this forced on him and it seems that Symbiote is human with scientific based powers. He’d expect him to treat Symbiote without prejudice since the Harper Harness, although obviously much more powerful, could simply be viewed like the Chess Knights armor by him, but Inhuman has these abilities himself.
Perhaps Jeff can let us know if Kirk gets to notice any such interactions and if Inhuman or Symbiote notice it so they can come to their own conclusions. Any way it goes, its nothing Kirk would discuss or bring to anyone's attention.
Kirk’s research on Drake wouldn’t be shared or mentioned and he has not voiced his concerns to anyone. He is trying to understand why Drake is the way he is in his efforts to help him overcome his prejudice.
Kirk would try to help anyone overcome prejudice or ignorance in its various forms just because of who he is, and all the more so when that prejudice is displayed by persons with authority.
“…In you I see Frostfire… the Human Dynamo… Storm Giant… Blazon… Nemesis… Tornado Man, All gone now.” Inhuman will take this list to Sgt. Stone and ask him to match it up with our team members, excluding Forester (OOC: who IIRC was not in BB’s Awareness at that moment, whoever he matches to myself I’ll ask if he knows how that person fights.)
OOC: This doesn’t appear to be directed at or around Kirk and certainly Inhuman takes the comments however you determine him to, but Kirk took them to mean that the Bat saw in the heroes the same naiveness (ie. in terms of seeing the world, and how it really worked, and in wanting to be true ‘heroes’ and such) of his fellow Freedom Force members rather than a physical comparison of powers or fighting styles. He then spoke about him outlasting/out waiting them to be gone which would add to that interpretation.
Either way though, I just wanted to say that I can’t wait to read Sgt Stone’s reply to Inhuman on this one. It would be especially funny if Stone was having a bad day, or if he has just hoisted a few and let down even his likely low level for social niceties. Now that makes for good comics J
Thanks to all for the posts! Hope the weekend was a good one.
Inhuman spotting Kairos in training heads across the gym and waits until the Grecian Guardian pauses in his workout. During the presumably short wait Inhuman seems mentally distracted. “Hmmm… Kairos have you considered the advantages of carrying wooden escrima sticks around in case we wander into an encounter with Black Bat again?” (reply?)
(Disclaimer: None of this is meant to offend so don't be sticks in the mud.)Kairos crouches down, sweat trickling from his brow, while he considers Inhuman's question (OOC: Jeff...does this world have "Sponge Bob" on TV? I've been thinking of Inhuman as Squidward ever since he was introduced.).
"Inhuman...I think that we'll likely have plenty of wood around wherever and whenever we might encounter him. If it really comes down to it, I don't think that I'll have a benefit from carrying extra wooden weapons around all the time. Not a bad idea, in a lot of ways, but I don't see the benefit in the long term. I've been thinking that, in a further encounter with him, that we need to pool abilities and see what effect we can have on him."
John stands and grabs a towel to dry his face and head. Inhuman notes, oddly, that Kairos is proportioned as if carved by an artist. It actually stands out a little because most people DON'T have such proportions..."I'm really thinking that we need to be training in our "off" time as a team and working up some team-oriented maneuvers for combat. I think that we can get some synergies out of it. So far, we've been mostly fighting as individuals."
"Think about it. Sentinel traps Black Bat in a malleable force bubble while you've got half a dozen wooden stakes soaked in holy water in the bubble trying to stab him in the heart or something like that. Who knows? I've also been wondering if Forester's archery skill would translate over to using Slingshot as a "bowstring" while Slingshot himself used his strength to support some heavy weight to be launched at a foe in that manner. In regard to carrying extra equipment, have you considered carrying some bladders filled with water, like Camelbaks or something, so that you always have a readily-available weapon? For that matter, can you control water to the extent to make high-pressure waterjets to cut things or make weapons? Can you make armor out of water? Can you make yourself and others "fly" using your control over the water in their bodies? Could you weaken a foe by pulling water from their bodies? Maybe Black Bat wouldn't be quite as tough without any blood in him."
Kairos walks toward the showers, expecting Inhuman to keep pace as he speaks."I think we've got a lot of potential but I think we've also got a long way to go. While I guess you could say that we "won" against Mercenary and his people, we really didn't. I know that Mercenary fled but he was looking at ensuring his ability to come back. If he had turned on us, I don't think that we were in any shape, even as a group, to beat him. No, Inhuman...we've been lucky. We need to be GOOD."
In the locker room John begins to strip down, seemingly unembarassed by any nudity taboo. He keeps talking as he enters the showers..."We've got Sentinel, who is certainly a heroic figure but who normally acts as a Lone Ranger. Pretty speeches are fine but idealism doesn't beat your enemy. I think he misses the moment, sometimes. I'd love to see him use his powers to divide up our enemies...encase them in bubbles or walls or something...so that the rest of us can concentrate on other foes. Divide and conquer, y'know. I need to talk to him some more to get a better feel for him. He's really sort of an odd duck. Reminds me of a paladin from my youth spent playing Dungeons & Dragons. Not sure that his personal code is always the best answer. I'm not sure that he's totally decided that he's a part of the group or a solo hero who happens to have some other guys with him."
"We've got Lightning Strike, who I think is just kinda mean and troubled. It's a good thing that he's a smart guy 'cause I think he'd just be a thug, otherwise. With his abilities, he needs to be blasting people all the time. I know that's simplified but he has the power to do it and it's effective. He doesn't need to be in close combat to do it and he can sit back and do damage where needed. Makes me wonder, too...could he go into some of your water and be used as an electrically-charged missile? Could you make mist in the air around an enemy group and have him deliver a shock through it to all of them?"
"Slingshot seems like a good guy. This seems like playtime to him. Hell, I guess if I were an invulnerable elastic strongman, it would seem more like a game to me, too. Except for that whole thing with burning so easily. That would suck. Another reason for you to try and keep an eye on him in combat to aid him with water if someone else sets him on fire. I'd love to see us come up with some tactics using his elasticity. Like the archery thing I mentioned earlier. I wonder how much it would hurt someone if Symbiote had Slingshot's powers and was launched by Slingshot at someone? The invulnerability and elasticity would let Symbiote shrug off the damage, at least in part, but the foe wouldn't have that benefit."
John finishes his brief shower and begins drying off, a little uneasy in the thought that Inhuman might see fit to help him. That would be a little TOO personal a use of powers....
"Symbiote seems like another good one. I think he's just thrilled to be consorting with supers. He doesn't yet realize that he's not consorting with supers...he IS one, and a powerful one, at that. There's nothing that others can do that he can't, for the most part...and he's got the intellect to do MORE with their powers than many of them can. As I understand it, his harness can't store powers but, if he ever got it to the point where it could store them, even a few, to use later, he would REALLY come into his own. As it is now, I kinda consider him the most powerful member of Vanguard. Doubling up the powers in the team of Slingshot or Lightning Strike or Sentinel REALLY helps in combat."
"We've got YOU, too. I think your powers are of great benefit and you have a lot of potential to help but I know that you're not all that comfortable with them. I'm no scientist so I can't help you in any scientific way, but I CAN be of moral support. You've got it in you to be as much of a hero as any of the others if not more so. My biggest concern with you is that we might end up with no water around other than what is in our enemies and they might be strong enough or tough enough that you can't do much with them. I think that trickery rather than brute force might be your forte. No water, or too much water, in the eyes...dehydration...high-pressure waterjets...saturated objects projected with force...those kind of things. Not that you have to listen to me, of course, but just tossing ideas out."
"Forester is another really effective guy. Smart and intuitive. Of everyone, he seems to make some of the best snap decisions in a fight. I need to speak with him some more. I don't know everything that he can do or what sort of arrows he has. We might all dream up things and see if CHESS or Symbiote can provide more types of arrows to him. Not sure on that score. I might be picking up his bow and using his arrows if he ever gets put down, so I need to familiarize myself with it."
John begins putting on clothing but hesitates."You want to go out and get something to eat? If so, I'll dress up in costume and we can go somewhere. Can't really go out in public with you as myself if I want to keep a secret identity."
"Finally, we've got me. I questioned my place for a while because I'm not super-strong and don't shoot energy beams or control the primal energies of the universe or anything but I realized that I've got a lot of things going for me that others don't. While I didn't do a lot of damage in the fight with Mercenary and HFH, I kept Penumbra out of the fight and THAT counts for a huge amount. I'm pretty resistant to the influence of others, too, and I think that helped out some in later fights and when Black Bat tried his mind control trick. I've got a few tricks up my sleeve, too, that might be of benefit. Chance seems to favor me...or I pick the right time to do things...and I'll play some risks that others might not and succeed where others might fail. That might be an edge that really counts when the chips are down.""Speaking of chips...do you eat fish? Lots of good places to go.""We need to game out scenarios and have some plans in place. It might also be a good thing to pair people up in fighting teams so that we've always got someone watching out back."
OOC: Certainly willing for any metas currently incarcerated.
1) To Inhuman: Hal responds to the request for help. "You sure you want to do this? It's gonna be a lot of poking and prodding and questions," Symbiote says with a grin. "The possible genetic samples from prior to your transformation will be very helpful. Let's go down to the lab and get to work."
2) To Slingshot: When the news is broken about Scott's remarkably unusual physiology, Hal attempts to be encouraging. "Really, Scott, I wouldn't worry about a thing," Symbiote says. "I've assumed your powers and your physiology a few times now. You're different, yes, but not less of a man or a hero. In fact, you're quite a bit more than human in many respects. We'll monitor you for further changes, of course, but I think you've got a full life ahead of you. All your senses work fine. You're intelligent and, as near as I can tell, well adjusted. I assume that...other physiological responses work just fine also." At this, Symbiote briefly glances at Nanite's intert form. "In this strictest sense I suppose you're not entirely human. But you know what? Neither is she. Once we get her repaired--and we will--I suspect you'll have lots in common."
3) Concerning Nanite: Upon hearing Inhuman's suggestion about his equipment possibly being a repository for Nanite's consciousness, Hal will immediately run a diagnosis both on the Harper Harness and on the computer in the lab at the university where he keeps the downloaded telemetry. If she appears to be "in there" we'll go from there. If not, Hal asks to meet specifically with Doc Rocket, Slingshot and Sentinel as well as any other team members who wish to be present. "Well, gentlemen, we appear to be at a crossroads, Some things we should consider before deciding about rebooting Nanite," he says.
"First, no decision has to be made immediately. An advantage of her android form is that she's not going to deteriorate physically while we wait. If we want to give Sentinel's internet beacon more time to work, that's a possibility.
"Second: There are two beings alive who might know more about Nanite, might be able to give us clues. One is Dr. Swaztika, wherever he is. Even if we knew how to find him I don't think he'd be very helpful, so that's out. The other is the Star Giant. From what I read of that case, the being was 'host' for Swaztika and all of his captives. It may know things about Nanite that could be pretty helpful, and Sentinel, you had some rudimentary success in communicating with it if I understood the case logs correctly. If we try to locate the being and communicate with it again it could give us some answers, both about Nanite and Inhuman's condition as well.
"Since the Star Giant may be impossible or impractical to locate, our last option will be to reboot her. If we do it I recommend we gather what little information we do have about her and have it ready in case she wakes up with total amnesia--every bit of videotape, every conversation anyone can remember, everything. Maybe we can help her piece together what she was, as well as helping her become what she wants to be."
Hal continues, looking straight at Slingshot. "But ultimately, I don't think this is my decision. Or even yours, Doc," he says, indicating the venerable scientist. "Scott here was her friend. From what I've read and what everybody has told me and from the way you were practically standing around handing me and Doc instruments all the time we've been working on her, it's pretty clear you're the one who cares about her the most. You're the one who made an effort to reach out to her, to understand her, to teach her humanity. The way I see it, that makes you the closest thing we have to a next-of-kin in this situation.
"So the biggest, most important question is...what do you want us to do, Scott?"
4) To Kairos: Hal will genially chat with the Aegean Avenger after gym sessions, gracefully accept any pointers he wants to offer and probably drop by his bookstore in his secret identity at some point.
5) To Shelly: (OOC: Jeff, I'm making a few assumptions about what you might have planned for Shelly. If my assumptions are wrong just ignore this segment).
Hal watched his sister admiring the Harper Harness with a gleam in here eyes. He knew what that meant--trouble.
"Forget it," Hal said sharply.
"What...forget what?" Shelly asked.
"Forget IT. You're not putting it on. You're not going out there to save the world. You're not risking your life. No. Way." Hal said.
"Now WAIT A MINUTE," Shelly snapped defensively. "Why is it OK for you but not me?"
"For one thing, it's my harness!" Hal said, his voice rising. "I've appreciated all your help with it, but it's my work. Secondly it's too damn dangerous! Weren't you listening when I told you about my past few days? I've been shot, clawed, drugged, 'death touched,' absorbed by an anti-technology phantom. My bruises have bruises. Once we're done here I'm sleeping for a week. It's too dangerous! If something happened to you Dad would never forgive me."
"Oh, but it's OK for YOU to go out there and risk life and limb, is that it?" Shelly shouted, getting more and more angry. "But not me, huh? Listen, another copy of that harness could be made. I put a lot of time and work into it myself. Or I might have an idea of my own, you know. Did you ever think of that? You're not the only one in the family with a brain, and you're not the only one who grew up listening to Dad and Hank talk about how great it was to have a job that let them help others!"
Hal calmed his voice, trying to take it down a notch. "Shelly, listen. I've already decided I'm going to tell Doc Rocket my real identity," he said. (OOC: Hal will do this, regardless of how things play out with Shelly or even if Jeff decides this conversation didn't happen at all). "Once I do I'll ask him to help get you a job as a lab tech for CHESS, either on the helicarrier or at Vanguard headquarters. It's exciting work, Shel, with amazing challenges and state of the art equipment. With your brain you'd be a real asset. But you can't do this!" he said, gesturing towards the Harness. "One of us risking our life is enough."
Shelly folded her arms, her mouth set in determination. "Do what you want, big brother," she said. She then turned to adjust the computer, taking further readings from the Harness.
Hal sighed. He'd pick up a bottle of Excedrin on the way home, a big one. He had the impression a new headache was about to move into his life.
6) Concerning Hank Archer: Like almost every fight the squabbling siblings ever had, the argument about the Harness blew over a day or so later, and Hal and Shelly had lunch the following week. Hal voiced his concern about the strange behavior of Hank Archer, fearful that the detective knew Hal's secret. Shelly helped him put it in perspective.
"I wouldn't sweat it, Hal," she said as she finished up her pizza. "If you think about it, there are three possibilities. One: He doesn't know anything. Two: He suspects but isn't sure. Three: He knows,
"If he doesn't know, no problem," Shelly continued, ticking off the possibilities on her fingers. "If he just suspects your best bet is to play it cool, don't feed his suspicions any further. But if it's number three, if he does know..well, I could think of a lot worse people in this world to know your secret than Hank Archer. He's one of the most honest men we know and Dad's best friend to boot. He's not going to endanger your secret and he's not going to say anything to Dad to make him worry."
Shelly stopped. "Of course, there's a fourth possibility,"
"What's that?" Hal asked.
"That Hank knows, and that he's preparing papers to have you committed for your own good. That he now realizes that you're an idiot, that you've always been an idiot, and--Hey!" Shelly broke off, giggling, as Hal threw a piece of pizza crust at her from across the table.
7) CHESS castle: As I indicated earlier, Hal is willing to do analyses of all the incarcerated metas at CHESS castle. Unless there's a pressing emergency, however--a kidnapping case that where the abductee is still missing and can only be located if we knew more about the abductor's super powers, for example, or a split personality villain who could possibly be reformed if his "evil personality's" powers were removed--Hal will give this project low priority. His research plate is already pretty full.
I think that covers everything. Looking forward to the next issue!
Best regards,
Forester responds to Inhuman. "Funny you should ask. Developing a garlic arrow is one of the top items on my list."
OOC: This is all true. Jeff had suggested an explosive arrow when I was creating Forester, but I turned it down because I didn't think it fit his motif. I've mentioned to Jeff already that Forester is planning to add a garlic and silver-tipped arrow. These are advancements that will have to wait until the archer reaches 3rd level. –js
Better a full medical exam than standing around waiting for the changes to happen." Inhuman gives a sick grin "besides, the more minds the merrier!"
To the Harper Hero: "
OOC: In Character this is inhuman spreading one idea each for Kairos and Forester, the rest though technically NPC/PC intereactions may be of interest to the rest of team and n some cases are opinions not readily expressed unless Inhuman is asked about the subjects. Have fun!
Inhuman to Kairos:Kairos crouches down, sweat trickling from his brow, while he considers Inhuman's question (OOC: Jeff...does this world have "Sponge Bob" on TV? I've been thinking of Inhuman as Squidward ever since he was introduced.).
(OOC: LOL, now I can use my fave line from the first movie "You can't fool me... I Listen to N.P.R.", but the nose is more beak or eagle like I have only two legs and there are still hands. Other comments in parenthensis are stuff ill bring up in the restauraunt)
"Inhuman...I think that we'll likely have plenty of wood around wherever and whenever we might encounter him. If it really comes down to it, I don't think that I'll have a benefit from carrying extra wooden weapons around all the time. Not a bad idea, in a lot of ways, but I don't see the benefit in the long term. I've been thinking that, in a further encounter with him, that we need to pool abilities and see what effect we can have on him."
"I seemed to notice that when I was feinting with my water blast you guys appeared to have a better chance to hit him, could just be coincidences..." here Inhuman seems to go to an imaginary place for a few seconds "But, if we came up with a way to rotate out who was feinting and who was not, it might be an effective manuver with a team versus an Evasive combatant. "Can you make armor out of water? Can you make yourself and others "fly" using your control over the water in their bodies? Could you weaken a foe by pulling water from their bodies? Maybe Black Bat wouldn't be quite as tough without any blood in him."
(Inhuman thinks he knows the answers to most of these questions, but Carrying around water is both mass and weight intensive, Water defense (which is armor like enough for my purposes) requires 100# of water. I mentioned using high pressure water jets for cutting objects like a saw to G. M. FOOM as a part of our escape from the collapsed area last adventure. I Don't think "flight/hovering" is possible, but perhaps throwing others is possible as well as a swimming aid. Perhaps the next time we meet old Black Bat i'll Axe him that very Question about his hydration needs. However non water is a tougher issue for me to deal with perhaps later I can remove all the actual blood and not just water supports. But I may just take control of a dying persons "humors" and move them as needed without even a heart beat to save lives so long as someone can get oxygen into the lungs.) Kairos walks toward the showers, expecting Inhuman to keep pace as he speaks.
(If Kairos showers Inhuman will rinse off since he probably showers 3 times per day, approximately every 8 hours.)No, Inhuman...we've been lucky. We need to be GOOD."
Inhuman nods here "Read the report, but of course i wasn't there"In the locker room John begins to strip down, seemingly unembarassed by any nudity taboo. He keeps talking as he enters the showers...
(Inhuman though not embarassed does turn his back just to avoid any others from assuming an "interest")Could you make mist in the air around an enemy group and have him deliver a shock through it to all of them?"
(According to research, controlled water 'helps' electricity just like in the real world) (At the restauraunt Inhuman will point out that some of the elements and chemicals used these days burn hotter when exposed to water, so unless Inhuman knows what is going on with Slingshot he will be hesitant to just douse him, perhaps grabbing something to try to smother the flames [with or without his powers] on the other hand perhaps some of it can be knocked off so if he was in mono a mono combat knocking the flames off of him and onto his opponent may work.) John finishes his brief shower and begins drying off, a little uneasy in the thought that Inhuman might see fit to help him. That would be a little TOO personal a use of powers....
(a little TOO personal from side also)Not that you have to listen to me, of course, but just tossing ideas out."
(I won't adjust the water levels of an opponents eyes unless i feel there is no other way to stop him, [much like Superman's lazer lobotomy ability can and will are two different things] or other killing/debilitating attacks, Morgue was a regrettable decision but being near death and outnumbered.... left us no choice). "I have exceptional senses and good defenses, if we need a marching order I'll probably volunteer for rearguard since I might have the best chance of being 'unambsuhable' and dealing with the effects of the attack." "You want to go out and get something to eat? If so, I'll dress up in costume and we can go somewhere. Can't really go out in public with you as myself if I want to keep a secret identity."
"Sure I'll go somewhere as long as you can find good seafood, nothing else sits right in my stomach these days.""Speaking of chips...do you eat fish? Lots of good places to go."
" 'Lead on Macduff' "Inhuman grandly gestures as he quotes Shakespear "I'm from California, you are closer to being local than I am, after a while ill let you know where i like and we'll decide from there." However Inhumans grin seems a little too shark-like for a brief second. "We need to game out scenarios and have some plans in place. It might also be a good thing to pair people up in fighting teams so that we've always got someone watching out back."
"I'm not that tactical, but perhaps synergeitic teams so that someone can rotate to another if combat dictates otherwise, I may cover Slingshot most of the time, but I may also help Lightning Strike for the occasional grounding purposes." Inhuman pauses here "It will make it harder and easier for Symbiote if we do this. The rest will be more flexible while Symbiote will be challenged to keep up with the teamwork." (OOC: Jeff this is something I will begin on: since I can detect water through objects I will start determining hydration levels of not only Vanguard but the named members of CHESS & Support (Sam Drake, Grey, Doc Rocket Sargent Stone etc...) if there is a dramatic change (say Sargent Stone goes from 0% to 20%,) I will probably begin investigating looking for odd behavior. Same goes for my Electro-encephalgraphic and Sonar senses, if something seems to be out of place for the people I usually run into then I will start trying to follow up.
"According to their own debriefing, Vanguard had in fact come to Caine with the intent to kill him. Also, the only information that suggests Caine is a ganglord comes from Lightning Strike who, according to his own testimony, was hypnotized when he offered it. And Slingshot attacked Caine. No. This can't ever go to court. We should settle and sweep it all under the rug."
Scott managed to look quite contrite, "I want to apologize to the team. I don't think that I fully understood the position we would be in when I landed that one punch." With that he slunk down in his chair.
When Doc, Symbiote and Scott begin their complete workup of Scott, they discover that Slingshot's "lungs" do not process oxygen. Somehow, his entire body is drawing oxygen! His heart isn't pumping black blood, but it is beating. X-rays clearly show a brain, but the EKG shows no activity!
Taken aback, Doc Rocket theorizes that Scott's transformation is more dramatic than originally expected. He is likely closer in biology to a one-celled organism who is clinging to the memory of humanity. Scott's moldable body is subconsciously replicating human anatomy and functions as best as it's able, because Scott still thinks he is human. But his facsimile organs do not work!
Doc Rocket breaks the news as compassionately as possible.
As he heard the news, his usually smiling face grew dark. He looked down at his fists and started playing with them, making different shapes and sizes. The moment stretched into a minute. Harper felt the need to fill the void.
When the news is broken about Scott's remarkably unusual physiology, Hal attempts to be encouraging. "Really, Scott, I wouldn't worry about a thing," Symbiote says. "I've assumed your powers and your physiology a few times now. You're different, yes, but not less of a man or a hero. In fact, you're quite a bit more than human in many respects. We'll monitor you for further changes, of course, but I think you've got a full life ahead of you. All your senses work fine. You're intelligent and, as near as I can tell, well adjusted. I assume that...other physiological responses work just fine also." At this, Symbiote briefly glances at Nanite's intert form. "In this strictest sense I suppose you're not entirely human. But you know what? Neither is she. Once we get her repaired--and we will--I suspect you'll have lots in common."
Scott's facial _expression turned to concern. He visibly put his personal misgivings aside at the mention of Nanite. "I doubt it. Forget about me. I'm still here. What can we do about her?"
Concerning Nanite: Assuming the Harness isn't hiding Nanite.
Hal continues, looking straight at Slingshot. "But ultimately, I don't think this is my decision. Or even yours, Doc," he says, indicating the venerable scientist. "Scott here was her friend. From what I've read and what everybody has told me and from the way you were practically standing around handing me and Doc instruments all the time we've been working on her, it's pretty clear you're the one who cares about her the most. You're the one who made an effort to reach out to her, to understand her, to teach her humanity. The way I see it, that makes you the closest thing we have to a next-of-kin in this situation.
"So the biggest, most important question is...what do you want us to do, Scott?"
He guffaws, "I was only beginning to know her. While I would love to see her back with us, I think we owe it to her to exhaust the other venues, at least for a while. I'm very reluctant in rebooting her."With the help of Doc Rocket and Symbiote, he attempted to understand his condition. He started playing with his body much more than before. Part of the experiments were quite painful. His high durability was a hindrance to proper studying his body, so they kept a slight gash open on his arm. According to the Doc's hypothesis, he was closer to a one-celled organism than a human being. He was made mostly of tar-like substance. He hadn't been in a lab in ages, but his knowledge of chemistry was nothing of scoff at and he might as well do something instead of being a lab rat. He started to enjoy it again. He studied the composition of petroleum and compared it to his own. He noticed it's closeness.He was manipulating a jar from a distance and wasn't paying proper attention. He shattered the jar contained more of the goop he was studying against a cabinet. Most of the content spilled all over him. To his surprise, he went looked down to see that his body was in fact absorbing the petroleum compound where ever it was touching it. He passed his hand over all the remaining goop and it was absorbed too. He also noticed that the gash wasn't there anymore. It had regenerated itself!He told his scientific friends his discovery. It was the first time that this ever occurred. Since the accident, he has rarely been hurt, much less be in the presence of petroleum compounds and hurt simultaneously. All three experimented on his newfound abilities.
OOC Replies:
Symbiote, the conversation between Hal and Shelly happened just how you wrote it. Nice.
Kairos wrote: Jeff...does this world have "Sponge Bob" on TV? I've been thinking of Inhuman as Squidward ever since he was introduced.).
GM Reply: Across all the multiverse, in every parallel dimension, Spongebob is the one constant.
Forester wrote: Are you saying that Forester might have been bitten by the mysterious creature that was spotted by the Renaissance Faire on the day he met Marksman, many moons ago?
GM Reply: Yes. The nature of the attack (bite vs. claws) seemed inconsequential at the time so nothing was made of it, until the recent contact with a lycanthrope.
Forester wrote: When I posted an origin story flashback (not sure the issue, I think it was around the time Aryan kicked Forester on the Star-ship), I didn't recall that Fred Knobel was actually injured by the animal-monster. If he was wounded at the time (and just doesn't remember all of the facts clearly), that's fine.
GM Reply: Thanks. You had a flashback in Issue 18 while fighting Aryan but it was a flashback to a bank robbery, not the Renaissance Faire encounter. If you locate the other flashback, please forward it to me, so I can make sure I’m not rewriting official history. Thanks!
Forester wrote: Forester would like to spend time researching CHESS records to see if CHESS or members of Freedom Force ever encountered were-animals, and if any lycanthropic heroes or villains (other than Hyena have been identified) either at large or in captivity.
GM Reply: Surprisingly, the FF never fought a werewolf or a lycanthrope. (Tony, keep me honest here). None are known to be at large or in captivity.
Forester wrote: The same holds for vampires. Other than Black Bat, are there any known vampires at large or in CHESS Castle?
GM Reply: None!
Sentinel wrote: Also, we may have done this when Kirk first manifested his new nuance of his energy perception, but among the heroes and supporting characters what are their auras (you may have given me some of this and I’m simply not remembering, sorry).
OOC GM Reply:
It was way back in issue 29!
“While on the CHESS Omni-Carrier, he employed this ‘energy sense.’ He found no levels of intensity. Subjects read as either normal or extranormal. Results:
Agent Sam Drake: Normal
Doc Rocket: Extranormal
Director Grey: Normal”
New requests:
Detective Hank Archer: Normal
Symbiote: Normal
Inhuman: Inhuman will spend some time checking this against many of individuals (i.e. is there a 100% consensus? Do they understand that in their situation they have a much longer lifespan. Do they care that they are at least increasing the surface world’s awareness of their habitat needs? Or do they simply desire freedom? Would some be willing to volunteer so that others may go free? And do they think that some in the natural world would be willing to change places with them?)
GM Reply: The fish are not intelligent enough to grasp all of these concepts. They want out, even the dolphins. They were not meant to live like this. Skray, the most intelligent male dolphin asks Inhuman, “Would you elect imprisonment if it would increase the world’s awareness of you?”
Inhuman wrote: Jeff this is something I will begin on: since I can detect water through objects I will start determining hydration levels of not only Vanguard but the named members of CHESS & Support (Sam Drake, Grey, Doc Rocket Sargent Stone etc...) if there is a dramatic change (say Sargent Stone goes from 0% to 20%,) I will probably begin investigating looking for odd behavior.
GM Reply: Cool. Will alert you to changes.
Inhuman wrote: Testing/research Priorities: Here is the list of ideas that just Scream out “Inhuman Seek out me”. Priority should be given to the top of the list over the bottom of the list…
OOC GM Reply: Thanks. Inhuman gets going on this.
CHESS has access to a research station in Hawaii and Easter Island.
Hannah Goshawk returns the lock of hair wondering why you want it back.
Mollusks without skeletons have less body mass, can squeeze their bodies into tiny spaces, can bend without fear of broken bones.
Hey Jeff, Forester's flashback was in Issue 19. I remember that Forester was investigating reports of a strange creature, and was basically rescued by Marksman, but I didn't know he was every struck by the monster-animal.James